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WorldShare Record Manager release notes, October 2024


Release Date: October 17, 2024


This release of WorldShare Record Manager provides four new features and enhancements for the Saved - In Progress file. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • The ability to apply and preview constant data to a record in the Saved - In Progress file
  • Constant data can be derived from a record in the Saved - In Progress file
  • You can now set WorldCat Holdings from a record in the Saved - In Progress file
  • A record in the Saved - In Progress file can be sent to a label print list

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

Apply and preview constant data to a record in the Saved - In Progress file

You can now either directly apply a constant data record to a record in the Saved - In Progress file or preview the record and the default constant data record before you apply the constant data record. 

Both options are available under Record / Bibliographic Constant Data.


Apply default constant data to a record in the Saved - In Progress file

You can apply your default constant data record to a record in the Saved - In Progress file by expanding the Record menu and then selecting "Apply Default Constant Data" from the Bibliographic Constant Data flyout.  Clicking this option will apply data from the constant data record that you marked as Default in the Toolbox to the Saved - In Progress file record.


You can view the fields that were added or updated in the success message at the top of the page.



Apply and preview constant data to a record in the Saved - In Progress file

You can apply and preview a constant data record to a record in the Saved - In Progress file by expanding the Record menu and then selecting "Apply and Preview Constant Data" from the Bibliographic Constant Data flyout. 



Clicking this option will display both the Saved - In Progress file record and the constant data record that you marked as Default in the Toolbox side-by-side.
You can choose any other constant data record from the dropdown list above the records. Also, choose which data fields from the constant data record you wish to apply to the current record from the second dropdown.


Click on "Apply Constant Data" after you select the constant data record and the field options you want to use. After the constant data record is applied to your Saved - In Progress file record you can view the fields that were added or changed in the success message on top of the page as seen under Apply Constant Data Record.

Derive constant data from a record in the Saved - In Progress file

You can now use a Saved - In Progress file record to derive a new constant data record.  Expand the Record menu and select "Derive" from the Bibliographic Constant Data flyout; a dialog allows you to choose which fields you wish to transfer to the new constant data record.


Clicking "Transfer" will take you to the Toolbox / Constant Data Record Editor where you can edit the derived record or save it as a new constant data record.


Set WorldCat Holdings from a record in the Saved - In Progress file

You can now set a WorldCat holding from a record in the Saved - In Progress file. Expand the Record menu for a record that has an OCLC number and is not yet held by your library. Select the "Set WorldCat Holding" option. The corresponding WorldCat record will display as held by your library.


Note: This option is only available if your library has not enabled the WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels functionality (see documentation).

Send a record in the Saved - In Progress file to a label print list

You can now send a record in the Saved - In Progress file to a label print list. Expand the Record menu and select Label Print List from the "Send to" flyout menu.

This action will send the current record to a label print list; in case you have multiple label print lists a dialog will pop up and allow you to select the one you wish to use from a list.


Important links

Post-release sessions

To help you become familiar with the new features, the following pre-recorded video is available: Record Manager Release Overview Session, 17 October 2024. It's also available in the Community Center.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: