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OCLC Support

WorldShare Record Manager release notes, November 2024


Release Date: November 21, 2024


This release of WorldShare Record Manager provides 7 bug fixes:

  • MARC field help links for some fields didn't point to the correct page
  • Saved - In Progress records that are "submitted for review" could not be opened
  • Results under the "Other Records Linked to Work" accordion didn't display beyond page 1
  • A wrong MARC organization code was added to the 040 field when replacing authority records from the Saved - In Progress file
  • Field and text strings could not be edited or deleted if the string name contained special characters
  • LHRs were not exported correctly when using an export format for exporting both bibliographic and local holding records
  • Update to Cataloging Simplified and Cataloging Basic role behavior

Bug fixes

MARC field help links for some fields didn't point to the correct page

The MARC field help links for the 341, 647, 758, and 788 fields now take you to the correct page in Bibliographic Standards and Formats. Previously clicking on the help links for these fields pointed to the general page of BFAS.

Saved - In Progress records that are "submitted for review" could not be opened

You can now open and edit Saved - In Progress records that have been submitted for review to your institution. Previously trying to open records with such a status resulted in an error message.

Results under the "Other Records Linked to Work" accordion didn't display beyond page 1

You can now scroll through all pages when viewing the list of records under the "Other Records Linked to Work" accordion. Previously all pages beyond the first one could not be properly displayed.

A wrong MARC organization code was added to the 040 field when replacing authority records from the Saved - In Progress file

When replacing records in the authority Saved - In Progress file, the MARC organization code you selected as default in your User Preferences will now be added to the 040 field. Previously - when your institution had multiple MARC organization codes - the one that appeared first in the selection list was added.

Field and text strings could not be edited or deleted if the string name contained special characters

Field and text strings can now be edited or deleted correctly if they contain special characters. When creating new strings, the system will now prevent you from entering invalid characters. Previously you were able to create strings, but when trying to edit or delete them an error was returned.

LHRs were not exported correctly when using an export format for exporting both bibliographic and local holding records

You can now export bibliographic and local holdings records when using an export format that includes LHRs and you will also see the correct name and format of an export list in the list of export lists. Previously export formats that included LHR data were not displayed correctly and LHR data was missing in the export file.

Update to Cataloging Simplified and Cataloging Basic role behavior

If the Cataloging Simplified and Cataloging Basic are assigned with other Cataloging roles (for example Cataloging Admin or Cataloging Full), the fuller Cataloging roles will now be applied. The recommendation remains that the Cataloging Simplified and Cataloging Basic roles should only be assigned to users that should be limited to the simplified cataloging interface.  Previously the Cataloging Simplified or Cataloging Basic role would show the simplified cataloging interface even when other roles such as Cataloging Full were also assigned.  

Important links

Support websites

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: