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WorldShare Record Manager release notes, June 2024


Release Date: June 19, 2024


This release of WorldShare Record Manager provides a number of new features and enhancements in addition to two bug fixes. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • The ability to apply a facet to limit search results to physical journals
  • WorldCat Entities URIs are automatically added to WorldCat records for newly controlled headings
  • Expanded functionality for OCLC Meridian users when creating WorldCat Entities linked data from Record Manager  
    • Additional language of entity options to use when creating WorldCat Entities
    • Related places property available when creating Place entity type 
    • Potential duplicate entity message
  • Overall reduction of font and element sizing in export lists
  • Inclusion of 4xx fields to the FAST autosuggest service
  • Bug fixes
    • Dark LBDs can be corrected in Record Manager
    • Error message appeared when replacing LBD records 

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

Apply facet to limit search results to physical journals

Users can now use the sub-facet "Print Journal/Print Magazine" to limit their searches within the "Journal/Magazine" Format facet.  The sub-facet "Print Journal/Print Magazine" is available in search results for WorldShare Record Manager, WorldShare Acquisitions, and WorldShare Circulation. 

This helps users focus their searches without sifting through results for both electronic and physical journals. Previously, only a sub-format filter for "eJournal, eMagazine" was available under "Journal, Magazine".


WorldCat Entities URIs are automatically added to WorldCat records for newly controlled headings

OCLC has now implemented a process that automatically adds WorldCat Entities uniform resource identifiers (URIs) to WorldCat records when a candidate heading or headings are controlled. 

This update means that if you control candidate headings when cataloging with Record Manager, URIs will be automatically added, keeping WorldCat cataloging data enriched, connected, and linked daily. Candidate headings include those in the following fields: 100, 700 (name only), and FAST headings tagged 600, 647, 651. An ongoing daily process that controls headings in WorldCat bibliographic records will also automatically insert the relevant $1 URI link or update the existing link in $1 (if needed).  

The enriched data is included in WorldCat records exported, and libraries can also receive enriched records by enabling the WorldCat Updates feature “Receive updates when $1 is modified” in WorldShare Collection Manager. 

For more information about OCLC’s linked data strategy, and to sign up to receive email updates, please visit oc.lc/linkeddata.

Create WorldCat Entities from Record Manager (OCLC Meridian users)

The functionality for OCLC Meridian users to create WorldCat Entities from within Record Manager was released on May 16. This release includes two updates to the functionality to create WorldCat Entities. 

To create new entities you need to have an OCLC Meridian subscription and have one of the following roles assigned to your WorldShare account:

  • Entity Management Admin
  • Entity Management User

Additional language of entity options

When creating a WorldCat Entity using the "Create WorldCat Entity" dialog, additional language of entity options are now available for selection. 


Related places property in Place entity type

A Related places property has been added to the "Create WorldCat Entity" dialog when creating Place entity types. Related places depend on the entity subtype selected. Search for a Place entity to select it.


Potential duplicate entity message 

If you attempt to create a WorldCat Entity that potentially already exists, an error message will alert you that you will need to attempt to create the entity through OCLC Meridian. 

Overall reduction of font and element sizing in export lists

In our March 19 Record Manager release, we provided modernized and restyled export list functionality. As of June 2, the overall font and element sizing has been reduced in export lists. This change will make it easier to see more content on the screen and will provide a more consistent visual appearance with legacy screens.

You may continue to use your browser's zoom functionality to reduce or increase the size of the entire interface as needed.

Inclusion of 4xx fields to the FAST autosuggest service

When searching FAST headings and using the FAST autosuggest service that is available in the bibliographic text-view editor, 4xx fields are included in the suggested headings now. Previously only the 1xx headings were searched.

Please note that when you select a suggested heading that is a 4xx field, that heading is flipped to the established 1xx heading when adding or replacing the bibliographic record.

Bug fixes

Dark LBDs can be corrected in Record Manager

Dark LBDs can now be corrected in Record Manager by fixing the validation errors and will after replacing them be indexed. Previously these records were still marked as "dark" by showing an asterisk next to the control number. 

Please note that at this time you have to click "Refresh" to make the asterisk go away. This will be fixed in a future release.

Error message appeared when replacing LBD records 

You can now replace LBD records when the Local System Number (LSN) contains non-alphanumeric characters. Previously an error message was displayed when trying to replace these LBDs. 

Important links

WorldCat Validation release notes

WorldCat Validation release notes provide current OCLC-MARC updates; changes to tagging conventions and coding practices for Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings records; and new MARC codes. 

Virtual AskQC office hours

Join OCLC Metadata Quality staff to discuss WorldCat quality issues and cataloging questions. Visit AskQC for information about upcoming office hours, previous office hour recordings, and supporting materials.

OCLC cataloging community meeting

This virtual OCLC community event provides an opportunity to hear about important work by community members and learn about OCLC cataloging and metadata services. Visit the OCLC cataloging community event page for information on upcoming meetings and to access materials from past meetings.

Support websites

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: