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OCLC Support

WorldShare Record Manager release notes, December 2024


Release Date: December 5, 2024


This release of WorldShare Record Manager provides 3 bug fixes:

  • Spine label print list data was not displaying correctly
  • Users with Simplified role viewed a bibliographic record in Edit mode
  • No call number was displayed when an LHR 852 1st indicator = 5 and $l or $j was used without a $h 

Bug fixes

Spine label print list data was not displaying correctly

Label lists will now display correctly for all label print templates and show the Edit button. Previously some label lists using an SP1 template did not show the label preview when one or multiple individual labels had been customized.

Users with Simplified role viewed a bibliographic record in Edit mode

When working with a Simplified user role you will now see only the simplified view even when your user account has also the Collection_Manager_Admin role assigned. Previously this combination of roles let users with a Simplified role see Edit mode.

No call number was displayed when an LHR 852 1st indicator = 5 and $l or $j was used without a $h 

You will now see the call number displayed in LHR lists even though there's no $h subfield in the 852 field. Previously when there was just a $l or $j subfield in the 852 field the LHR list showed "No call number".

Important links

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: