Find an overview of how records function in Connexion client.
Edit in MARC template view
The Connexion client only displays records in MARC template view.
- Click here to see a list describing how to use the MARC view for editing
- The template displays data in cells that enclose field number, each indicator, and field data separately.
- When you enter data in a field, the cursor automatically moves from the tag cell to the first indicator cell, to the second indicator cell, and then to the field data cell as you enter data in each.
You do not need to space or tab from cell to cell unless you want to skip to the next cell without entering data (using <Tab>).
- When you click to place the cursor in a cell that has a set number of characters (tag, indicator, or fixed field element), the client automatically highlights the entire contents of the cell if it contains data, since you cannot enter additional characters without deleting existing characters.
If you click to place the cursor in a cell that has a set number of characters (tag, indicator, or fixed field element), the client automatically highlights the entire contents of the cell if it contains data, since you cannot enter additional characters without deleting existing characters.
- When you click to place the cursor in a variable field cell, the client does not highlight data. You can double-click a word to highlight it or triple-click to highlight all data in the field, just as you do in a word-processing program.
- Otherwise, you edit the data as though it is continuous text. For example, if you copy an entire field and paste it into a blank field, the client formats the data correctly, putting the tag number, indicator values, and field data in the appropriate cells. You do not have to copy and paste the data one cell at a time.
Note on controlled heading fields: If a bibliographic record contains a controlled heading, the heading is a link to the controlling authority record. When you click the field, the associated authority record opens.
- If you need to place the cursor in a controlled heading field, for example, to copy text or add a line, to keep from activating the link, click in the tag or indicator cells.
- If you need to edit the controlled heading itself, you must first uncontrol it (Edit > Control Headings > Uncontrol Single).
- Navigate and edit records using the mouse (click commands on menus, click toolbar buttons, or right-click in a field to use a pop-up shortcut menu) or using keystrokes. See a comprehensive list of commands, buttons, and keystroke equivalents and a list of commands on the right-click menu.
- For help with any specific field or fixed field element, the client gives you direct access to descriptions from the Web versions of OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards, the OCLC Authority User Guide, or the Library of Congress' MARC 21 Concise Format for Authority Data. With the cursor in a field or fixed field element, navigate to Help > MARC Field Help, or click
, or press <Shift><F1>.
For more information about editing techniques and tools, see Edit bibliographic records or Edit authority records.
Note: Authority history records are read-only. You cannot edit or take actions on these records, but you can copy and paste from them or print the records.
Authorizations for editing
The kinds of editing you can do in records is determined by your logon authorization. The authorization number you use to log on to the OCLC system is associated with your OCLC cataloging profile. The authorization number tells Connexion when you log on what kind of editing and actions you are authorized to do.
See OCLC cataloging authorization levels for details on authorizations levels.
Three record areas
The record display is divided into three areas: the record identification area, the fixed field, and variable fields.
- Record identification area - Description
- Always displays at the top.
- Contains:
- OCLC number (bibliographic records) or ARN (authority records).
- For bibliographic records, a holdings statement specifying whether your library has holdings on the item and whether local holdings records (LHRs) are attached.
Note for records saved to local file: The holdings statement remains with a record saved to a local bibliographic file, even though holdings may be added to the record online after you save it. The client updates the holdings count when you take an action on the record online.
- Lock status (Locked appears if you locked the WorldCat record).
- For save file records, save file number and, if the record is in the online save file, expiration date.
- For LC authority records, an In Distribution label for records that NACO participants have added or replaced in the LC authorities file; the label displays while the records are actually in the LC distribution cycle (have a "NACO lock"), until LC distributes them.
- For an LC authority history record, displays:
- Unique timestamp
- Deleted Record when the corresponding distributed authority record (same ARN) has been deleted from the LC authority file
- You cannot modify data in the record information area, but you can copy and paste it.
- You can use Edit > Copy Control Number (or <Ctrl><T>) to copy the OCLC number or ARN without first selecting it in the record.
- Fixed field area - Description
- Contains codes for information about an item that facilitates retrieval and data manipulation.
- Modify data in the fixed field by changing the codes.
- Enter a value for a fixed field element.
- Select a value from the drop-down list for each fixed field element (displays when fixed field display is set to Top or Bottom in View > OCLC Fixed Field). Each list contains valid values depending on the MARC format of the record.
- If you never use the lists, clear the display of fixed field lists in Tools > Options > Record Display tab.
- For bibliographic records, contains a format list in the upper left corner. You can change the fixed field for a record to another format (for example, change from Books format to Sound Recordings format) by selecting from the list.
- You can select the way the fixed-field displays–at the top, at the bottom, or as variable fields LDR (leader), 001, 005, and 008.
Default: Top
- MARC field Help. Click the name of an element in the fixed field, which shows as a blue underlined link, or press <Tab> to get to the name and press <Enter>) to open a description showing valid codes.
- Variable fields area - Description
- Contains a three-digit numerical tag that identifies the field, up to two single-digit indicators, and one or more subfields, preceded by subfield codes, of variable length containing textual information about the item.
- You can edit the data using text editing commands for such tasks as adding blank fields, moving fields up or down one position, deleting highlighted data or complete fields, cutting or copying and pasting data or complete fields, jumping to the next or previous subfield or cell, and rearranging the order of the fields.
- URLs in records are hot links. You can click the URL to open the website in your default browser.
- You can open a MARC field description for the field where the cursor is located: Navigate to Help > MARC Field Help or click
or press <Shift><F1>.
To move the cursor from one record area to another in a displayed record, navigate to:
- Navigate to Edit > Previous Record Area or press <Shift><F6>.
- Navigate to Edit > Next Record Area or press <F6>.
Types of records (keep open at the same time)
The client distinguishes among unique record types. You can keep one of each type of record open at the same time without taking any special steps. To keep multiple records of the same type open, you must pin the record windows open using View > Pinned.
The client treats the following as separate record types:
- Separate record types - Table
Record type |
Source of record |
WorldCat record |
Retrieved from WorldCat via: Cataloging > Search > WorldCat Or Cataloging > Browse > WorldCat |
Online bibliographic save file record |
Retrieved from the online save file via: Cataloging > Search > Online Save File |
Local bibliographic save file record |
Retrieved from a local save file via: Cataloging > Search > Local Save File |
Bibliographic workform |
Opened from: Cataloging > Create > Single Record > [format] Or from: Edit > Derive > New WorldCat Record |
Online bibliographic constant data record |
Retrieved from the online bibliographic constant data file via: Cataloging > Search > Online Constant Data |
Local bibliographic constant data record |
Retrieved from a local bibliographic constant data file via: Cataloging > Search > Local Constant Data |
Bibliographic constant data workform |
Opened from: Cataloging > Create > Constant Data |
LC authority record |
Retrieved from the LC authority file via: Authorities > Search > LC Names and Subjects Or Authorities > Browse> LC Names and Subjects |
LC authority history record (superseded)
Note: Records are read-only
Opened from: With a distributed LC authority record open: Authorities > Show > LC Superseded Versions Or Authorities > Search > LC Names and Subjects History Or Authorities > Browse> LC Names and Subjects History |
Online authority save file record |
Retrieved from the online authority save file via: Authorities > Search > Online Save File |
Local authority save file record |
Retrieved from a local authority save file via: Authorities > Search > Local Save File |
Authority workform |
Opened from: Authorities > Create > Single Record > [format] |
Online authority constant data record |
Retrieved from the online authority constant data file via: Authorities> Search > Online Constant Data |
Local authority constant data record |
Retrieved from a local authority constant data file via: Authorities > Search > Local Constant Data |
Authority constant data workform |
Opened from: Authorities > Create > Constant Data |
Record display features
Note: For editing commands, see Text editing commands and for using the keyboard instead of the mouse, see Default keystrokes for navigating and editing records.
- Record display features - Table
Feature |
Description |
Title bar |
Shows the source of the record and gives title information from field 245 for bibliographic records or heading information from field 1xx for authority records. Example: Online WorldCat: Gone with the wind cook book Authority File: Bookplates |
Visual editing markers |
Helps you see which fields have been edited and which is the current field (the field where the cursor is located):
- To show which field is current, the client outlines it with a box.
- To show variable fields you edited, the client marks each edited field with a
symbol. Note: If you control a heading and the text of the heading remains unchanged, the field is not marked with the symbol.
- To show that you edited the fixed field, a single
symbol appears next to the Type element, but only when the fixed field displays at the top or bottom of the record (View > OCLC Fixed Field > Top or Bottom).  This figure shows that:
- The 650 field is active with the cursor located between "o" and "r" in the word stories.
- Both fields 650 and 740 have been edited.
- To show fields that contain automatically generated data, the client marks the fields with the symbol
. The client generates data when you:
- Set an option in Tools > Options > International and auto-transliterate fields in WorldCat Arabic or Persian records (automatically adds Arabic script data to all interactively retrieved WorldCat records that have the language code ara or per but no field 066).
- To show invalid non-Latin script characters when you use Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify, the client displays them in red by default. Change the default color in Tools > Options > Record Display.
- To show CJK characters converted to MARC-8 when you use Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Convert to MARC-8 CJK, the client displays them in green by default. Change the default color in Tools > Options > Record Display.
- Edited fields remain marked until you take final actions or use Control All Headings. Note that editing marks are not retained after you Replace a WorldCat record.
Status bar |
Displays statuses and other information, unless you hide the status bar (View > Status Bar). |
Right-click shortcut menu for some actions |
Right-click in a record, and then click a command on the pop-up menu. |
URLs |
Display as hot links that you can click to open the associated Web page in your default browser. |
Institution name in 040 |
Move the mouse over the OCLC institution symbol to display the institution name. If the institution name is unavailable, the client gives you a message.
- If the message says that the symbol is not found, it is most likely a new symbol assigned after the current client release. The institution symbols are updated with each new client release.
- If the message says that the symbol is in the file but cannot be found or is corrupt, you may need to reinstall the client to get a working copy of the institution symbol file.
Subfield delimiter |
In Connexion client, subfield delimiters always appear as a double dagger (‡), even in the Control Headings window. Always use ‡ as the subfield delimiter (default shortcut keystroke to enter in records is <Ctrl><D>). |
Paired non-Latin script and Latin script fields |
The client visually links parallel fields that contain equivalent non-Latin script and Latin script representation romanized data with brackets. |
Navigate among records and lists
When multiple records and lists are open, use commands on the View and Window menus to navigate among the open windows. The following is a list of possible navigation techniques.
- Possible navigation techniques - Table
Navigation technique |
Action |
Use keystroke shortcuts to toggle between two open windows or cycle through all open windows (records and lists) in sequence. |
Press <Ctrl><Tab> or <Ctrl><F6>. |
Cascade windows and cycle through to view them sequentially. |
Navigate to Windows > Cascade. Open lists and records line up behind each other with their title bars visible.
- Record title bars show record source and title information from field 245 for bibliographic records or heading information from field 1xx for authority records.
- List title bars show the source of the search results.
Click a title bar to make a window the current window. Or Press <Ctrl><Tab> repeatedly to view each open list and record window. |
Tile windows vertically or horizontally to view simultaneously. |
Navigate to Windows > Tile Horizontally to display open records in equally sized horizontal windows from top to bottom of the client work area. Or Navigate to Windows > Tile Vertically to display records in equally sized vertical windows from side to side of the client work area. |
Use commands on the client Window menu to change the current window or to open and close windows without having to cycle through open windows. The Window menu lists all open windows by name, numbers them in the order you opened them, and shows information from the title bar of the window. |
On the Window menu, click the name of the open window you want to make the active (topmost) window or press <Alt><W><[number of window]>. Or Click Close Window or press <Ctrl><F4> to close the current (topmost) record or list window. Or Click Close All or press <Alt><W><A> to close all record and list windows.
Minimize windows and arrange icons. |
- Click the minimize window button (
) in each window to minimize them.
- Navigate to Windows > Arrange Icons or press <Alt><W><A>. The minimized window icons line up in a row.
Cycle through records using the Forward and Back commands (View > Navigate Records and Lists menu/submenu). |
To display and move through the records in a list without returning to the list:
- Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Back, click the Back button (
), or press <Shift><F9> to open the previous record in the list of records. Or Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Forward, click the Forward button ( ), or press <F9> to open the next record in the list of records.
Note: To keep track of where you are in the list, check the lower-left corner of the status bar to see the record number out of the total number of records in the list.
To display and move through selected records in a list without returning to the list:
- In the list, select the records you want to view:
- To select a group of adjacent records, click the first entry of the group to select it. Then press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry.
- To select nonadjacent records, click the first record to select it. Then press <Ctrl> as you select other records individually.
- Press <Enter>. The first selected record opens.
- Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Forward, click the click the Forward button (
), or press <F9> to view the next selected record.
- (Optional) Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Back, click the Back button (
), or press <Shift><F9> to view the previous selected record.
Note: Multiple selection is available for all lists except those for constant data search results and browse results for WorldCat or the LC authority file.
For WorldCat group lists, open the next or previous group list entry (another list) without returning to the group list window. |
Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Next Group or press <Alt><V><V><G> to open the next group entry (list). Or Navigate to View > Navigate Records and Lists > Previous Group or press <Alt><V><V><E> to open the previous group entry (list). |
Change record display
You can change any of the following in the record display:
- How data longer than three or four lines displays in variable fields. By default, the client expands variable field cells as needed to show all of the data. You can show only the first three or four lines of data in a field and have the client add a vertical scroll bar to view the data.
- The colors of background, fields, and text to help distinguish simultaneously opened bibliographic records from authority records. If you prefer looking at records in continuous text rather than in cells, you can select the same color for record background and field background (eliminates cell borders in the display).
- The font type and size for displaying and printing records and lists.
Print records
Note: See options for font type and size for printing records and for printing records to a text file rather than to a printer. By default, records print in Arial Unicode MS font if installed (or the default font in Windows) in 9 pt. to your default printer set in Windows.
- With a record open, navigate to File > Print, click
, press <Ctrl><P>, or press <Alt><F><P>.
- For local save file or local constant data lists only:
- Select records in a list that you want to print.
- Hold <Shift> and click adjacent records.
- hold <Ctrl> and click non-adjacent records.
- Navigate to File > Print, click
, or press <Ctrl><P>.
- If you click
or press <Ctrl><P>, printing occurs immediately using your default Windows printer, unless you selected to print records to a file (Tools > Options > Printing).
always prints a record. If a list is displayed, the button prints the selected record.
- If you use File > Print or press <Alt><F><P>, the Print window opens. Your default Windows printer is selected, but you can select any printer from the list of printers installed on your workstation. In the Print window, click OK or press <Enter> to print the record.
Note on page margins: Connexion client uses your internet browser to print records and lists. Therefore, page margins for printing are determined by your internet browser settings. You can determine other print settings (for example, portrait or landscape orientation) in the client Print window.
Record limitations
- Content of record. OCLC Connexion does not limit the number of variable fields or total record length. Theoretically, records can contain up to 99,999 characters.
- Number of records in files. Online and local files can each store up to 9,999 records.
Note: You can create multiple local files.
Display a record in the Find in a Library ( view
Display a bibliographic record currently open in the client in the Find in a Library® service at
The Find in a Library record view gives locations of WorldCat libraries that hold the work described, along with links directly to library local systems. Or access cover art, information on alternative formats (large print, audiobooks, etc.), user reviews, and other evaluative content.
To display a Connexion client record in the Find in a Library view, click Tools > Find in a Library or press <Alt><T><F>. Your default browser opens to the Find in a Library view of the record.