Find bibliographic records in the local save file
Discover how to find bibliographic records in the local save file in Connexion client.
Find a bibliographic record in the local save file
- Navigate to Cataloging > Search > Local Save File, click the Search Local Save File button (
), or press <F3>. The Search Local Bibliographic Save File window opens.
- (Optional) Change the default file:
- Select another local file in the Local File list as the top of the window.
- Once you change the file, enter the search, and click OK or press <Enter>, the client gives you a message that changing the file will:
- Close all records from the file
- Change the default file to the one you selected
- Once you change the file, enter the search, and click OK or press <Enter>, the client gives you a message that changing the file will:
- Select another local file in the Local File list as the top of the window.
- Enter one or more search terms in the Search for text field.
Leave all search criteria blank and then click OK or press <Enter> to retrieve all save file records. Ignore the remaining steps in this workflow.
Rather than doing a search, retrieve all records in the save file, as described above, and then click a column heading to sort the list, grouping together the records you need to find. Save file lists include a separate column for most indexes and statuses, by which you can sort records. - In the adjacent list, select the index you want to search.
- Save File Number
- OCLC Control Number
- Title
- Name
- Standard Number
- Holding Library Code
- My Status
- (Optional) Combine search terms:
- Enter another search term in the second text field.
- Select a Boolean operator to combine the two terms.
- OR
- In the adjacent list, select the index you want to search.
- (Optional) Insert diacritics or special characters:
- Place the cursor where you want to insert a diacritic or character and click Enter Diacritics.
- In the Insert Diacritics and Special Characters window, click the image or the name of the character in the Character list.
- Click Insert.
See Insert diacritics and special characters for more information.
- (Optional) Limit the search by status:
- In the first status list, select the type of status.
- Workflow status
- Action status
- Source status
- In the adjacent list of available statuses for that category, select the name of the status you want to find.
- (Optional) To further limit or to expand the search by statuses, combine up to two more statuses using Boolean operators.
Note: To find only records with one or more statuses, enter no other search criteria.
- In the first status list, select the type of status.
- (Optional) In the Limit Search by area, limit searches by one or more of the following criteria:
- Limit search to records held or not held by your library - Select the Held or Not Held check box. A check mark in a box indicates that it is selected.
- Limit search by date - Enter a date in the Date field. The client searches for the date in fixed field date 1 (008/07-10).
- Limit search by format - In the Format list, select one of the following MARC formats:
- Books
- Computer Files
- Continuing Resources (formerly called Serials; includes both serials and integrating resources material types)
- Maps
- Mixed Materials
- Scores
- Sound Recordings
- Visual Materials
- Limit search to the library that created the records - In the Library list, click one of the following:
- DLC (Library of Congress)
- PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging)
- NLM (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- GPO (Government Publishing Office)
- AGL (National Agricultural Library)
- UKM (British Library)
- NLC (Library and Archives Canada)
- To find only records with a specific limit, such as all records in the books format or all records created by the Library of Congress, select the limit and enter no other search criteria.
- If you select more than one search limit, they are combined with Boolean and (i.e., the search retrieves only records that meet all selected limitations).
- (Optional) Specify the order of the search results:
- In the Retrieval Order list, select one of the following sort orders:
- Save File Number (default)
- Control Number
- Date/Time Added
- Name
- Title
- Call Number
- In the Retrieval Order list, select one of the following sort orders:
- (Optional) Retain the current search:
- Select the Retain Search check box. The client keeps the search each time you open the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window until you change it.
- When finished, perform one of the following action:
- Click OK or press <Enter> to send the search.
- Click Clear Search to clear (keeps only the index selection) and enter another search.
- Click Cancel to cancel the search and close the window.
See Use bibliographic save file search results for more information.
Note: More than one person can use a shared local file at the same time, but only one user at a time can open a record in a local file. If you try to open a record already opened by another user, the client gives you a message to that effect.