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Find bibliographic records in the online save file

Discover how to find bibliographic records in the online save file in Connexion client.

Find a bibliographic record in the online save file

  1. Log on to the system.
  2. Navigate to Cataloging > Search > Online Save File, click the Search Online Save File button (Search Online Save File button), or press <Ctrl><F3>. The Search Online Bibliographic Save File window opens.
  3. Enter one or more search terms in the Search For text field.
    Leave all search criteria blank and then click OK or press <Enter> to retrieve all save file records. Ignore the remaining steps in this workflow.

    Rather than doing a search, retrieve all records in the save file, as described above, and then click a column heading to sort the list, grouping together the records you need to find. Save file lists include a separate column for most indexes and statuses, by which you can sort records.

     Note: You can also retrieve all online save file records via batch processing.

  4. In the adjacent list, select the index you want to search.
    • Save File Number
    • Record Number
    • Title
    • URL
    • Used Date
    • My Status
  5. (Optional) Combine search terms:
    1. Enter another search term in the second text field.
    2. Select a Boolean operator to combine the two terms.
      • AND
      • OR
      • NOT
    3. In the adjacent list, select the index you want to search.
  6. (Optional) Insert diacritics or special characters:
    1. Place the cursor where you want to insert a diacritic or character and click Enter Diacritics.
    2. In the Insert Diacritics and Special Characters window, click the image or the name of the character in the Character list.
    3. Click Insert.

      See Insert diacritics and special characters for more information.
  7. (Optional) Limit the search by status:
    1. In the first status list, select the type of status.
      • Workflow status
      • Action status
      • Source status
    2. In the adjacent list of available statuses for that category, select the name of the status you want to find.
    3. (Optional) To further limit or to expand the search by statuses, combine up to two more statuses using Boolean operators.
       Note: To find only records with one or more statuses, enter no other search criteria.
  8. (Optional) Retain the current search:
    1. Select the Retain Search check box. The client keeps the search each time you open the Search Online Bibliographic Save File window until you change it.
  9. (Optional) Limit search to locked WorldCat records:
    1. Select the WorldCat Record Locked check box.
       Note: To find locked WorldCat records only, enter no other search criteria.
  10. (Optional) Limit search by records you submitted to other libraries for review:
    1. Select the Submitted for Review check box.
       Note: To find only records you submitted for review, enter no other search criteria.
  11. (Optional) Limit search to Review File records that other libraries sent to you for review:
    1. Select the All Review File Records check box.
    2. Select the Review File Records for Institution check box and enter an institution symbol in the adjacent text field.
       Note: To find only records that one or more libraries sent you to review, enter no other search criteria.
  12. When finished, perform one of the following action:
    • Click OK or press <Enter> to send the search.
    • Click Clear Search to clear (keeps only the index selection) and enter another search.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the search and close the window.


The following words are not indexed for searching either the online or the local bibliographic save file:

a, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, for, from, in, is, of, on, or, that, the, to, with, http, www

Stopwords are automatically removed from searches to make the search valid. You do not receive an error message if you include stopwords in a search. Searches that include only stopwords result in no matches.