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Journals display

Discover Journal, Issue and Article display in Folio and how they can be changed using OLIB Web.

The hitlist

As with other media types, the display of serials / journals information in the Folio hitlist comes from 2 settings in g_title_hitlist:

  • g_hitlist_title_display
  • g_hitlist_title_display2

These in turn link to OLIB’s Output Format records (Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats). You can view these by searching  opac title hitlist:

Output Format Number (Key) Domain Description
-1112  TITLEHITLIST OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Articles
-1110 TITLEHITLIST OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Books
-1111 TITLEHITLIST OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Issues
-1109 TITLEHITLIST OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Titles other than Books, Issues and Articles
-1114  TITLEHITLIST OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 2 for Articles
-1115 TITLEHITLIST OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 2 for Serials
-1113 TITLEHITLIST OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 2 for titles other than Serials and Articles

By default Journals hitlist information is displayed as follows:

Journals (-1109, -1115)

For Journals, Line 1 of the title hitlist is constructed from OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Titles other than Books, Issues and Articles, and Line 2 is constructed from OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 2 for Serials.

Journal title display in Folio

Journal issues (-1111, -1113)

For Issues, Line 1 is constructed from OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Issues, and Line 2 etc. is constructed from OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 2 for titles other than Serials and Articles.

Journal issues display in Folio

Articles (-1112, -1114)

For Articles, Line 1 is constructed from OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Articles, and Line 2 etc. is constructed from OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 2 for Articles.

Article display in Folio

It is possible to configure Title hitlist display if required.

 Note: in Output Formats, remember to use Other Actions: Refresh Output Cache (background) for any changes to take effect.

Journal title details

By default, the top half of the journal title details screen displays:

  • Title, Subtitle, linked Title
  • Other fields according to what is available in the tidetails_SER array in g_title_details (Media Type and Frequency)

tidetails_SER array in g_title_details:

Config Setting ID Interface Config Block Setting Value Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Include?
603584 1 g_title_details tidetails_SER mtp 54 1 Y
603585 1 g_title_details tidetails_SER frequency 54 2 Y
1000052 1 g_title_details  tidetails_SER isn 54 2 Y

This is dependent on ";SER;" being one of the media types listed in the showarrays_mt setting.

Adding / removing fields and the order of display is possible as for title details generally.

Most Serial/Journal specific data is displayed in tabs in the lower half of the title details screen:

Holdings tab in Folio

The following settings in g_title_details control the number of most recently received issues /next expected issues / bound volumes:

  • received_issues
  • expected_issues
  • bound_vols

To exclude any of these sections altogether, set their Value field to 0 (zero).


The following settings in g_title_details determine which tabs and content are displayed for serials and in what order in the lower half of the page:

  • tidetails_tabs_SER (journals)
  • tidetails_tabs_SISS (issues)
  • tidetails_tabs_BVOL (bound volumes)
  • tidetails_tabs_SART (articles)
  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings
  2. Search tidetails_tabs and note these settings:
Config Block Setting Value Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Include? Description
g_title_details tidetails_tabs_SER  "ser_issues" 7 1 Y This setting affects the Issues Tab
g_title_details tidetails_tabs_SER "jhld"  7 2 Y This setting affects the Holdings Tab
g_title_details tidetails_tabs_labels_SER "Issues" 8 1 Y This setting affects the Tab label for Issues
g_title_details tidetails_tabs_labels_SER  "Holdings" 8 2 Y This setting affects the Tab label for Holdings

To include a tab e.g. "ser_issues" and its label e.g. "Issues", simply set Include = Y for the appropriate setting.

Issues tab

Here you can configure how many years' worth of issues display. For serial/journal titles the tabs in the lower half of the screen by default display:

  • Issues (received and expected from serials generation)
  • Holdings (Holdings summary information from cataloguing General Serials title layout)

Folio displays recently received, next expected and unbound issues

As shown above, the Issues tab displays:

  • Most recently received issues
  • Next expected issues
  • All unbound issues
  • Bound volumes

Sort manually created issues

You can determine what order Other Issues (manually created issues) are displayed in - chronological order or reverse chronological order. This is set by Sort Other Issues Inversely in OLIB Defaults.

Remove display

You can prevent the display of a specific issues in the OPAC - in the list of issues on the parent journal, and the bound volume’s title details screen, using Include in OPAC Yes/No.

Limit number of issues

In the All unbound issues section, it is possible to control how many years of issues are displayed in addition to the Current year of issues. If you do not carry out any configuration, the default is for Folio to display 5 years of issues.

This can be configured both generally and for individual titles:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for the below settings. They are provided as standard but you need to set Include = Y.
Setting Configuration Block Description
issyears_to_display g_title_details The number of years’ worth of issues to display in the All bound issues section for all serial title records (that do not have a title-specific issyears_to_display_nnn setting). Enter a whole number between 0 and 998 in the Value field. For example, “5” will display the current year’s issues together with issues from the previous 5 years.
issyears_to_display_nnn g_title_details The title-specific issyears_to_display setting. Replace “nnn” with the title record’s title number, e.g. issyears_to_display_18032.

Search for a relevant Journal title in Folio to see the changes.

Journal article details

There are settings to display a serial article's metadata correctly in the top half of the Folio screen:

Folio display of article data.

These are provided in the tidetails_SART array: mtp, output_format2, name, pub and subj. are included.

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for tidetails_SART:
Setting ID Interface Config Block Setting Value Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Include?
605542 1 g_title_details tidetails_SART mtp 142  1 Y
605543 1 g_title_details tidetails_SART output_format2 142 2 Y
605544 1 g_title_details tidetails_SART name 142 3 Y
605545 1 g_title_details tidetails_SART pub  142 4 Y
605546 1 g_title_details tidetails_SART subj 142 5 Y

The array includes output_format2. In this option, Value 3 contains the actual format configuration -

Value output_format2
Value 2 "In:"
Value 3 "<ARTCIT>#LANN##LA#; <LA>#/LA##/LANN#"

Value 3 can contain any OLSTF tags and text (without double quotes).

<ARTCIT>: this tag includes the Journal title (the "grandparent" record) and the Issue title (the "parent" record), followed by pagination. E.g:

In: History today, Jun 2016, pp46-51.

In the above Value 3, the Languages hash tag set is also included.

Alternatively in Value 3: "<SPTI><br/><PTI>#PSUBTINN# - <PSUBTI>#/PSUBTINN#<br/>Page(s) <PAGES>"

This would include the grandparent (i.e. journal) title, the parent (i.e. issue) title, the parent’s (i.e. issue) subtitle, pagination.

If the output format is a mailto link, include 1| as the first two characters in Value 3. The mailto link will then be HTML-encoded correctly. This is used by a number of libraries who use their output format record with a mailto link in order to receive reservation requests. When the end users clicks on the link in the article details, OLIB outputs the bibliographic data as OLSTF tags directly into an email.

Article tabs

Corresponding settings for Abstract and Availability are included for article details.

These are found in:

  • tidetails_tabs_SART

This includes options for abstract and copy (availability details), in order to display data from these fields:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for tidetails_tabs_SART:
Setting ID Interface Config Block Setting Value Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Include?
605539 1 g_title_details tidetails_tabs_SART "copy" 140 2 Y
605538 1 g_title_details tidetails_tabs_SART "abstract" 140 1 Y

Set Include= Y for these to display in Folio.

The corresponding label (text) options are included in:

  • tidetails_tabs_labels_SART

These include label options for Abstract and Availability:

Setting ID Interface Config Block Setting Value Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Include?
605540 1 g_title_details tidetails_tabs_labels_SART "Abstract" 141 1 Y
605541 1 g_title_details tidetails_tabs_labels_SART  "Availability" 141 1 Y

Change the Value field if you wish to alter the text.