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OCLC Interlibrary Loan glossary

Find a comprehensive listing of OCLC Interlibrary Loan terms accompanied by definitions.
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Article exchange

A single secure location where lending libraries can place requested articles for interlibrary loan. Refer to Article Exchange for more information.

Automated Request Manager (ARM)

Used to configure automated ILL workflows.  Refer to Automated Request Manager for more information.


Automations are composed of match criteria you define, along with actions you want the system to perform on matched requests.

Automations are a combination of:

  • Matches - What the request should look like.
  • Actions - What the system should do with the request.
  • Exceptions (Borrowing only) - When you do not want these actions to occur.
  • Priority - If a request matches multiple automations, which set of actions should be performed.


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Book straps

Printable labels for outgoing ILL materials that are mostly used as a reference for ILL staff. Refer to Print for Borrowers and Print for Lenders for more information.


Libraries requesting ILL items in the system.


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Constant data record

A partial record that contains standardized content for reuse in creating or editing a record without having to retype each time the content is reused. Constant data records are created by and shared among librarians at a given institution for cataloging and resource sharing activities. Refer to Constant data records for Lenders for more information.

Custom Holdings Groups

A group that contains a list of OCLC symbols defined by an individual library either for use in identifying preferred lenders or for defining a group of libraries for deflecting lending requests in resource sharing. Refer to Custom holdings groups for more information.

Custom Holdings Path

A path that contains one or more custom holdings group records sorted in order of borrowing preference. Refer to Custom holdings paths for more information.


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Deflection is a feature of such resource sharing systems as WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa that allows the institution to say "no" to requests for items that cannot be loaned for policy and/or licensing reasons. The library is skipped in the lender string and the request moves on to the next lender. Deflection policies may be based on such factors as the request service type, local holdings, format type, OCLC profiled group membership, Custom Holding Group, maximum cost, E-license terms, and material age in years. Refer to Deflections for more information.

Document delivery (enable)

Allows your library to fulfill requests from patrons with items from your own collection. Refer to Document delivery for more information.


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Enhanced requestability

Allows you to fill ILL requests quickly by dynamically assessing each library's loan policies, shelving locations, availability, and other factors to locate the fastest suppliers. Refer to Enhanced requestability for more information.

Enhanced requestability groups (ERGs)

Profiled Groups with an improved requestability response for participating group members. Refer to Configure Custom Holdings Paths for more information.

Express program

Enables digital resource sharing among a select group of libraries using the WorldShare ILL network that have turnaround times for lending digital materials of 18 hours or less. Refer to Express program for more information.


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ILL Fee Management (IFM)

A service that provides a means to reconcile payments and charges for interlibrary loan transactions through a library's monthly OCLC invoice, eliminating individual billing. Refer to Interlibrary Loan Fee Management for more information.


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Lender string (smart)

The system pre-populates the lender string with the OCLC symbols of up to 15 lending libraries in your group that hold the requested item.


Libraries supplying ILL items in the system.

Lending priorities

Allow you to enable special queues for requests from priority borrowers. Refer to Lending Priorities for more information.


Use to avoid sending requests to the same libraries and overloading them.

Local holdings record (enable)

Separate holdings record attached to a related WorldCat bibliographic record that provides holdings details for a particular library; these details include copy-specific information for an item, information peculiar to the holding library, information needed for local processing, maintenance, or preservation of an item, and version information.


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NISO circulation interchange protocol (NCIP)

NISO standard defining messaging between circulation systems, ILL systems, or broker applications. This protocol is limited to the exchange of messages between and among computer-based applications, enabling them to:

  • perform functions necessary to lend and borrow items
  • provide controlled access to electronic resources
  • facilitate co-operative management of these functions

NCIP allows you to automatically create a temporary item in your local system and make the item available for your patron. When your patron returns the item, the system automatically checks the item in for you to proceed with returning the item to the lending library.


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OCLC Policies Directory

Online repository of lending and copying policies of libraries participating in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa. It provides a way to search resource sharing libraries by OCLC institution symbol or name and group symbol or name. It also enables institutions to enter their own information (e.g., schedule, contacts, collections, web links), informational copy and lending policies, and deflection policies that allow requests to bypass an institution. The OCLC Policies Directory replaced the Name-Address Directory as a repository for this type of information. Refer to Policies Directory for more information.

OCLC supplier

Option in the OCLC Policies Directory to define if the library will be a supplier or not in the system. If defined as not a supplier, then the library will not receive requests to supply ILL items.

OCLC symbol

A unique identifier assigned by OCLC to member libraries and other participants. OCLC symbols in records and in holdings displays identify libraries that have entered, modified, and used the bibliographic records for cataloging.

Off-system borrowing

Borrowing libraries will typically only resort to off-system email lenders when they have exhausted their in-system lender strings and have still not filled the request or because the nature of the material demands that they have to start the request off-system. Refer to Off-system borrowing for more information.

Off-system lending

Manually creates new off-system requests to represent incoming email or off-system lending requests. Refer to Off-system lending for more information.

Off-system requests

Tracks requests between your library and a library or organization not using an OCLC resource-sharing solution within the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan staff interface. Refer to Off-system requests for more information.


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Patron Management

Covers all aspects of Tipasa features for interacting with patrons, including the User Portal and staff management of patron accounts.

Persistence setting

When enabled, the default constant data record overrides other Constant Data applications, including through automation. Refer to Persistence setting for more information.

Preferred lenders

A customizable list of locations that you can select as primary lenders for ILL.

Priority borrowers

Lending libraries can designate libraries they choose as priority borrowers. 

Profiled groups

Groups set up by OCLC and used in resource sharing; based on a shared consortial or regional relationship or a set of shared policies. Refer to Configure Custom Holdings Paths for more information.

Purchasing requests

The Purchase option allows you to track items you may wish to purchase, instead of borrowing via interlibrary loan. Refer to Purchasing Requests for more information.


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Real-time availability

Connects your OCLC resource sharing service (WorldShare ILL, Tipasa, or ILLiad) to your library's local catalog and enables the system to automatically respond No to lending requests that have an OPAC status of unavailable where the item status is checked out or otherwise unavailable. Refer to Real-time availability for ILL for more information.

Requestable locations

Requestable locations are used to filter the branches with the item being requested.

Resource Sharing for Groups account roles

Account roles available for managing accounts in Resource Sharing for Groups. Refer to Resource Sharing for Groups roles for more information.


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Smart fulfillment

Increases the speed of delivery of materials based on policy data, lending history, licensing agreements, format preferences, and more. Refer to Smart fulfillment for more information.


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WorldCat knowledge base collections

The WorldCat knowledge base is made up of vendor-neutral and cooperatively maintained collections with content from libraries and publishers around the world. The WorldCat knowledge base also includes free and open-access collections in that users can find and get alongside their library’s materials. Refer to About knowledge base collections for more information.

WorldCat registry

An online global directory of libraries, their locations, and the services they provide. Search the registry to find information about institutional identity, online services, relationships, contacts, and more. Visit the WorldCat Registry for more information.