MARC 21 bibliographic data elements not implemented by OCLC
Find a list of MARC 21 bibliographic data elements that OCLC has not implemented, along with possible OCLC action to implement them.
Last updated: September 2017
MARC 21 element | Name | Future implementation |
Non-sorting characters | N/A | No plans to implement Control Function Codes section of the MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media: Character Sets and Encoding Options: Part 1: General Character Set Issues. Note: For more information, see the |
LDR/05 | d - deleted | No plans to implement |
LDR/17 | u - unknown | Under consideration |
LDR/17 | z - not applicable | No plans to implement |
LDR/19 | Multipart resource record level | Under consideration |
006 | Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" | Under consideration |
007 | Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" | Under considerationUnder consideration |
007 | blank (![]() |
No plans to implement due to limitations in record editor |
008 | Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" | Under consideration |
038 | Record content licensor | No plans to implement |
066 ‡a | Primary G0 character set | No plans to implement |
066 ‡b | Primary G1 character set | No plans to implement |
760-787 | Fill character meaning "No attempt to code" | Under consideration |
843 ‡6 | Linkage | Under consideration |
843 ‡6 | Linkage | Under consideration |
Note: ind. = indicator |