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OCLC Support


Find information about reasons an exception may have occurred causing a halt in the integration process between Resource Sharing for Groups and a third-party ILS.

Errors and exceptions

Es kann vorkommen, dass im Prozess Ausnahmen auftreten. Wenn eine Ausnahme auftritt, wird dies im Abschnitt „Ausleihhistorie“ im Akkordeon „Ausleihe“ der ILL-Anfrage vermerkt. Eine Ausnahme stoppt den Integrationsprozess und muss behoben werden, damit die Integration erfolgen kann.

 Note: These errors will not stop the ILL request from being sent and processed between borrower and lender. As your staff work to correct any errors, your patron’s request has not been delayed.

Error Explanation Suggested actions
No status in Circulation History

This occurs when the setup and configuration steps have not been completed.

Wenn Sie im Abschnitt „Ausleihverlauf“ der ILL-Anfrage nichts sehen, deutet dies auf einen Aktivierungsfehler hin. Überprüfen Sie, ob alle Einrichtungs- und Konfigurationsschritte korrekt abgeschlossen wurden.

Lesen Sie die Dokumentation und sehen Sie sich das Video an, in dem der Vorgang beschrieben wird:

Der Barcode des Benutzers fehlt oder ist leer.

This error message appears when trying to send the ILL request.

The patron barcode is the matching data point between your ILS and Resource Sharing for Groups. This field must be populated in order to send the ILL request to lenders.

When the integration is activated, it requires the patron barcode to be included in the Patron information section of the ILL Request. 

When the ILL request is generated from within Resource Sharing for Groups, staff entering requests on behalf of their patrons also need to include the patron barcode. If the barcode is missing, the request cannot be sent to lenders and you will receive an error message.


  1. Search for the patron in your Circulation system.
  2. Geben Sie in der ILL-Anfrage im Benutzer-Akkordeon den Barcode in das ID-Feld ein.
  3. Speichern Sie die ILL-Anfrage.
  4. Senden Sie die Anfrage erneut.

If you find that you need to place ILL requests for special programs or situations where a patron account does not exist in the Circulation system, it is recommended that you create a patron account before submitting the ILL request. 

Das Erstellen des temporären Artikeldatensatzes ist fehlgeschlagen (ungültige Benutzer-ID). Korrigieren Sie die Benutzer-ID und versuchen Sie es erneut.

This error message appears when the patron barcode does not match an existing barcode

If the patron enters their barcode incorrectly and no matching barcode is found in your Circulation system, the integration will fail.

If the patron incorrectly enters their barcode and the mistyped barcode matches another patron barcode, the request will be placed for the wrong patron.

Some libraries may wish to add a patron barcode verification step within ILL where staff check their Circulation system for the barcode and correct patron name. If the correct barcode is found and updated before the request is sent, no remediation will be needed.


  1. Search for the patron in your Circulation system and find the correct barcode.
  2. Aktualisieren Sie in der ILL-Anfrage im Akkordeon „Benutzer“ den Barcode im ID-Feld.
  3. Speichern Sie die ILL-Anfrage.
  4. Klicken Sie im Akkordeon „Ausleihe“ auf „Wiederholen“.
  5. Der Ausleihstatus wird aktualisiert, wenn der Barcode korrekt eingegeben wurde.
Integration point disabled Either the ILS type does not support this integration point or the library has not enabled it. Check if your NCIP server has been configured to support this type of integration.
No requestor item barcode provided Staff users can omit the barcode when receiving requests. The temporary item cannot be created without an item barcode.  Use either the supplier’s item barcode or request ID as the default barcode value for the temporary item so there is a value in the barcode field of the request. The default value can always be changed before receiving the request.
Error reading DTD The response message references a DTD file that is not available to our parser.  
HTTP proxy error The OCLC network is not configured to allow connections to the NCIP responder’s port number. Contact OCLC Support to add the port number and/or IP-ranges of your NIP server to their network configuration.
No supplier item barcode provided This error happens when the ILL system is configured to use the supplier’s item barcode for the temporary item and the supplying library has not added the barcode to the request. Consider using the request ID as the default barcode value for the temporary item.
Item With This Barcode Already Exists

The circulation system indicates that there is already a temporary item with that same barcode. Duplicate temporary item barcodes are not allowed.

This usually happens when the library uses the supplying library's barcode for the temporary item and this item has been requested before.

Consider using the request ID as the default barcode value for the temporary item. Or, create a routine to remove temporary items that are no longer in use from the circulation system.
Failed to check temporary item into circulation system (exception) Unrecognized error - 9016. Unknown Item

The error designates that the item barcode is not recognized by the circulation system. Possible reasons for this include:

  • The item is already deleted from the circulation system upon return by the patron.
  • The item has a different barcode in the circulation system, either because the circulation system creates a barcode unrelated to the one in Resource Sharing for Groups, or the item barcode has been changed manually in one of the two systems.
Failed to check temporary item into circulation system (exception) Unrecognized error - 9022. Item is Not Checked Out The item barcode for the temporary item has a status that doesn't allow for checkin. These statuses can differ per ILS.  
Failed to check item out of circulation system (exception) for the borrower with identifier OCLC symbol. Unrecognized error - 9004. Unknown User This error happens if there is no barcode supplied for the borrowing library. By default, Resource Sharing for Groups sends the OCLC symbol of the borrowing library to the circulation system. Not all ILSs can handle this symbol and require that a specific barcode is supplied for the ILL user. Check with the vendor of your ILS if an existing barcode should be supplied in the check-out message. If yes, configure one or more barcodes for borrowing libraries in the circulation integration section of Service Configuration.