Add Request

Find information about the AddRequest service URL, JSON elements, and Request templates and examples.

AddRequest service URL:


where ${aid} is the authorization id for the user logged in.  The {aid} is provided by the Authentication service.

For example:


HTTP method: POST

HTTP Header Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Header User-Agent: ${user-agent} 

Standard http clients (browser, http client libraries etc.) will automatically include it's User-Agent value. See Authentication for more information. 

AddRequest request body: JSON elements

View the full list of elements in the request body
  • PartnershipId
    • Partnership ID indicating to which consortium/group the library belongs.
    • Contact Relais International for the Partnership ID.
    • Required.
  • SupplyingLibrarySymbol
  • ParentRequest
  • ParentRequestNumber
  • IsLastChild
  • BibliographicInfo
    • Title
    • Author
    • SubTitle
    • SeriesTitle
    • Edition
    • ArticleTitle
    • ArticleAuthor
    • Volume
    • Issue
    • PhysicalDescription
    • ItemOrFolderNumber
    • AccessionNumber
    • BoxNumber
    • ImageOrPageNumber
    • PagesRequested
    • EstimatedPages
    • ISSN
      • ISSN1
      • ISSN2
    • ISBN
      • ISBN1
      • ISBN2
    • ISMN
    • CallNumber
    • AdditionalNumbers
    • Sponsor
    • InformationSource
    • OCLCRecNo
    • System
    • SystemNumber
    • LCCN
    • Bibliography
    • BibliographyNumber
    • BibId
    • LocalItemFound
  • Ort
    • SupplierCodes
      • SupplierCode
      • BibID
      • ItemID
      • CallNumber
      • SummaryHoldings
    • LocationDescriptions
      • LocationDescription
      • BibID
      • ItemID
      • CallNumber
      • SummaryHoldings
  • PublisherInfo
    • Publisher
    • PublicationType
    • PublicationDate
    • PublicationPlace
  • RequestInfo
    • ServiceType
    • ServiceLevel
    • RequestSource
    • DateSubmitted
    • Notes
    • Requester
    • Mailbox
    • NLMUniqueID
    • ExternalNumber
    • ExpiryDate
    • NeedByDate
    • MaximumCost
    • ProjectCode
    • AgreedTermsConditions
    • CopyrightComply
  • Copyright
  • Code
    • TermsComply
    • PublishPurpose
    • TermsOfUse
    • Holder
    • Status
  • DocumentDetails
    • Size
    • Cropping
    • Finishing
  • DocumentCharges
    • PaymentMethod
    • PaymentProcessed
    • AmountQuoted
    • BaseCharge
    • CopyrightCharge
    • DeliveryCharge
  • ElectronicDocument
    • Path
    • SupplyCode
  • SystemNumbers
    • OclcNumber
    • OpacNumber
    • MedlineNumber
    • DoclineNumber
    • DoclineFlag
  • DeliveryAddress
    • FirstName
    • Surname
    • Department
    • InstitutionName
    • LibraryName
    • Address1
    • Address2
    • City
    • ProvinceState
    • PostalZipCode
    • Country
    • ContactPhone
  • Preauthorized
    • TransactionNumber
    • TokenNumber
  • CreditCard
    • CardType
    • CardName
    • CardNumber
    • CardExpiryDate
    • CardSecurityCode
  • ElectronicDelivery
    • FileFormat
    • OutputFormat
    • DeliveryMethod
    • DeliveryAddress
    • MessagingMethod
    • MessagingAddress

Request template and examples

The following templates are examples that can be downloaded:

AddRequest response: JSON elements

The response from this service is a JSON string.

The following is a sample response for an successful request:

    "RequestNumber": "REG-10000079",
    "ConfirmMessage": "Your request has been submitted (Request Number: REG-10000079)" 


The following is a sample response for an unsuccessful request:

     "ErrorMessage":"Missing parameter :Title is required"


This service may return the following error codes and messages:

Code Type Messages


Public Invalid request
PUBSC007 Public Invalid JSON request
PUBSC005 Public Invalid aid
PUBSC008 Public User group not authorized to access the service




Missing parameter

  • PortalGroup is required.
  • Patron id is required.
  • Library symbol is required.
  • Bibliography information is required.
PUBAR002 Public This is a duplicate of a recent request.  This request will not be submitted
PUBAR003 Public Invalid parameter
PUBAR004 Public SMTP timeout error
PRIAR001 Public Internal add request error
PRIAZ001 Private Internal authorization error