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OCLC Support

I have a bunch of items in Awaiting Post Receipt Processing in ILLiad and I only want to print some of them, how can I do that?

  • You want to print some of the requests in Awaiting Post Receipt Processing, but not all of them
Applies to
  • ILLiad

When you Print Receives, ILLiad will print everything that is in Awaiting Post Receipt Processing Transaction Status.  Here are some steps you can take to print some of the requests in Awaiting Post Receipt Processing:

  1. Go to the Awaiting Post Receipt Processing queue and route the items you do not want to print to a different queue.  Make sure you keep track of the Transaction Numbers.
  2. You might find a Custom Queue that you have that has no or only a couple of transactions in it, or create a new Custom Queue by following the Creating Custom Queues documentation.
  3. Print your requests by clicking on "Print Receives."
  4. Route your other requests back to the Awaiting Post Receipt Processing queue.  
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