WorldCat Validation release notes, February 2022
Release Date: February 24, 2022
This release of changes to WorldCat Validation involves the following new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.
- New features and enhancements:
- OCLC-MARC Validations of New MARC Codes Announced November 2021 Through January 2022
- New ISSN Centre Codes Validated for Bibliographic 022
- MARC 21 Bibliographic Update No. 33 (announced November 2021)
- MARC 21 Authority Update No. 33 (announced November 2021) to the Validation Rule Set that Includes All Valid Elements of MARC 21 Authority Format
- MARC 21 Holdings Update No. 33 (announced November 2021)
- Update to the Validation Rule Set for Library of Congress Subject Authorities for Field 688
- Bug fixes:
- Correction of Validation for Bibliographic Field 072
- Correction of Validation for Indicator One in Bibliographic Field 082
- Correction of Validation for Subfield $q in Bibliographic Fields 082, 083, and 084
- Duplicate Field Check Normalization Reverts to Retaining First Comma in All Fields
These enhancements and fixes are the result of announcements of new MARC elements and codes by the Library of Congress as well as feedback and requests from members of the OCLC community.
New features and enhancements
OCLC-MARC Validations of New MARC Codes Announced November 2021 Through January 2022
You may now use all new MARC Codes announced by the Library of Congress in the following LC Technical Notices:
- Technical Notice (November 26, 2021)
- Technical Notice (December 7, 2021)
- Technical Notice (December 9, 2021)
- Technical Notice (December 9, 2021 – Revised)
- Technical Notice (January 31, 2022)
Cartographic Data Source Codes
The following source code has been added to the Cartographic Data Source Codes list for usage in appropriate fields and elements.
- ngmdbeh - NGMDB extent helper (USGS National Geologic Map Database) (
Description Convention Source Codes
The following source code has been added to the Description Convention Source Codes list for usage in appropriate fields and elements.
- fiafcm - FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual (International Federation of Film Archives) (
Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes
The following source codes have been added to the Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes list for usage in appropriate fields and elements.
- mts - Metatietosanasto (Helsinki: National Library of Finland) (
- rdatb - RDA type of binding (
Name and Title Authority Source Codes
The following source code has been added to the Name and Title Authority Source Codes list for usage in appropriate fields and elements.
- twnaf - Taiwan Name Authority File (Taipei: National Central Library)
Standard Identifier Source Codes
The following source codes have been added to the Standard Identifier Source Codes list for usage in appropriate fields and elements.
- kulturnav - Kulturnav (
- tpce - Tesauros del Patrimonio Cultural de España (Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte) (
Subject Heading and Term Source Codes
The following source codes have been added to the Subject Heading and Term Source Codes list for usage in appropriate fields and elements.
- embuscglg - University Library of Santiago de Compostela headings in Galician (*gag/j)
- maknaz - Expanded Thesaurus (Maknaz) = al-Maknaz al-Muwassa'
- minecost - Tesauro de Economía de la Biblioteca Central de MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation)
New ISSN Centre Codes Validated for Bibliographic 022
Two new ISSN Centre Codes have now been validated for use in Bibliographic field 022 (International Standard Serial Number) subfield $2.
- 0a - Publications Office of the European Union [Note: This code is a zero followed by lowercase "a"]
- 80 - Peru
MARC 21 Bibliographic Update No. 33 (announced November 2021)
You may now begin to use the following changes to Bibliographic elements implemented as part of OCLC-MARC Bibliographic Update for February 2022, based on the MARC 21 Bibliographic format changes announced in MARC 21 Bibliographic Update No. 33 (November 2021):
- In Bibliographic field 007, Physical Description Fixed Field for Sound Recordings, the existing character position 007/13 (subfield $n) has been renamed “Original Capture and Storage Technique” (previously “Capture and Storage Technique”) and the following five existing codes have been renamed and redescribed:
- a: Acoustical capture, analog direct storage (previously “Acoustical capture, direct storage”)
- b: Electrical capture, analog direct storage (previously “Direct storage, not acoustical”)
- d: Electrical capture, digital storage (previously “Digital storage”)
- e: Electrical capture, analog electrical storage (previously “Analog electrical storage”)
- u: Unknown capture and storage (previously “Unknown”)
- In Bibliographic field 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data), the field definition was broadened to allow for the recording of geographic coordinates for any type of resource, either cartographic or non-cartographic. This also resulted in editorial changes to the definitions of existing First Indicator value 0 (Scale indeterminable/No scale recorded), subfield $a (Category of scale), subfield $c (Constant ratio linear vertical scale), and subfield $g (Coordinates - southernmost latitude).
- In Bibliographic field 340 (Physical Medium), new subfield $l [letter “el”] (Binding) has been defined.
- In Bibliographic field 344 (Sound Characteristics), new subfield $j (Original Capture and Storage Technique) has been defined.
- In Bibliographic field 490 (Series Statement), new subfields $y (Incorrect ISSN) and $z (Canceled ISSN) have been defined.
MARC 21 Authority Update No. 33 (announced November 2021) to the Validation Rule Set that Includes All Valid Elements of MARC 21 Authority Format
You may now begin to use the following changes to Authority elements implemented as part of OCLC-MARC Authority Update for February 2022, based on the MARC 21 Authority format changes announced in MARC 21 Authority Update No. 33 (November 2021).
Note: These changes apply only to the OCLC-MARC Authority validation rule set that includes all valid elements of MARC 21 Authority Format and cannot be used in the LC/NACO Authority File.
- In Authority field 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data), the definition of existing subfield $g (Coordinates - southernmost latitude) has been broadened to avoid restricting its use to a geographic entity.
- In Authority field 672 (Title Related to the Entity), new subfields $i (Relationship information) and $4 (Relationship) have been defined.
Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) participants should not use these authority format changes in the LC/NACO Authority File at this time. The Library of Congress and OCLC will announce the implementation of these elements for use in name and subject authority records in the LC/NACO Authority File at a future date.
MARC 21 Holdings Update No. 33 (announced November 2021)
There are no changes to the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data for Update No. 33 (November 2021) resulting from proposals that were considered by the MARC 21 community since the publication of Update No. 32 (June 2021).
Update to the Validation Rule Set for Library of Congress Subject Authorities for Field 688
In accordance with the announcement “Implementation of History Notes in Field 688 in Authority Records for LCSH, LCGFT, LCDGT, LCMPT, and CYAC” issued on 2022 February 22 by the Library of Congress Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division, LC will begin to use Authority field 688 (Application History Note) in records for the following vocabularies:
- Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
- Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT)
- Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT)
- Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT)
- Library of Congress Children’s Subject Headings (CYAC)
Field 688 and its subfield $a are now valid in the rule set for Library of Congress Subject Authorities. Field 688 will begin to appear in LC distributed subject authority records no earlier than April 4, 2022.
Bug fixes
Correction of Validation for Bibliographic Field 072
In Bibliographic field 072 (Subject Category Code), the relationship between Second Indicator value “7” (Source Specified in Subfield $2) and the presence of subfield $2 (Source) is now reciprocal.
Correction of Validation for Indicator One in Bibliographic Field 082
In Bibliographic field 082 (Dewey Decimal Classification Number), the relationship among the First Indicator (Type of Edition) and subfield $2 (Edition Information) of field 082 and the record’s Leader/06 (Type of Record) value has been corrected.
Correction of Validation for Subfield $q in Bibliographic Fields 082, 083, and 084
In Bibliographic fields 082 (Dewey Decimal Classification Number), 083 (Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number), and 084 (Other Classification Number), the maximum length for a value in subfield $q (Assigning Agency) is now ten characters.
Duplicate Field Check Normalization Reverts to Retaining First Comma in All Fields
In the Validation Release Notes, November 2021, the bug fix “Improved Normalization in Duplicate Field Check” announced that the first comma would be retained for normalization only in personal name fields, whereas in all other fields, each comma would be converted to “blank” as part of normalization. Because of unsatisfactory results, OCLC is reverting this aspect of WorldCat validation to its previous state. When checking for duplicate fields in bibliographic and authority records, validation will retain the first comma in all fields rather than limiting it to personal names.
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