1. General guidelines on recording attributes of manifestations and items
Note: Onderstaande tabel biedt een overzicht van de keuzes van de Werkgroep Richtlijnen RDA t.a.v. de alternatieven en opties.
1.4 Language and script
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Alternative [1] If an element in this list cannot be recorded in the script used on the source from which it is taken, record the element in a transliterated form. |
1.4 Nee tegen alternatief [1], tenzij het om technische redenen niet anders kan. |
Optional Addition Record an element listed at 1.4 in a transliterated form in addition to the form recorded in the script used on the source. |
1.4 Ja voor optionele toevoeging. |
Alternative [2] Record a name, title, or quotation incorporated into a note in a transliterated form. |
1.4 Ja voor alternatief [2]. |
1.7.1 General guidelines on transcription
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Alternative [1] The agency creating the data may establish in-house guidelines for capitalization, punctuation, numerals, symbols, abbreviations, etc., or choose a published style manual, etc., as its preferred guide (e.g., The Chicago Manual of Style). In such situations, use those guidelines or that style manual instead of the instructions at 1.7.2–1.7.9 and in the appendices. |
1.7.1 Nee tegen alternatief [1]. |
Alternative [2] Accept data without modification if: a) using a description created by another agency or b) using data derived from a digital source of information by automated scanning, copying, or downloading process (e.g., by harvesting embedded metadata or automatically generating metadata). |
1.7.1 Per instelling of situatie wordt bekeken of het alternatief wordt gevolgd of niet. [2]. |
1.7.4 Diacritical marks
Paragraaf binnen RDA | Keuze Werkgroep Richtlijnen RDA |
Optional Addition Add diacritical marks that are not present on the source of information in accordance with standard usage for the language of the data. |
1.7.4 Optie wordt aan het oordeel van de catalogiseerder overgelaten. E.e.a. hangt af van de kennis die men heeft van bepaalde talen. |
1.8 Numbers expressed as numerals or as words
Paragraaf binnen RDA | Keuze Werkgroep Richtlijnen RDA |
1.8.1 General Guidelines | |
Alternative Early printed resources. For early printed resources, transcribe numbers expressed as numerals or as words in the form in which they appear on the source of information in the following elements: numbering of serials date of production date of publication date of distribution date of manufacture |
1.8.1 Ja voor alternatief. |
1.8.2 Form of Numerals | |
Alternative [1] Record numerals in the form in which they appear on the source of information. |
1.8.2 Nee tegen alternatief [1]. |
Alternative [2] Record the numerals in the form in which they appear on the source. Add the equivalent numerals in the form preferred by the agency creating the data. Indicate that the information was taken from a source outside the resource itself (see 2.2.4). |
1.8.2 Nee tegen alternatief [2]. |
1.10 Notes
Paragraaf binnen RDA | Keuze Werkgroep Richtlijnen RDA |
1.10.2 Capitalization | |
Alternative [1] The agency creating the data may establish in-house guidelines for capitalization, punctuation, numerals, symbols, abbreviations, etc., or choose a published style manual, etc., (e.g., The Chicago Manual of Style) as its preferred guide. In such situations, use those guidelines or that style manual instead of appendix A. |
1.10.2 Nee tegen alternatief [1]. |
Alternative [2] Do not modify the capitalization of information used in a note if it is derived from a digital source using an automated scanning, copying, or downloading process (e.g., by harvesting embedded metadata or automatically generating metadata). |
1.10.2 Per instelling of situatie wordt bekeken of het alternatief wordt gevolgd of niet. [2] |