Edit non-Latin records

Discover how to edit non-Latin records in Connexion client.

Editing functions supported

Controlling headings unsupported

Verify MARC-8 characters

To check the validity of characters separately from the validate records function (Edit > Validate or <Shift><F5>):

  1. Click Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify or press <Alt><E><8><V>.
    • The client changes the color of invalid characters to red by default (ora color you specify in Tools > Options > Record Display).
    • If no invalid characters are present, you get a message that verification is completed. Click OK or press <Enter> to close.

     Note: MARC-8 verification is inappropriate for all scripts that are outside of the MARC- 8 character set.

    If you are trying to catalog CJK characters to stay within MARC-8 characters, you can use an automatic converter (Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Convert to MARC-8 CJK) to convert them to equivalent MARC-8 compliant characters.
  2. Click MARC-8 Characters > Clear or press <Alt><E><8><C> to remove invalid character display (display all text in the default text color or the color you selected in Tools > Options > Record Display).
    • Click Tools > Options > Record Display for color options. The default color for invalid characters is red.

Convert invalid CJK characters to equivalent MARC-8 characters

When you verify CJK characters as MARC-8-compliant (Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify), and the client identifies invalid character(s), you can automatically convert the character(s) in the record to MARC-8-equivalent CJK characters:

If you already know that a record contains invalid CJK characters, you can use the Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Convert to MARC-8 command without first using the Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify command.

 Note: The Library of Congress also has a CJK Compatibility Database on the Cataloging Policy and Support Office (CPSO) homepage to help with MARC-8 compliant or missing characters.

Link/unlink paired non-Latin/Latin script fields

The client automatically links two non-Latin script/Latin script fields that have the same tag number when you validate, reformat, save, or take an action on the record. The client always treats a non-Latin script field as the first of a corresponding pair.

You can link or unlink two non-Latin/Latin script fields with the same tag number.

Link fields

You can link fields through either of the following methods:

  • Place the cursor in the first field of a set of paired fields (the non-Latin data field), and then click Edit > Linking Fields > Link Fields or press <Alt><E><K><L> to link all paired fields. 
  • Right-click and then click Link Fields on the pop-up shortcut menu to link the two fields where the cursor is located.

When you link fields:

  • The client uses a bracket to display linked fields, as in the following example showing part of a CJK record:
    CJK record example
  • Printouts of records retain the brackets to indicate linked fields.
  • If you modify the tag of one of the linked fields, the tag for the other field changes, too.
  • If the cursor is in a linked field when you add a new field, the new field is added above or below the set of linked fields. Linked fields cannot be separated.
  • Moving a linked field moves the set of linked fields.
  • If you delete one field in a linked field set, the client keeps the other field and removes the link indicator (bracket).

 Caution: If Latin script and non-Latin script parallel fields are not linked, display of the non-Latin script in records downloaded to your local system may be affected. You can set an option to get a warning before the client exports records with unlinked non-Latin script fields in Tools > Options > Export.

Unlink fields

You can unlink fields through either of the following methods:

  • Click Linking Fields > Unlink Fields or press <Alt><E><K><U> to unlink all linked fields.
  • Right-click and then click Unlink Fields on the pop-up shortcut menu to unlink the pair of fields where the cursor is located.

Align right-to-left script data

By default, the client displays (and prints) right-to-left script data (e.g., Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac) in records aligned to the right. Toggle alignment for these scripts using View > Align Right.

Use Unicode formatting characters for bidirectional data

Valid left-to-right character strings (multiple digit numbers and punctuation) appear mixed in with right-to-left script data in right-to-left scripts. To ensure that this bidirectional data displays correctly, use Unicode formatting control characters.

The formatting control characters distinguish how to display mixed left-to-right and right-to-left data in right-to-left scripts. To insert a control character:

  1. Right-click in a field.
  2. Click Insert Unicode Control Character on the pop-up menu.
  3. Click a character.

Use CJK E-Dictionary

Use the CJK E-Dictionary (electronic dictionary) on the Tools menu to search or browse for information about:

See Use CJK E-Dictionary for more information.

Report errors in non-Latin scripts

You can use non-Latin script text in the message box of the Report Error window to report errors in non-Latin script records (Action > Report Error).