Search non-Latin records

Discover how to search for non-Latin records in Connexion client.

Enter searches

To enter one of the searches above to retrieve all records that contain a specified script, use the command line in the Search WorldCat window (Cataloging > Search > WorldCat).

 Note: If a search for a particular script alone retrieves too many WorldCat records (limit 1,500 records), you must limit the search and try again. See Use WorldCat search results for more about how the client displays WorldCat search results.


See Search WorldCat for more about word and phrase searching and search methods.

Sort order of search results

You can select how the results of non-Latin script WorldCat searches are sorted:

To check or change the option for sort order for WorldCat search results:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click the International tab.
  3. Select the Primary Sort by Latin Script check box to select or deselect the option to sort search results in alphabetical order by the Latin script data.
    • If you deselect the check box, search results are sorted in Unicode order by the non-Latin script data.
    • The sort order selected also determines the sort order of local bibliographic save file and local constant data search results.
    • Tamil Unicode 4.0 codes are not in collating order. The default, alphabetical
      sorting by Latin script, is recommended if romanized (Latin-equivalent) data is included in the record with Tamil script data.
  4. When finished, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Close or press <Enter> to apply the settings and close the Options window.
    • Click Apply to apply the settings without closing the window.