066 script codes

Discover which 066 script codes are supported in Connexion client.

OCLC supports script codes for all scripts in 066 fields. Some scripts will have more than one code depending on the Unicode character group to which they belong. Script identification codes are based on ISO 15924 Code Lists.

If you want to search for any of these codes, you can use the Character Sets Present index using either of the following labels: vp:
(index) or vp= (phrase).

Code* English name MARC-8 code** Notes
Adlm Adlam    
Aghb Caucasian Albanian    
Ahom Ahom, Tai Ahom    
Arab or MARC-8 code Arabic
  • 066 c (3 (Arabic base script))
  • 066 c (4 (Arabic extended script))
  • vp=ara (MARC-8 codes)
  • vp=arab (All Arabic script, both MARC-8 and Unicode characters)
Armi Imperial Aramaic    
Armn Armenian   Both vp=arm and vp=armn return all Armenian script.
Avst Avestan    
Bali Balinese    
Bamu Baumum    
Bass Bassa Vah    
Batk Batak    
Beng Bengali   Both vp=ben and vp=beng return all Bengali script.
Bhks Bhaiksuki    
Bopo Bopomofo    
Brah Brahmi    
Brai Braille    
Bugi Buginese    
Buhd Buhid    
Cakm Chakma    
Cans Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics    
Cari Carian    
Cham Cham    
Cher Cherokee    
Copt Coptic    
Cprt Cypriot    
Cyrl or MARC-8 code Cyrillic
  • 066 c (N (Cyrillic basic script))
  • 066 c (Q (Cyrillic extended script))
  • vp=cyr (MARC-8 codes)
  • vp=cyrl (All Cyrillic script, both MARC-8 and Unicode characters)
Deva Devanagari (Nagari)   Both vp=dev and vp=deva return all Devanagari script.
Dsrt Deseret (Mormon)    
Dupl Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography    
Egyp Egyptian hieroglyphs    
Elba Elbasan    
Ethi Ethiopic (Ge'ez)   Both vp=eth and vp=ethi return all Ethiopic script.
Geor Georgian (Mkhedruli)    
Glag Glagolitic    
Gonm Masaram Gondi    
Goth Gothic    
Gran Grantha    
Grek or MARC-8 code Greek
  • 066 c (S (Greek))
  • vp=gre (MARC-8 codes)
  • vp=grek (All Greek script, both MARC-8 and Unicode characters)
Gujr Gujarati    
Guru Gurmukhi    
Hang Hangul ((Hangŭl,
  • 066 c $1 (CJK script)
Korean script uses the Korean-specific characters represented by Hang as well as CJK characters represented as Hani.

A search of vp:hang will not include CJK characters.
Hani or MARC-8 code Han (Hanzi, Kanji,
  • 066 c $1 (CJK script)
CJK script is used for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters as well as other scripts. The script designated as Hani and/or $1 is for CJK characters only.

A search of vp:hani will include all CJK script, both MARC-8 and Unicode characters.
Hano Hanunoo (Hanunóo)    
Hatr Hatran    
Hebr or MARC-8 code Hebrew
  • 066 c (2 (Hebrew script))
Both vp=hbr and vp=hebr return all
Hebrew script.
Hluw Anatolian Hieroglyphs
(Luwian Hieroglyphs,
Hittite Hieroglyphs)
Hmng Pahawh Hmong    
Hrkt Japanese syllabaries
(alias for Hiragana +
  • 066 c $1 (CJK script)
Japanese script uses the Japanese-specific characters represented by Hrkt as well as CJK characters represented as Hani.

A search of vp:hrkt will not include CJK characters.
Hung Old Hungarian
(Hungarian Runic)
Ital Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan, etc.)    
Java Javanese    
Kali Kayah Li    
Khar Kharoshthi    
Khmr Khmer    
Khoj Khojki    
Knda Kannada    
Kthi Kaithi    
Lana Tai Tham (Lanna)    
Laoo Lao    
Lepc Lepcha (Róng)    
Limb Limbu    
Lina Linear A    
Linb Linear B    
Lisu Lisu (Fraser)    
Lyci Lycian    
Lydi Lydian    
Mahj Mahajani    
Mand Mandaic, Mandaean    
Mani Manichaean    
Marc Marchen    
Mend Mende Kikakui    
Merc Meroitic Cursive    
Mero Meroitic Hieroglyphs    
Mlym Malayalam    
Modi Modi, Moḍī    
Mong Mongolian    
Mroo Mro, Mru    
Mtei Meitei Mayek (Meithei,
Mult Multani    
Mymr Myanmar (Burmese)    
Narb Old North Arabian
(Ancient North Arabian)
Nbat Nabataean    
Newa Newa    
Nkoo N'Ko    
Nshu Nüshu    
Ogam Ogham    
Olck Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet', Ol,
Orkh Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic    
Orya Oriya    
Osge Osage    
Osma Osmanya    
Palm Palmyrene    
Pauc Pau Cin Hau    
Perm Old Permic    
Phag Phags-pa    
Phli Inscriptional Pahlavi    
Phlp Psalter Pahlavi    
Phnx Phoenician    
Plrd Miao (Pollard)    
Prti Inscriptional Parthian    
Rjng Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga)    
Runr Runic    
Samr Samaritan    
Sarb Old South Arabian    
Saur Saurashtra    
Sgnw SignWriting   Includes Sutton SignWriting
Shaw Shavian (Shaw)    
Shrd Sharada, Śāradā    
Sidd Siddham, Siddhaṃ,
Sind Khudawadi, Sindhi    
Sinh Sinhala    
Sora Sora Sompeng    
Soyo Soyombo    
Sund Sundanese    
Sylo Syloti Nagri    
Syrc Syriac   Both vp=syr and vp=syrc return all
Syriac script.
Tagb Tagbanwa    
Takr Takri, Ṭākrī, Ṭāṅkrī    
Tale Tai Le    
Talu New Tai Lue    
Tami Tamil   Both vp=tam and vp=taml return all Tamil script.
Tang Tangut    
Tavt Tai Viet    
Telu Telugu    
Tfng Tifinagh (Berber)    
Tglg Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata)    
Thaa Thaana    
Thai Thai   Both vp=tha and vp=thai return all Thai script.
Tibt Tibetan    
Tirh Tirhuta    
Ugar Ugaritic    
Vaii Vai    
Wara Warang Citi (Varang
Xpeo Old Persian    
Xsux Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian    
Yiii Yi    
Zanb Zanabazar Square    
Zsym Symbols    
* This gives the list of codes that identify the script used. It appears in the 066 $c and the 880 $6. The codes are from ISO
15924 Code List

** MARC-8 code is the code OCLC uses to identify the original MARC-8 characters for this script. If only original MARC-8
characters are present then only the MARC-8 code will be present. Any characters for these scripts beyond the original MARC-8 use the four-letter Unicode character. See the MARC-8 Code Tables for details.