Bibliographic record validation errors

Discover how record validation errors are handled in Connexion client.

Errors detected during online or offline validation

Online validation checks

  • Valid fixed-field values, tags, indicators, and subfields, as defined in OCLC-MARC records and Bibliographic Formats and Standards.
  • Valid combinations of fixed-field values, tags, indicators, and subfields.
  • Repeatability and nonrepeatability of tags and subfields.
  • Valid number of characters in fields and records. The number of characters in a field cannot exceed 9,999. The number of characters in a record cannot exceed 99,999.
     Note: These size limits are defined by MARC21 standards. Valid characters are defined in OCLC- MARC Records.
  • Valid structure in some non-textual variable fields, for example, 006, 010, 020, 022, 030, and 040.
  • Valid non-Latin script characters, if present.

    Alternative: To check the validity of characters alone, separately from validating records, use Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify. For details, see Verify MARC-8 characters.

Offline validation checks

  • Same checks of record format and content as for online validation.
  • However, because you are not logged on, cannot verify specific actions on records that are defined by your authorization, such as edits to a record that are restricted to a particular cataloging level (for example, CONSER level upgrades) and Replace capabilities.
  • Records may pass offline validation, but the final actions you take may fail.
     Note: An Internet connection is required to validate records offline.

Automatic correction of minor data errors (bibliographic records only)

Connexion corrects the following minor errors when you validate a bibliographic record as a separate step (Edit > Validate) or take a final action and let the system validate the record automatically:

Expanded editing capabilities: No validation errors

As a result of system changes in mid-2005, the following activities no longer produce error messages: