Print authority constant data search results
Discover how to print authority constant data search results in Connexion client.
Note: Connexion client uses Internet Explorer (IE) to print records and lists. Therefore, page margins for printing are determined by IE Page Setup settings. To adjust the margins, open the browser, and on the File menu, click Page Setup. You can determine other print settings (e.g., portrait or landscape orientation) in the client Print dialog.
Print a record
Print a list or selected entries
You can print an entire list or print selected entries on a list:
- With an Online Authority Constant Data List or a Local Authority Constant Data List open, click File > Print List or press <Shift><F12>.
Select only entries you want to print, and click File > Print List or press <Shift><F12>. - If you have more than one record selected, the Print List dialog opens.
- Click the button next to All to print all records in the list.
Or - Click the button next to Selected Items to print only records you selected in the list.
Otherwise, go to step 3. - Click the button next to All to print all records in the list.
- In the Print dialog, click Print or press <Enter>. If you are working with online constant data lists, the client prints only the set of currently displayed records if the results exceed 100 records. You must display other sets in the list to print them.
See Record lists for general information on using lists in Connexion client.