WorldShare Reports release notes, September 2020


Release Date: September 17, 2020


This release of WorldShare Reports provides a number of new features and enhancements. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

Utilize COUNTER 5 TR_J2 and TR_B2 data in updated standard reporting

COUNTER 5 turnaway data for E-Books and E-Journals is now available to your library in WorldShare Reports. These updated reports give your library the ability to leverage the TR_J2 and TR_B2 data harvested in WorldShare License Manager by turning it into detailed reports to help your library with decision making. OCLC has updated the COUNTER 5 Merged E-Journal/E-book Usage Summary report and COUNTER 5 Merged E-Journal/E-Book Usage Detail report for your use.

COUNTER 5 Merged E-Journal/E-Book Usage Summary report

The COUNTER 5 Merged E-Journal/E-Book Usage Summary report has been updated to include your library's C5TR_J2 and C5TR_B2 COUNTER data. Summaries of turnaway data by Vendor Name are provided for Title No License Denials and Title Limit Exceeded Denials. You can use the input controls located in the report to switch between the C5TR_J2 and C5TR_B2. The Merged COUNTER 5 E-Journal/E-Book Usage Detail report, which can be launched from this report, has also been updated to show your library's C5TR_J2 and C5TR_B2 data by title.



New COUNTER measures

Two new measures are now available in WorldShare Report Designer. These measures give your library the ability to add ejournal and ebook turnaway data to your custom reports.

Title Limit Exceeded Denials - The number of times access to an eJournal or eBook was denied because the licensed simultaneous-user limit for the user's institution was exceeded.

Title No License Denials - The number of tmes access to an eJournal or eBook was denied because the user's institution did not have a license to the content.



Other Updates

Updated Circulation Fiscal Transactions object names and descriptions

The following report objects have been renamed and redefined in order to help your library better utilize data in the Circulation Fiscal Transactions universe:

  • Fiscal Transaction Original Bill Date has been renamed and redefined to Fiscal Transaction Date - The date of a fiscal transaction.
  • Fiscal Transaction Original Bill Date/Time has been renamed and redefined to Fiscal Transaction Date/Time - The date and time of a fiscal transaction.
  • Fiscal Transaction Original Bill Amount has been renamed and redefined to Fiscal Transaction Amount - The monetary amount of a fiscal transaction, inclusive of taxes and other related charges.

The report objects listed below have been redefined to clarify data being reported by your library.

  • Fiscal Transaction Net Amount - The monetary amount of a fiscal transaction, exclusive of taxes and other related charges.
  • Fiscal Transaction Last Modified Date - The date of the last update on a fiscal transaction.
  • Fiscal Transaction Last Update Date - The most recent date a bill was linked to a PAY, WAIVE, CANCEL, or REFUND transaction.

Removal of Copy Claiming Date from Acquisitions universe

This release of WorldShare Report Designer has removed the Copy Claiming Date report objects from the Acquisitions universe. This field has not been used in Report Designer for sometime and has been removed in order to help your library to avoid confusion when working in the Acquisitions universe.

Catalog Data Refresh report now showing LHR Duplicate Barcodes report

The Cataloging Data Refresh report was previously missing from the LHR Duplicate Barcodes report. You can now find the status of the LHR Duplicate Barcodes report in the Cataloging Data Refresh report.


Bug fixes

There were no bug fixes in this release.

Please use the Analytics’ discussion forum to discuss any issues you encounter or contact support at

Known issues

There are no new known issues at this time.

A list of all other current known issues is available here.

Support websites

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: