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Share licenses (group aware for consortia)

WorldShare Management Services libraries with group aware can share licenses with libraries in their consortium.

View a shared license

The shared status of a license is available in the license search results screen along with locally-created licenses. You can accept or reject a license that has been shared with you.  You may also be asked by the sharing library to withdraw the license if it is no longer in use.  To see what licenses are shared with your library, search for a license.

To search for a license:

  1. On the left side of the screen, expand Licenses.
  2. Perform a Terms of Use Search, or select a search Scope from the drop-down list:
    • License Name: The name you entered when creating the license in License Manager
    • Comment Fields: Text you entered into comments and descriptions when creating the license
    • Documents: The documents (file or URL) you added to the license
    • Vendor: The vendor from whom you are licensing the collection
  3. Type your search term into the search box.
  4. Click & Search or press <Enter>.
    • If the search results extend to two or more screens, use the navigation links (top and bottom of list) to move between screens. Screen headers and footers show your position within the list. For example: Results 11-20 of 56
    • Previous searches appear below the Search button. Click a search to return to it
  5. On the search results screen, click the license name to open it.

The sharing status of the license appears in the Shared column. Licenses your institution has shared with other libraries will say Shared by my library. Licenses shared to your library will say Shared to my library by: [Institution Name].

To filter by shared status:

  1. From the search results screen, click on the Shared drop-down in the Filter by section.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • All: All licenses regardless of shared status.
    • Pending - Shared: Licenses shared to your library that have not been accepted.
    • Shared by My Library: Licenses shared by your institution.
    • Shared to My Library by Another: Licenses shared to your library by a different institution.
    • Not Shared: Licenses that are not shared. Use this filter to see local licenses and review which licenses may be candidates for future sharing.

       Note: Shared licenses where an Editable Local Copy was created will appear in both the Shared to My Library by Another and Not Shared filters, as the license contains two tabs with data for both the local license and the original shared license. 

  3. On the Licenses Shared by Others screen, click the License Name to view the license.

 Note: The Shared column only appears to WMS libraries with group aware (WMS for groups). Group aware links the individual institutions in your group through their WMS instances and allows data to be shared among the group.

Accept a shared license

If you want to accept a license that was shared with you, follow the instructions below. Once you accept a license, the Shared column updates to Shared to my library by: [Institution] and you will be able to continue accessing the read-only version of the license. The sharing library will be notified that you accepted the license if they have configured the License share accepted alert. See List of predefined alerts for more information. If the sharing library makes any changes to the license, your read-only version of the license will also be updated.

To accept a shared license:

  1. Search for the license.
    • (Optional) Use the Shared drop-down in the Filter by column and select Pending - Shared.
  2. In the Shared column, click on the Sharing Actions drop-down and select Accept Share.
  3. A confirmation will appear and the status in the Shared column will be updated to Shared to my library by:[Institution].

Edit a shared license

Once you have accepted a shared license, you have the option to create a local and editable copy of the shared license to conform with local standards or fully document all aspects of the license.

From the shared license:

  1. Click Create Local / Editable Copy.
  2. A copy of the originally shared license is created and appears under the Editable Local Copy tab.

     Note: All edits to this license are only visible to the specific institution and do not affect the originally shared license.

  3. The originally shared copy of the license will appear under the Shared Copy tab.


  4. Add the desired information to the Editable Local Copy of the license.
  5. Click Save.

 Note:  Licensed periods are still controlled by the sharing library.  

If you no longer need the local copy of the license, select License Actions > Delete Editable Local Copy. Deleting the local copy will not affect the shared license.


If you wish to decline a shared license after creating a locally editable copy:

  1. The share will be declined and the original shared copy will no longer be visible.
  2. The locally editable copy will be marked as terminated, but the copy will be retained as a record of the license.

Decline a shared license

If you do not want to make use of a license shared with you, you can decline it. Follow the instructions below to decline a license. When you decline a shared license, you will not be able to view it again. The sharing library will be notified that you declined the license if they have configured the License share rejected alert. See List of predefined alerts for more information. If the sharing library makes any changes to the license, your read-only version of the license will also be updated.

To reject a shared license:

  1. Search for a license.
    • (Optional) Use the Shared drop-down in the Filter by column and select Pending - Shared.
  2. In the Shared column, select the Sharing Actions drop-down and select Decline Share.
  3. A Decline Shared License message appears.  Click Decline Share to proceed with removing the license.   A confirmation message appears indicating that the license was declined.
  4. The license is removed from the screen.

To reject a shared license you had previously accepted:

  1. Search for a license.
    • (Optional) Use the Shared drop-down in the Filter by column and select Shared to My Library by Another.
  2. Select Decline Share from the Shared column directly.
  3. A Decline Shared License message appears.  Click Decline Share to proceed with removing the license. A confirmation message appears indicating that the license was declined.
  4. The license is removed from the screen.

Withdraw a shared license

If the sharing library requests that you withdraw the license, follow the instructions below. The sharing library may ask you to withdraw the license because your group is no longer subscribing to the licensed content. When a sharing library requests for you to withdraw the license in the system, the license's Sharing Status changes to Withdrawal Requested.

To withdraw a shared license:

  1. Search for a license.
    • (Optional) Use the Shared drop-down in the Filter by column and select Shared by My Library.
  2. Click on the license to be withdrawn.
  3. From the license screen, select the Sharing drop-down.
  4. Click Withdraw next to the institution name.
  5. A confirmation message appears indicating the license has been withdrawn.

Sharing a License to another Institution

If a license is currently shared with another institution, the green sharing icon will appear under the Shared column of your search results. To share a license, first search for the desired license following the steps below.

 Note: If no search criteria are entered, all results will be listed. To browse licenses, leave the search box empty and click Search.

To search for a license:

  1. On the left side of the screen, expand Licenses.
  2. Perform a Terms of Use Search, or select a search Scope from the drop-down list:
    • License Name: The name you entered when creating the license in License Manager 
    • Comment Fields: Text you entered into comments and descriptions when creating the license
    • Documents: The documents (file or URL) you added to the license
    • Vendor: The vendor from whom you are licensing the collection
  3. Type your search term into the search box.
  4. Click Search or press <Enter>.
    • If the search results extend to two or more screens, use the navigation links (top and bottom of list) to move between screens. Screen headers and footers show your position within the list. For example: Results 11-20 of 56
    • Previous searches appear below the Search button. Click a search to return to it
  5. On the search results screen, click the license name to open it.
  6. (Optional). After you perform a search, export a download of all licenses regardless of the checkbox selections. Use the Bulk Actions drop-down and select Export Details to download a .csv file of your search results. A count of the number of included licenses will be included next to the Export Details in parentheses. 
    • Larger exports may result in a timeout based on the amount of data they contain. If you experience this, narrow your license search and export a smaller set.
Filter results
  1. Choose a filter and use the drop-down list to select the filter. Search results can be filtered by:
    • Collections
    • License Level
    • Contract Type
    • License Status
    • License Type
    • Shared (Only available to WorldShare Management Services Libraries with group aware)
    • Signed/Unsigned
  2. Click Apply.

To clear an applied filter, click the individual Reset button within each filter. 

Columns in search results

Search results are sorted alphabetically by template name. To change the sort order, click any column heading.

  • License Name: The name you typed when creating the license in License Manager. Click the license name to access the license.
  • Paper clip icon: The paper clip icon indicates attachments.
  • Vendor: Sort alphabetically by Vendor Name
  • License Level: The level of the license. You can filter by:
    • Collection
    • Title
  • License Type: The type of license. You can filter by:
    • Free Temporarily: licenses that are not associated with a cost in any way
    • Standard: Renewable licenses intended to cover multiple contract periods
    • Trial Period: Licenses that are not associated with a cost and are intended for evaluation purposes
    • Perpetual: Licenses which include a Start Date but no End Date
  • Shared:  This column appears to WorldShare Management Services Libraries with group aware to indicate whether the license has been shared with another institution.  For more information about Sharing licenses, see Share Licenses (Group aware for consortia)
  • License Status: The status of the license. You can filter by:
    • Current: License is in effect
    • Expired: License is no longer in effect
    • Pending: License has been created, but is not in effect
  • Start Date: The date the license begins (on this date the license becomes valid).
  • End Date: The date the license ends (on this date the license is no longer valid).
  • Renew-by Date: The renew-by date is the deadline for renewal or cancelation.
    • You can filter by licenses that have renew-by dates within the next time period you specify. To see only licenses that have renew-by dates within the next year (from today's date one year forward):
      1. Type 1 in the box under Renew.
      2. In the Choose Period list, click Year(s).
      3. Click Filter.
  • Signed: Indicates whether the license has been signed. You can filter by:
    • All
    • Signed
    • Unsigned

Terms of Use Search

Terms of Use Search
  1. Under the search box, click the Terms of Use Search link.
  2. In the window that opens, use the drop-down list to Select a Term.
  3. Leave the default selection or select one of the following radio buttons. "Encoded" means that it occurs in the license document and has been added to License Manager:
    • Encoded
    • Not Encoded (default)
  4. Add term values to the search to further restrict the search. For example, to search for licenses where the values are enabled:
    1. Select Yes for Copy Supplied to Library.
    2. Add Portico (for perpetual access) in the Methods box.

See the Terms of Use (list).

Share a License:

Once you have navigated to the desired license, the Sharing drop-down will indicate the current sharing status of the license. Any institutions with whom you are currently sharing the license will display with the below information.

  • Shared institutions: The Registry ID and Name of the institution
  • Status: Indicates whether the license is currently accepted and in use.
  • Action: Offers the ability to withdraw the license from the institution if the group is no longer subscribed to the licensed content.

To share a license to another institution, enter the Library Name or Registry ID of the library into the Share to box and click Share. The added library will appear in the Shared Institutions list.

You can also mark a license as Automatically select collections when activated to have the collections automatically selected for the library when the library accepts the shared license and the license is active.

  • If the license is in pending status, the library being shared to can accept the share and trust the collections will be automatically selected once the license becomes active. Collections can still be deselected in Collection Manager at any time.
  • If the license being shared is Active and the start date is in the past, the library being shared to can accept the share with their collections automatically selected or bypass the selection of collections in favor of manually selecting them within Collection Manager.
  • If the license being shared has enabled License Expiration to deselect collection(s) when the license expires, the deselection will not occur until the license is withdrawn.  See Withdraw a shared license