Clone a license
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Search for a license
Note: If no search criteria are entered, all results will be listed. To browse licenses, leave the search box empty and click Search.
To search for a license:
- On the left side of the screen, expand Licenses.
- Perform a Terms of Use Search, or select a search Scope from the drop-down list:
- License Name: The name you entered when creating the license in License Manager
- Comment Fields: Text you entered into comments and descriptions when creating the license
- Documents: The documents (file or URL) you added to the license
- Vendor: The vendor from whom you are licensing the collection
- Type your search term into the search box.
- Click Search or press <Enter>.
- If the search results extend to two or more screens, use the navigation links (top and bottom of list) to move between screens. Screen headers and footers show your position within the list. For example: Results 11-20 of 56
- Previous searches appear below the Search button. Click a search to return to it
- On the search results screen, click the license name to open it.
- (Optional). After you perform a search, export a download of all licenses regardless of the checkbox selections. Use the Bulk Actions drop-down and select Export Details to download a .csv file of your search results. A count of the number of included licenses will be included next to the Export Details in parentheses.
- Larger exports may result in a timeout based on the amount of data they contain. If you experience this, narrow your license search and export a smaller set.
- Filter results
- Choose a filter and use the drop-down list to select the filter. Search results can be filtered by:
- Collections
- License Level
- Contract Type
- License Status
- License Type
- Shared (Only available to WorldShare Management Services Libraries with group aware)
- Signed/Unsigned
- Click Apply.
To clear an applied filter, click the individual Reset button within each filter.
- Choose a filter and use the drop-down list to select the filter. Search results can be filtered by:
- Columns in search results
Search results are sorted alphabetically by template name. To change the sort order, click any column heading.
- License Name: The name you typed when creating the license in License Manager. Click the license name to access the license.
- Paper clip icon: The paper clip icon indicates attachments.
- Vendor: Sort alphabetically by Vendor Name
- License Level: The level of the license. You can filter by:
- Collection
- Title
- License Type: The type of license. You can filter by:
- Free Temporarily: licenses that are not associated with a cost in any way
- Standard: Renewable licenses intended to cover multiple contract periods
- Trial Period: Licenses that are not associated with a cost and are intended for evaluation purposes
- Perpetual: Licenses which include a Start Date but no End Date
- Shared: This column appears to WorldShare Management Services Libraries with group aware to indicate whether the license has been shared with another institution. For more information about Sharing licenses, see Share Licenses (Group aware for consortia).
- License Status: The status of the license. You can filter by:
- Current: License is in effect
- Expired: License is no longer in effect
- Pending: License has been created, but is not in effect
- Start Date: The date the license begins (on this date the license becomes valid).
- End Date: The date the license ends (on this date the license is no longer valid).
- Renew-by Date: The renew-by date is the deadline for renewal or cancelation.
- You can filter by licenses that have renew-by dates within the next time period you specify. To see only licenses that have renew-by dates within the next year (from today's date one year forward):
- Type 1 in the box under Renew.
- In the Choose Period list, click Year(s).
- Click Filter.
- You can filter by licenses that have renew-by dates within the next time period you specify. To see only licenses that have renew-by dates within the next year (from today's date one year forward):
- Signed: Indicates whether the license has been signed. You can filter by:
- All
- Signed
- Unsigned
Terms of Use Search
- Terms of Use Search
- Under the search box, click the Terms of Use Search link.
- In the window that opens, use the drop-down list to Select a Term.
- Leave the default selection or select one of the following radio buttons. "Encoded" means that it occurs in the license document and has been added to License Manager:
- Encoded
- Not Encoded (default)
- Add term values to the search to further restrict the search. For example, to search for licenses where the values are enabled:
- Select Yes for Copy Supplied to Library.
- Add Portico (for perpetual access) in the Methods box.
See the Terms of Use (list).
Clone the license
Cloning a license allows you to copy an existing license and edit as needed.
Note: Collections can only appear on Collection Level Licenses and Titles can only appear on Title Level Licenses. If you change Levels when cloning a license or building a license from a template, the content will be removed. For example, if you clone a Collection Level License into a new Title Level License, the Collections from the original license will not be copied over into the Title Level License clone. Other license details, such as terms, will carry over.
From the license view:
- At the top of the screen, click License Actions and then Clone License.
- On the Create New License window, select the kind of license to create:
License type | Description |
Standard License | Create a renewable license intended to cover multiple contract periods. |
Perpetual License | Create a license without an end date. |
Temporarily Free License | Create a license not associated with a cost. |
Trial Period License | Create a license intended for an evaluation period. |
- Select the License Level. Options include:
- Collection
- Title
- Click Continue.
Edit the license fields
As you complete the license fields, please remember to click Save. Asterisks (*) indicate required fields.
Note: Consortia with group aware will see an additional Sharing accordion. See Share licenses (Group aware for consortia).
- General
Fill out the general information for your License.
Field Description Name The name of the license. Example: EBSCOhost Master License Agreement License Type The type of license:
- Free Temporarily: Licenses that are not associated with a cost in any way
- Standard: Renewable licenses intended to cover multiple contract periods.
- Trial Period: Licenses that are not associated with a cost and are intended for evaluation purposes.
Note: This field will not be editable after the license has been saved.
License Level The level of the license. Options include:
- Collection (Default)
- Title
Licensee Your library. Start Date The date the license period begins
- A license that has been accepted and has a start date in the future will automatically become active on the start date.
Note: This field will not be editable after the license has been renewed, activated or shared.
Renewal Deadline The deadline for renewal or cancelation.
See Terms of use for information about the Renewal Deadline Approaching term of use to edit the alert notification date. By default, the Renewal approaching alert is set to notify you two weeks before the renewal deadline.
Renewal Options Choose between Auto Renew and Manual Renew.
Note: This field appears after the License has been saved.
End Date
The date the license period ends.
See Terms of use for information about the End Date Approaching term of use to edit the alert notification date. By default, the About to expire alert is set to notify you two weeks before the renewal deadline.
Activation The license is considered active and enforceable when Activate License is selected. Termination Mark license as terminated.
Note: This field appears after the License has been saved.
Auto Select When selected, your specified collections or titles, depending on the license level, will be selected automatically upon activating the license. See Automatically select and deselect collections.
The functionality to automatically select or deselect collections is not available for private collections, shared collections, or collections in which you have enabled MARC record delivery.
Auto Deselect When selected, your specified collections or titles, depending on the license level, will be deselected when the license expires. See Automatically select and deselect collections.
The functionality to automatically select or deselect collections is not available for private collections, shared collections, or collections in which you have enabled MARC record delivery.
Status The status of the license:
- Current: License is in effect
- Expired: License is no longer in effect
- Pending: License has been created, but is not in effect.
Current Cost Click Edit to enter the cost of the license. Responsible Person(s) Indicate the person(s) responsible for a given license. Date Signed The date your library's representative signed the license. Description Any descriptive notes on the license.
- Collections
- For Collection level licenses
Vendors group the titles libraries subscribe to into collections. The collections in the Collection Lookup list are stored in the WorldCat knowledge base.
Add collections to a license:
- In the Collection Lookup list, type the collection you are looking for. Search results appear automatically when you stop typing.
- In the search results, click Collection Name. The collection will then appear in the table to the right.
- Optional: To edit the collection, click the Collection Name in the table. For more information, see Collection-level settings in knowledge base collections.
- Titles
- For Title level licenses
Vendors group the titles libraries subscribe to into collections. The collections in the Collection Lookup list are stored in the WorldCat knowledge base.
Add Titles to a license:
- Click the Add Titles button to open the Add Titles modal.
- Search for Titles you would like to license:
- Search by Collection to see which titles are within a specific Collection.
- Search by Title to see titles from any Collection.
- Use the Search Scope to narrow your results.
- Use the checkboxes at the left of the table to select the title(s) you want to add to your license.
- The count of the number of titles selected will appear at the bottom of the window.
- Click Reset to start over with your search and selections.
- Click Add to link the title(s) to your license. You will see the selected Titles in a table in the Titles accordion on your license.
- Remove any unwanted titles, if needed.
- Use the Add Titles button to add more titles.
- Click Save. The titles are now attached to the license.
Note: Each license is limited to 900 titles.
- Vendor
- The Vendor accordion allows you to relate a license to a vendor file from WorldShare Acquisitions (WMS Acquisitions > Vendors). Asterisks (*) indicate required fields.
- Select the Contract type from the drop-down menu:
- Single Vendor: The license relates to a single vendor entity.
- Multiple Vendor: The license simply records all vendors associated with the license; typically, this is used to organize many collections around a single term of use such as Interlibrary Loan.
- Use the Select Vendor drop-down to select the existing vendors from the Manage Vendors section which have been marked as "My Library Partner." If you have selected Multiple vendors, they will be listed under the Vendor Information column with the option to display the below fields:
- Location: Displays the default address from the "Addresses" section of the vendor file (if available).
- Contact: Displays the default contact information from the "Contacts" section of the vendor file (if available).
- Email: Displays the email address from the "Contacts" section of the vendor file (if available).
- Vendor Link: Displays the first URL for a vendor from the "Links & Logins" section of the vendor file (if available).
To remove a vendor, click on the Remove option under the Actions column.
- Select the Contract type from the drop-down menu:
- Terms of Use (optional)
See Terms of Use.
- Documents (optional)
Upload documents relevant to the license such as addendums, riders, notes, and so forth. To add a document:
- Enter a Document Label to help define what is found in your document.
- Click Choose File and locate the file.
- Add an optional label. Document labels cannot exceed 255 characters.
- Click Upload.
- Repeat for multiple documents.
- Click Save at the top of the screen to finish attaching documents to the license.
Documents cannot exceed 10 MB.
Documents are organized in a table:
- Each document includes the following information: format, uploaded by, uploaded date, modified by, and modified date.
- Click column headers to change the table sort order.
- Click the filters to narrow the table results.
- Use the delete icon to remove a document.
- Use the edit icon to edit a document label name.
Remember to Save your license after making document changes. Complete document details will not be updated until the license is Saved.
- Bookmarks (optional)
Add links to documents relevant to the license such as addendums, riders, notes, and so forth. To add a link to a license:
- Enter a Bookmark Label to help define what is found in your bookmark link.
- Enter a URL into the text field. Supported URL protocols are: HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.
- Click Add Bookmark.
Bookmark labels cannot exceed 40 characters.
- Comments (optional)
Add Comments.
- Click in the Add Comment box to add a comment about the license.
- Click Add.
- History
The History accordion will be available after a license is created. History provides details about:
- License Costs
- License Changes
- Survey Data (trials)
See Trial license survey with response goal tracking.
Remember to click Save after altering any settings.