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Set up SDI and alerts

Discover how to set up an SDI profile and alerts in OLIB.
  1. Ensure that users' email addresses are entered in the Users domain - Personal Details: Email ID field.
  2. Define which Subjects are to be available as SDI Subjects.
  3. To allow OPAC users to manage their own profile, go to the WebView> Config. Settings domain. Search on my_account and display record 3220. In the Value field enter with double quotes "sdi_profile". Save the changes. OPAC users can then manage their profile in the Account Details screen.
  4. When cataloguing use SDI Subject Headings assigning them to Title records.
  5. Create an SDI profile.
  6. Configure the SMTP server (as required for all alerting).
  7. Create and update profiles in the OPAC.
  8. Enable Run SDI setting in System Administration> Daystart Settings.