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Cataloguing defaults

Discover settings that effect the operation of cataloguing in OLIB.

Access OLIB defaults and edit settings

 Note: These are settings that affect the operation of OLIB as a whole and are only accessible to System Managers.

  1. In the Menu go to System Administration> OLIB Defaults.
  2. Click the Defaults record to display the details.
  3. Click modify record to make changes.

Available Cataloguing defaults

Field Description
RDA Cataloguing Rules in Use Select Yes if you are using RDA in OLIB.
Default MARC21 Encoding When cataloguing a new title in OLIB this will be the default Encoding Level in MARC Leader. The cataloguer can change at individual title level if required.
No. of Places of Publication To Suggest This limits the number of places listed in Places rapid entry.
No. of Publishers To Suggest This limits the number of publishers listed in Publication rapid entry.
Prevent Generation of Author Initials Yes/No. During OLSTF and MARC imports, whether or not the author initials should be generated in the author (Names) authority record.
Default Cataloguing Language

The system wide language to use for cataloguing. OLIB displays this as each record is created, unless you specify otherwise in Title details. Language of Cataloguing is displayed on the MARC details sheet. This can also be specified on the Location record, for the Cataloguer's location. If there is a different default at the cataloguing users’ location, then the value at location level will be used instead.

  • Language of Cataloguing is assigned to MARC records that do not have their own cataloguing language during export (040 $b)
  • This is an important value to specify for data sync / WorldCat matching.
  • It is used in generating the example sort results for title sorting rules examples, e.g. when deciding which number words to unspell
  • Changing OLIB Web location (“PC Location”) will use the location default in preference to the OLIB Defaults value (if specified)
Check for Duplicate Subjects  Whether duplicate Subjects should only be flagged as duplicate within a subject type – or whether it should apply across subject types.
Include Type in Duplicate Subject Match
Ignore Scheme in Duplicate Class Match If you create a new Classmark in OLIB the database is now automatically checked to see if the Classmark already exists. If this flag is set to Yes then the checking for duplicates ignores the classification scheme. If set to No then it only considers Classmarks to be duplicated if they are from the same scheme.
Automatically Add Broader Terms Set this flag to Yes if you want OLIB to automatically assign a subject’s broader terms to a Title record when you assign the subject itself to the Title.
Default Alt. Title Type Allows a default Alternative Title type to be set – e.g. Uniform Title, Abbreviated Title, etc.
Auto Generate Shelfmarks    
Are Shelfmarks to be automatically generated when Copies are created by combining the Classmark and the first three letters of the first author’s surname (e.g. 823 DIC).
Generate Barcodes A specialised implementation setting that auto-generates barcodes in sequence. Used on conjunction with Create Close Copy method.
Show Equivalent ISBN OLIB automatically creates the 13 digit ISBN when you add the 10 digit ISBN to a Title and vice versa. Both ISBN’s can be displayed on the Title record if this value is set to Yes.
Automatically authorise on Accession? If yes, when an accession date is assigned to a title, the title will be Authorised during Daystart.
Statistics to record

OLIB Reports can be used to output this data. Choose from:

Title Deletions only (for OAI Server)
Add, Change, Remove on Copies only
Add, Change, Remove on Titles only
Add, Change, Remove on Titles and Copies only
Auto. Delete Titles Reverse Links?
Auto. Delete Subjects Reverse Links?
Auto. Delete Authors Reverse Links?

Standard setting is Yes: OLIB creates a 'forward' and 'reverse' link when a cross reference is created and automatically deletes both links whenever you remove one.

If you set any of these fields to No this automatic deletion does not occur and you will have to remove links manually as shown in Subjects and Names Cross Referencing.

Warn before delete last copy of a title? If this is set to Yes, the cataloguer will be prompted whether they want to delete the last copy of a title. If set to No, there is no warning and copy deletion proceeds.
Auto delete title when last copy deleted?

To configure OLIB to automatically delete the title record if its last copy is deleted, set this to Yes. This will cause the title record to be added to the Titles for Auto-Deletion folder. If you are using the Delete link or the Delete copy with checks action to delete the copy, OLIB responds with a message to indicate the copy/ies were added to the Auto-deletion folder.

To configure OLIB to not delete the title record if its last copy is deleted, set the Auto. delete title when last copy deleted? field to No.

See also below Ask to delete title when last copy is deleted?

When deleting copies data, Deleting a title after deleting the last copy is also related.

Ask to delete title when last copy is deleted?

To configure OLIB so that, when the last copy of a title is deleted, the operator is asked whether they want to delete the title record as well, leave the Auto. delete title when last copy deleted? field above blank and set Ask to delete title when last copy is deleted? to Yes. When the last copy is deleted, OLIB responds - All copies of this title have been deleted. Do you want to delete the title as well? If you respond Yes, the Title will be added to the Auto-deletion folder.

 Note: if both Auto. delete title when last copy deleted? and Ask to delete title when last copy is deleted? are left blank, the title record will not be added to the Titles For Auto-Deletion folder when the last copy is deleted.

Title Audit Retention Period Enter the number of days modifications to Titles records are to be retained (e.g. 365 to retain updates for a year). If you enter a negative number (e.g. -10) then this will keep the number of updates indicated – in this case 10. A null value will mean that the update audit trail will be retained indefinitely.
Delete Audit when deleting Title? Whether or not the audit records should be retained in the database after the title is deleted.
Copies Audit Retention Period Enter the number of days modifications to Copies records are to be retained (e.g. 365 to retain updates for a year). If you enter a negative number (e.g. -10) then this will keep the number of updates indicated – in this case 10. A null value will mean that the update audit trail will be retained indefinitely.
Delete Audit When Deleting Copy? Whether or not the audit records should be retained in the database after the copy is deleted.
Address Audit Retention Period Enter the number of days modifications to Addresses records are to be retained (e.g. 365 to retain updates for a year). If you enter a negative number (e.g. -10) then this will keep the number of updates indicated – in this case 10. A null value will mean that the update audit trail will be retained indefinitely.
Delete Audit when deleting Address? Whether or not the audit records should be retained in the database after the address is deleted.
Automatically Delete Names

Should a Name record be deleted if the last Title linked to that Name is deleted?

Note that a name will not be deleted if there are other name cross references to this name.

Automatically Delete Subjects

Should a Subject heading record be deleted if the last Title linked to that Subject heading is deleted?

Note that a subject will not be deleted if there are other subject cross references to this subject.

Automatically Delete Classes

Should a Classmark record be deleted if the last Title linked to that Classmark is deleted?

Note that a classmark will not be deleted if there are other classmark cross references to this classmark.

Automatically Delete Series

Should a Series record be deleted if the last Title linked to that series is deleted?

Note that a series will not be deleted if there are other series cross references to this series.

Automatically Delete Publishers

Should a Publisher record be deleted if the last Title linked to that Publisher is deleted?

Note that a publisher will not be deleted if there are other publisher cross references to this publisher.

Automatically Delete Places Should a Place record be deleted if the last Title linked to that Place is deleted?
De-duplicate Copies Only To indicate whether only copies records should be merged into the main Title record during a title de-duplication.