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Responsibility names

Learn how to add responsibility names to a title in OLIB.

►Searches > Titles
►Cataloguing > Names

Names are used in the catalogue module so that when cataloguing a title, details of the person, people or organisation responsible for the title’s creation can be stored. It need not only refer to authors. It could refer to other responsibility types, such as editors, composers, directors, illustrators and artists. These different Responsibility Types are reference data and are assigned when you link name records to a title.

Names are authority control records, each value only being stored once on the database and linked to all the titles by that author, editor etc. For quality control of names headings, there is a Controls page where the status of a new heading is defaulted to To be checked.

When creating a new entry to the names authority file, you specify the Name Type (either Personal, Corporate or Conference). When a name type is chosen, the screen redraws to present the appropriate fields for data entry. However, the method of adding personal, corporate and conference authors to title records is essentially the same. The Responsibility Type also defaults in from Reference Data (Name Types).

Search and create a personal author name

To add an author name to the title:

  1. In modify mode, in the Names section, click on Search.
  2. A Name search page is displayed. Use the Personal Author Name search.
  3. Enter the surname required – and if it is a common surname, a forename or initials. Press Enter or Search to run the search.

 Note: it is worthwhile searching for the name in the format you would expect to create a new record. If a new record has to be created here it takes the data you have entered in a search as the basis for the new record. If you are searching for a common surname you can also filter by Year of Birth or Death.

  1. If the author is found select it and insert to link it back to the title. The Title-Author Relationship box is first displayed for you to confirm that the default Responsibility Type of Author is correct. Repeat the search for any additional authors, editors etc.
  2. If the author is not found (not already in the database) click New Record to open a new Personal Name Details page and create a new author record. The search terms you have entered will already be populated on the page. Edit the record as required e.g. adding the author’s forename and initials.

 Note: when Forenames is blank, Initials is used when displaying a list of names.

  1. On completion click Save.
  2. The Title-Author Relationship box will be displayed. Accept the default or select e.g. Editor.
  3. The Name details are carried back to the Titles main details page to continue cataloguing. Repeat for any additional authors to be catalogued. All the name records required are displayed in the Names box of the Title record.

Additional MARC fields are also supplied in the standard layout: Numeration · Fuller form of name · Filing name · Identification · Title · Dates · Title of a work · Manual Sort

MARC help is available for Personal Names if you require more details about import/export.

More about personal author dates

When you enter dates these appear next to the author name in the catalogue record. There are a set of rules around entering these dates and you do not have to enter the full date. You can enter just the month and the year, or even just the year.

If you enter just a year, the date that is actually stored will default to 01-JAN-YYYY. Similarly, if you enter just a month and a year, the date that is actually stored will default to 01-MON-YYYY.

You can just enter a 1- or 2-digit year. If you do, the stored date will default to 19YY if the number you enter is 50 or higher, and to 20YY if the number you enter is between 0 and 49.

If you need to enter a year between 1 AD and 9 AD, you should enter it as 000Y. Similarly, to enter a year between 10 AD and 99 AD, you should enter it as 00YY.

Note you cannot enter a date earlier than 01-JAN-0001 in these fields.

Create a corporate body author

To add a corporate author name to the title:

  1. In modify mode, in the Names section, click on Search.
  2. A Name search page is displayed. Use the Corporate Author Name search.
  3. Enter the corporate name required - sufficiently to distinguish it from other corporate entries. Press Enter or Search to run the search.

 Note: it is worthwhile searching for the corporate body in the format you would expect to create a new record. If a new record has to be created here it takes the data you have entered in a search as the basis for the new record.

  1. If the corporate body is found select it and Insert to link it back to the title. The Title-Author Relationship box is first displayed for you to confirm or change the default Responsibility Type - Corporate Author. Repeat the search for any additional contributors, editors etc.
  2. If the corporate body is not found (not already in the database) click New Record in Context to open a new Corporate Details page and create a new name record. The Author Type should now be changed to Corporate Body. The search terms you have entered will already be populated on the page. Edit the record as required e.g. adding the full corporate name details.

 Note: Filing Name is the version of the name used for sorting if the name should be filed differently in the database from its original spelling. The Other Names field is used for subordinate bodies, e.g. Shropshire County Council: County Clerk's Department.

  1. On completion click Save.
  2. The Title-Author Relationship box will be displayed. Accept the default Corporate Author or select an alternative.
  3. The Name details are carried back to the Titles main details page to continue cataloguing. Repeat for any additional authors to be catalogued. All the name records required are displayed in the Names box of the Title record.

Note that the correct punctuation (from MARC) is applied. The comma present between a personal author’s surname and initials is here replaced with a full stop:

Shropshire County Council. County Clerk's Department

The following attributes map to MARC subfields for improved import/export:

Part/section number (new) · Date of Meeting (text field and YYYY moved) · Loc of Meeting (moved) · Title of a Work (new) · Manual Sort

MARC help is available for Corporate Body Names if you require more details about import/export.

Create conference name authors

To add a conference name to the title:

  1. In modify mode, in the Names section, click Search.
  2. A Name search page is displayed. Use the Conference Author Name search.
  3. Enter the conference name required - sufficiently to distinguish it from other conference entries. Press Enter or Search to run the search.

 Note: it is worthwhile searching for the conference name in the format you would expect to create a new record. If a new record has to be created here it takes the data you have entered in a search as the basis for the new record.

  1. If the conference name is found select it and Insert to link it back to the title. The Title-Author Relationship box is first displayed for you to confirm or change the default Responsibility Type - Conference Author. Repeat the search for any additional contributors, editors etc.
  2. If the conference name is not found (not already in the database) click New Record to open a new Conference Details page and create a new conference record. The Author Type should now be changed to Conference or meeting. The search terms you have entered will already be populated on the page. Edit the record as required e.g. adding date for the meeting.

 Note: Filing Name is the version of the name used for sorting if the name should be filed differently in the database from its original spelling.

  1. On completion click Save.
  2. The Title-Author Relationship box will be displayed. Accept the defaultConference Author or select an alternative.
  3. The Name details are carried back to the Titles main details page to continue cataloguing. Repeat for any additional authors to be catalogued. The conference author is displayed on the title record in the same way as any other author. All the name records required are displayed in the Names box of the Title record.

These attributes map to MARC subfields for improved import/export:

Subordinate Unit · Sub. Jurisdiction · Filing Name · Part /section number · Loc. Of Meeting · Title of a work · Manual Sort.

MARC help for is available for Conference Names if you require more details.

Conference names display in the hit list according to AACR2 rules:

Conference Name (Number : Dates : Location), e.g.

Catalonian Conference on AI (8th : 2005 : Alghero, Italy)


The system manager can configure an Author input field that uses OLIB's type-ahead feature directly on the Title details layout (Agents (Authors, Editors) field). This can be added to any Titles cataloguing layout using Layout Manager. Add this attribute:

  • Name Combo (ti_author_typeahead)

When implemented, this is the workflow on the Title details sheet:

  1. In the Names / Agents, Editors control, start typing the first few letters of the Author name:
  2. OLIB immediately displays matches in an alphabetical list, that you can select from. Select the Responsibility Type and >> to complete the name record.

 Note: use the comma (,) character to search in the surname and forename fields to increase the relevance of the list, e.g.


will retrieve

Chapin, Suzanne H,

Charters, Stephen

and so on.

  1.  If not found click New Record in context icon to display a new names page. Enter the author details and Save and Close.
  2. This returns you to the Titles record. From the adjacent drop down, select the correct responsibility type, e.g. Author, Editor, and >>. OLIB displays the new details in the line below:

Bradley, Tony, 1969- (Author)

  1. Continue to enter further catalogue details as required.

To add this type-ahead control to the Authors layout more efficiently, use Snippets in Layout Manager.

Edit the Responsibility Type

This is the relationship between the current Title and each of the names associated with it. For example, for a Personal Author name, that person may be the author or they may be the editor.

  1. Go to Titles, search for the record and switch to modify.
  2. Check the box next to the author name and in Actions select Edit Responsibility. The Title-Author Relationship page opens in modify and you can e.g. change from Author to Editor.
  3. Save and Close, then use breadcrumbs to return to the Title. OLIB displays the updated details.

Default Responsibility Types

A default Responsibility Type can be assigned to each Name Type in OLIB. Some default data is provided as standard:

Name Type Default Responsibility Type
Personal Author
Conference or meeting Conference Author
Corporate Body Corporate Author

These can be viewed in Catalogue Reference Data> Name Types.

When adding a new Name to a Titles record, the Title-Author Relationship page will already contain the Responsibility Type based on the above defaults. This can be changed if required.

The defaults themselves can also be changed in Catalogue Reference Data> Name Types.

Author cross-reference

The Names domain is also where you can cross-reference one author name to another e.g. for pseudonyms, see also links etc..

  1. Go to the Names domain, search for the author name and Modify Record.
  2. In Related Names click Search and obtain the author name to cross-reference.
  3. Use the check box to select and Insert.
  4. OLIB displays the Author-Relationship page. Select the relevant Link Type, e.g. See Also.
  5. In Retrieve See Also, select Yes/No whether in Folio, to retrieve titles linked to names, that are linked to names that match the search. For example:

Title: Question Time
Author: British Broadcasting Corporation, linked to the above title
British Broadcasting Corporation author is linked to an author “BBC”, with Retrieve See Also = ‘Yes’
A Folio user searches for BBC and finds Question Time

MARC fields

The OLIB fields can be exported and imported. Not all fields are visible on the layout however. To process some responsibility names data correctly, the system manager should add some fields to the Personal Name Details layout using Layout Manager, depending on whether the library uses the data:

  Affiliation or address of name (au_affiliation)             100 $u (Author Affiliation)

MARC help is available if you require more details about import/export.


These author identifier fields are included in the standard Names layout:

Name Authority Identifiers     Layout Manager Attributes Character Length
ORCid (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) ORCid (au_orcid) VARCHAR2(20)
VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) VIAF (au_viaf) VARCHAR2(30)
ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) ISNI (au_isni) VARCHAR2(20)

Search by Identifier

The Names domain searches include Name Search by Identifier. This search allows you to enter e.g. 16 digit ORCid or other code; OLIB will then retrieve the unique Author record.

  1. Go to the Names domain (either through cataloguing a Title or from the Menu - Cataloguing> Names).
  2. Click Other Searches and select Name Search by identifier.
  3. Carry out the search by entering the identifier code in the relevant ORCid/VIAF/ISNI search box, or via some other identifier that has been added to the RCN field (OLIB ignores hyphens / spaces).
  4. OLIB displays the matching author if present.

Name identifiers can also be imported and exported via:

  • MARC (Tags 100, 110, 111, 600, 610, 611, 700, 710, 711); (Subfield $0)
  • OLIB Standard Transfer Format (tags ORCID, ISNI, VIAF)

More information is available in Data import and export.