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OCLC Support

ELR Survey installation guide

Find information on how to install and operate the customised Amlib ccsurvey.exe program to match the ELR-supplied source file against the school’s database to identify all matches together with the number of holdings of individual titles.


The following details provides details on how to install and operate the customised Amlib ccsurvey.exe program to match the ELR-supplied source file against the school’s database to identify all matches together with the number of holdings of individual titles. It will produce 2 files as output -a detailed output text file and a summary output text file.

Education Services Australia will provide a data file containing the ELR Source file to the schools which will enable you to run the survey. The results will be produced in the required results output file which can be forwarded to Education Services Australia by email to elr@esa.edu.au.

Before you begin the installation

Read the Installation Notes First

Please carefully read the entire installation guide prior to commencing the actual ELR Survey installation.

If you have any questions please contact: support-amlib@oclc.org.

Follow the instructions precisely. If you have any difficulties, please call Amlib Support immediately.

System requirements Amlib version 5.X

Please Note:

  • In order to run the ELR CC Survey application for Amlib you will need to ensure that your library has is running Amlib Client v5.1 or higher
  • If this is not the case, then please consult Amlib Support about updating your Amlib client

Install ELR Survey application

Install the Amlib ELR CC Survey Application

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you have full read/write access to the \Amlib folder on your server (for example: C:\Amlib) or PC (if the Amlib client is installed locally) and that you are logged in with Administrative Privileges.

The ccsurvey.exe application should already be installed (and visible) in the Amlib folder on your server (or PC, if installed locally). If not, it is available to install from the Amlib Content Portal:

  1. The Amlib ELR Survey zip file is available on the OCLC Support website, under Amlib > Download and Software Updates > Utilities.
  2. Download the InstallCCSurvey54.zip and save it on your Amlib server
  3. Double-click the InstallCCSurvey54.zip and unpack the contents
  4. The following files should be copied into the Amlib folder on your server (or PC, if installed locally):
    • ccsurvey.exe
  5. Right-click on the ccsurvey.exe application and select Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
  6. In addition, the following file supplied by ELR should also be copied into a separate folder in your Amlib folder:
    • For example: C:\Amlib\ELR\ELR Source.txt

Warning: Restricted Use of Amlib

    • The ELR Survey matching program will take approximately 4 to 6 hours to run (times will vary depending on the number of catalogue records on your system)
    • The server/PC designated to run the ELR CC Survey matching application must not be logged onto Amlib during this time
    • Whilst other PC users may be logged onto Amlib when the ELR application is running – the Catalogue and Authorities modules should remain logged off

Running the survey

  1. On the PC, start the ELR School Survey (CC Survey) application, by double-clicking the ccsurvey.exe shortcut icon on the desktop

    Please Note: If you are unable to locate the ELR Survey via the Run box you may need to locate the application by opening Windows Explorer and check whether the ccsurvey.exe program is located in the Amlib client folder (normally c:\amlib). If you are still unable to locate the program please contact Amlib Support for assistance.
  2. The ELR School Survey screen will display:

  3. Click the Login button – the Login prompt will display:
  4. Type in your Amlib:
    • User Name – for example: STAFF
    • Password – for example: AMLIB
    • Select the Database to use – the default is the Live database
  5. Click the OK button
  6. Click the ELR source file Browse button and navigate to the directory on your PC where the source file provided by Education Services Australia was saved (for example: C:\Amlib\ELR):

    Please Note: It possible to save (and then load) the ELR Source.txt file from any location on your PC, including your desktop).
  7. Select the ELR Source.txt file and click the Open button
  8. Click the ELR Detailed output file Browse button and select the directory on your PC where the program will create the first output file (in this example we are saving them in the C:\Amlib\ELR folder):
  9. A default File name (ELR Source – Details.txt) will display – click the Save button
  10. Click the ELR Summary output file Browse button:
  11. A default File name (ELR Source – Summary.txt) will display – click the Save button
  12. Click the Start… button – which will then grey out:
  13. The Survey will start to run (there are 3 steps involved) – a Processing prompt will display, with which you can monitor the survey progress:
  14. Once the survey has been completed, a prompt with the following message will display:
    ELR School Survey is complete. The following statistics have been gathered:
    Processed: XXXX

    Matched: XXX Copies: XXX
    Total Catalogue Population XXXX
  15. Click the OK button
  16. To exit the ELR Survey application, select File > Exit button from them menu

Send Output File to ELR

Please email the two (2) output files (ELR Source – Detail.txt and ELR Source – Summary.txt) to: