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Claimed returned suggested procedure

Find information about a suggested procedure for items claimed returned in Amlib.

If a Borrower claims that they have returned an item that is showing as on loan, it is possible to automatically attach a memo to both Borrower and Item and add a process code to the Stockitem.

Automatically Adding a Process Code

Your system can also be set up to add a process code to items that have been marked as Claimed Returned.

Add a New Process code

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main > Stockitems > Stockitems
  2. Select Application > Stock Process
  3. If no process for Claims Returned items already exits select F1 New
  4. Enter the following details:
    • Process – CLAIMED RETURNED
    • Show in Opac- N (unless you do want these items to still be seen in NetOpacs)
    • Operator Alert – Y (gives an alert if the item is wanded through circulation)
    • For Loan – N (changes the item to be not for loan so it cannot be reserved)
    • Remove on Return (Y/N/P) – P (this will allow a popup letting the operator choose to delete the process when the item is run through returns
  5. Select F3 Save

Supervisor Setting

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main > Supervisor > Installation – the Installation (DEFAULT) screen will display
  2. Select the Circulation tab
  3. Scroll to the setting “Claims returned process code” and enter CLAIMED RETURNED in capitals
  4. F3 Save then log out of Amlib and back in
  5. As you run through the Claimed Returned procedure, the CLAIMED RETURNED process code will be added to the Stockitem

Running the Claimed Retuned Procedure

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main > Circulation > Issues
  2. Search for the borrower who claims to have retuned an item
  3. Highlight the item they claim to have returned
  4. Select Items > Item ClaimedRet
  5. A memo will then be created against the borrower and the item. Click F3 Save

    Please Note: The memo type for both memos will be CLAIMRET so it is possible to identify borrowers and items with this memo type in Where searches or reports. As there is a Y in the first column (Show) this memo will appear if the item is wanded (e.g. returned or issued to another borrower
  6. The following prompt will display, you may select No or Yes (see below) however No is recommended and used in this example. Select No
    • Select No – This is the recommended action, though your choice will depend on your library policy. If you select No, you then have the option to increase the loan period to allow for further searching by the Library staff and Patron.
    • Select Yes – This simply returns the item (preventing further fines from accruing) and leaves a memo on the Stockitem and Borrower. You may then follow up via a report on items that remain as claimed returns for a certain period
  7. In the Issues screen, select Items > Alter Selected Due Date and increase the due date to and appropriate date then select OK
  8. Upon saving on the Memo screen, the Stockitem Process code is also automatically added to the item

Claimed Return Follow Up

  1. If the item is returned at any point, the process code may be deleted at the prompt by selecting Yes, automatically returning the item to show in NetOpacs and to be for loan
  2. This also automatically deletes the memo from the Stockitem and the Borrower, as the item is now back and circulating


  1. It is then possible to create a list to check the shelves for all Claimed Returns, as well as producing an overdue letter for claims returned items, depending on Library policy
    • A suggested report for a list would be &odlst.qrp with a Where statement similar to:

      Bor Memo Type = Claimret AND
      Issue date due back <= current –7 days (or another appropriate time period)
    • A final letter would use an overdue letter template with a similar where statement with the issue date due back extended