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OCLC Support

BC Year

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the BC Year number (bc:) index.

Number (bc:)


Label bc:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • su:babylonia and bc:500
Fields/Subfields 046 b d
Qualifier index? Nein
Notes Enter the year only, even if less than 4 digits long (do not pad with zeroes).

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label bc:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • su:babylonia and bc:500
Fields/Subfields 046 b d
Qualifier index? Nein
Notes Enter the year only, even if less than 4 digits long (do not pad with zeroes).

WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery

Label ---
Search? ---
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields ---
Qualifier index? ---
Notes ---


Label bc:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples bc:500
Fields/Subfields 046 b d
Qualifier index? Nein
Notes Enter the year only, even if less than 4 digits long (do not pad with zeroes).