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OCLC Support

View your institution's dedicated version of WorldCat.org

If you are signed in to WorldCat.org or within your institution's IP range, a redirect modal appears on the Item Details screen if your institution has a dedicated version of WorldCat.org.

WorldCat.org redirect modal

By default, the Go to [your institution].WorldCat.org (recommended) radio button is selected. While this choice allows you to search using your institution's catalog rather than search the public version of WorldCat.org. you will still be able to perform worldwide searches.

You can also select the Stay on WorldCat.org radio button to remain on the public version of WorldCat.org.

Select the Remember my decision check box if you would like WorldCat.org to remember your selection. If selected, your decision will be remembered and the modal will not be displayed on future visits. You should not select this option if you are on a public computer.

Click Continue to close the modal.