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OCLC Support

Share items

Discover how to share items via Facebook, Twitter, email, or permalink using WorldCat.org.


You can share an item on WorldCat.org using any of the following methods:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • E-Mail
  • Permalink

Share an item on Facebook

  1. From the Item Details screen, click Share button (WorldCat.org Share button) > Share on Facebook. A Facebook log in dialog opens.
  2. Enter your Facebook Email or Phone and Password.
  3. Click Log In. A pre-populated post opens with a link to the item.
  4. Click Post to share.

Share an item on Twitter

  1. From the Item Details screen, click Share button (WorldCat.org Share button) > Share on Twitter. A Twitter log in dialog opens.
  2. Enter your Twitter Phone, email, or username and Password.
  3. Click Log in. A pre-populated tweet opens with a link to the item.
  4. Click Tweet to share.

Share an item via Email

  1. From the Item Details screen, click Share button (WorldCat.org Share button) > Share via Email. The default email client or app on your device opens with a pre-populated email containing a link to the item.
  2. Enter one or email addresses in the To field.
  3. (Optional) Edit these fields:
    • Your name
    • Subject
    • Email message
  4. Click Send. An email message with a link to the record will be sent to the selected recipient(s).

Share an item via permalink

A Permalink or permanent link is a simplified URL for a webpage that is designed to be short and easily interpreted. Permalinks are ideal for use in emails, blog posts, and other web-based communications where lengthy URLs might cause a problem. The permalink for a WorldCat record utilizes the OCLC number, an identifier created when the item is first cataloged in WorldCat by one of our member libraries.

To share an item via permalink:

  1. From the Item Details screen, click Share button (WorldCat.org Share button) > Copy link. A Copied confirmation dialog appears in the lower-left corner of your browser. The permalink is now available for you to paste to another location.