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Create, edit or delete user accounts

Learn how to create, edit, and delete user accounts in the WorldShare Admin module.

Create users

Create accounts for your users in WorldShare. Required fields may vary, depending on the services your library subscribes to. Additionally, if you are using a third-party authentication system, you will not see the Identity Management section.

Best practices for creating an account

  • Follow the account naming conventions used by your institution when creating user names.
  • If you are creating accounts for your staff members, make sure you tell them their user name soon after you create the account. They will need their username to create a password.
  • Create an account for each employee accessing the system. Staff should not share accounts.
  • Do not re-use staff accounts.
  • Delete accounts for staff who are no longer with your institution.

Create a user account

From the Admin section in WorldShare:

  1. On the left navigation, under User Management, click New User.
  2. On the Basic User Data panel, OCLC recommends filling in the following fields:
    • Personal Information
      • First Name: Highly recommended
    • Library Record
      • Address, Phone Number, or Email Address
         Note:  In order to create an account, the user/patron requires a Primary email address.  Enter an email address and select Primary next to the Email Type.
    • If your institution has an OCLC provided IdP configured with Barcode as username, you must enter the following fields:
      • Circulation
        • Barcode: Barcodes are case-sensitive when searching for users. User Name will not be editable.
        • Home Branch: Select the user's preferred branch from the list.
        • Patron Type: Select the patron type from the list.
    • If your institution has an OCLC provided IdP that is not configured to use Barcode as User Name, you must enter the following fields:
      • Circulation
        • User Name: The user/patron requires a User Name.
      • The following fields are optional:
        • Barcode: Barcodes are case-sensitive when searching for users.
        • Home Branch: Select the user's preferred branch from the list.
        • Patron Type: Select the patron type from the list.
  3. Click Create.
  4. On the confirmation window, click OK. The user/patron account appears.

Assign roles to a user account

  1. In the user account, expand the Roles accordion.
  2. Within the Roles accordion, click Edit (on the far right).
  3. Select the appropriate roles.
    • For more information on the actions users can perform with individual roles, see Roles
    • All accounts must have the Everyone role assigned. The Everyone role is included automatically and should not be removed
  4. Click Save.


  • If a new or existing user needs access to a particular WorldShare module, the role can only be assigned by another user with the module's Admin role. 
    • For example, WorldShare ILL roles can only be assigned by another user with the WorldShare ILL Admin role. 
  • For a user to be able to assign every role in WorldShare, they must have all of the Admin roles assigned to their account.

Prompt your staff member to set a password

  1. For the account you just created, perform one of the following actions so your staff member can create a password:
    1. Click Set/reset in the Identity Management section if available, or
    2. Direct your staff to:
      1. Go to your library's WorldShare URL. Replace yourlibrary with your library's identifier: https://yourlibrary.share.worldcat.org/wms
      2. Click Set/reset password on the Sign In screen.
  2. Either action will send a system-generated message to the email address in the account. Please note:
    • Your staff member must follow the link in the system-generated email within 24 hours to set a password. They should check their junk folder if they do not see the email within a few minutes
    • If the link expires, you can perform either of the above steps to prompt your staff member again

 Note: Send your staff member their user name. Your staff member needs this information to create a password.

Search for users

  1. On the left navigation, under User Management, select an index from the Limit search to list.
  2. Enter your search terms. You must enter at least two characters for the search to return results.
  3. Click Search or press <Enter>.
  4. From the search results, click a user name to open the record.
Available search indexes - Table
Limit Description
Name, ID, Email

Search terms entered for this index return results based on the following:

  • Name: Last name, First name, Middle name, or preferred name
  • ID: Barcode, User ID at Source, ILL Identifier, or PPID
  • Email Address: Email address located in the Library Record area of the Basic User Data accordion for the user 

Values searched upon for the name and email address in the Name, ID, Email index may generate slightly different results than the individual Name and Email index.

Identifier (default) The circulation barcode, ILL identifier, User ID at Source, and PPID
Name Contents of the First Name, Middle Name, or Last Name

Barcode (ID number) of the user.

Barcodes are case-sensitive when searching for users.

User ID at Source The ID of the patron in an external system (e.g. ILS, PeopleSoft, Banner, CAS)
ILL Identifier A unique identifier for the user in the Tipasa system. It may be the user's library barcode
Email Address Email address of the user
Phone Number Phone number of the user
Street Address Address of the user (e.g. house number, street name)
City City of the user's address
State/Province State or province of the user's address
Postal Code Postal code (e.g. zip code) of the user's address

Search all institutions in your group

 Note: This option is only available if you are part of a WMS group.

Deselect the check box to search for users from your institution. When the check box is selected, users across all institutions in your group will be shown.

You cannot edit users that are not from your institution.

Deep Search (Slower)

Search for users by:

  • Partial First Name
  • Partial Last Name
  • Partial Email Address

Retrieve users by: 

  • Home Location
  • Universal Expiration Date
  • Password Expiration Date

Search by Role

Retrieve users by assigned role.

  1. Use the Select a role dropdown to select the desired role.
  2. Click Search

Edit users

  1. Search for the user you want to edit
  2. On the search results page, click the user's Name.
  3. On the accordion of the section you want to edit, click Edit (on the far right).
  4. Edit information, as appropriate.
  5. Click Save.

Delete users

Deleting a user removes their account from the system. This action should be performed with caution. It cannot be undone.

Note: If you are part of a WMS group, you can only delete users from your institution.

If you use WorldShare Circulation, accounts cannot be deleted if the user has:

  • Outstanding checkouts
  • Outstanding bills
  • Been sent to a collection agency

If you try to delete a user account that cannot be deleted, you will receive a message explaining why the user could not be deleted.

  1. Search for the user you want to delete.
  2. In the user account, click Delete User Record.
  3. In the Delete User window, click Delete.
  4. The Delete User Record window appears and the system confirms the deletion.
  5. If you use WorldShare Circulation, all outstanding hold requests or item schedules associated with the user account will be removed. Any reference to the user in item statistics will display as 'Unknown Patron.'