WorldCat Account Migration

Learn how to use the WorldCat Account Migration module to migrate your WorldCat Account to a WorldShare Service Account to manage the WorldCat Registry.

All WorldCat Registry accounts will need to be migrated to WorldShare Service Accounts. WorldCat Accounts are linked to specific institution registry IDs.

To ensure your ability to manage the WorldCat Registry for your institution, use the WorldCat Account Migration module to migrate your WorldCat Registry Account to a WorldShare Service Account. The associated WorldShare account must have access to the OCLC Service Configuration. Refer to OCLC Service Configuration roles.


Use the WorldCat Account Migration module if:

Migrate your account

Use the WorldCat Account Migration tool when you are no longer going to use your WorldCat Account to edit Institution Registry records in the OCLC Service Configuration.

  1. Enter your WorldCat Account User Name and Password.
  2. Click Migrate

You will receive notice that your account has successfully migrated. You will be able to use your User Name to sign in to the OCLC Service Configuration with your OCLC Services account to manage the WorldCat Registry profile for your institution.

Contact OCLC Support if you have any questions or concerns while migrating your WorldCat Account.