2024 AskQC office hours

Find office hour recordings and supporting materials for 2024 AskQC office hours.


June 2024: Customizing MARC record delivery with Collection Manager


Does your library want to learn more about customizing MARC records delivered via Collection Manager? Would you like to learn more about customizing which MARC record changes generate WorldCat Update records? The Collection Manager Team will review these settings and answer questions regarding these features.

May 2024: Who's Your Audience?: Ways to Record Audience in Bibliographic Records


Kate James will discuss ways to record the intended audience of a resource in bibliographic records. She will cover MARC fields such as 521 and 385, fixed field values, and the benefits of recording this information. There will be examples from commonly used thesauri for demographic group terms including LCDGT, ERIC, and ILO. This session is provided in response to user feedback from previous VAOH sessions.

April 2024: PCC and OCLC: Overview and what's new


Representatives from the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) and OCLC will engage the OCLC cataloging/metadata community in a discussion about working with BIBCO records. They will also give an overview of ways to participate in PCC programs, how to find documentation, and exciting changes in the works that are of interest to the broader community.

March 2024: Music Score Cataloging for the Uninitiated


Do you have minimal experience cataloging music scores yet are expected to catalog a growing backlog of them? Are you intimidated by the thought of cataloging a score when you never learned to read music? Morris Levy, OCLC’s liaison to the Music Library Association and the Music OCLC Users Group, will lead this session, which will include an overview of music cataloging resources, a review of relevant MARC fields, and examples from classical and popular music.

February 2024: The Lifecycle of a CIP Record


Join staff of the Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication (CIP) Program to learn about the lifecycle of a CIP bibliographic record. CIP Program staff will describe the steps that catalogers take to create accurate prepublication catalog records as well as the ongoing updates that maintain record accuracy. They will also touch on publisher change requests and CIP e-book records. OCLC staff will discuss authorization levels as well as roles and permissions for editing CIP in the various OCLC cataloging interfaces.

January 2024: Reading LC Authority Records


Kate James will explain how various MARC fields are used in LC authority records and what they mean for your cataloging. Topics covered include 3XX fields, see also references, subject usage notes, and LC classification numbers. Information will be provided on various cataloging documents from LC, PCC, and OCLC. Note: this webinar is designed for non-NACO catalogers who use LC name and subject authority files, but everyone is welcome.