Learner guide: Lending workflows

Course overview

This course provides the basic skills needed to respond to lending requests in Tipasa. After completing this course, you will be able to decide how your library will use lending priorities and advanced lending workflows (verifying, retrieving, scanning, and packaging), and process lending requests for loans and copies in Can You Supply and Lending Priorities queues. This includes printing pull slips/packing slips with your call number, printing shipping labels for loan requests, and transmitting scanned copies via Article Exchange.

Real-time availability and automatic holdings lookup

Real-time availability for loan requests is available for most ILS. This feature connects to your library's local catalog and enables the system to automatically respond No to lending requests that have an OPAC status of unavailable. This feature connects to your library's local catalog and enables the system to automatically respond No to lending requests that have an OPAC status of unavailable. If the item is available, automatic OPAC lookup, available for most ILS, will populate the Local ID field with branch, location, and call number from your local catalog.

If your library is not already configured for real-time availability and OPAC lookup, complete the form at oc.lc/realtimeill or contact support@oclc.org (or contact Tipasa Implementation via Basecamp if your library is still in the Tipasa implementation phase).

Lending automation

You can use Automated Request Manager (ARM) to apply designated constant data records to new lending requests based on the identity of the borrowing library, the type of request, or the material format being requested. This ensures that lending charges, notes, policies, and addresses are accurately applied to lending requests, saving staff time and ensuring compliance with local policies and preferences. OCLC recommends turning off constant data persistence and instead using ARM to apply constant data. Additionally, you can automatically apply request tags to incoming lending requests.

Suggested uses for Lending Priorities

Consider Lending Priorities if:

  • Your library is a member of a consortium
  • You need to give priority to in-state requests
  • Your library has reciprocal agreements with other libraries
  • You want to give special handling to requests from libraries that are on your courier service

Suggested uses for Advanced Lending Workflows

If your ILL lending or document delivery operation has: Consider these advanced lending workflows
Several full-time staff; several student or part-time workers Verifying, Retrieving, Scanning, Packaging
One full-time staff; several student or part-time workers Retrieving, Scanning, Packaging
One full-time staff; one student or part-time worker Retrieving
One staff member who does all ILL lending activities or document delivery; no student or part-time worker None

Things to know about Lending Priorities and Advanced Lending Workflows

Use Advanced Lending Workflows

Example lending workflow

At your library you will want to decide on optimal lending workflows based on many factors such as your library’s policies, number of staff and their responsibilities, volume of requests, and even what computer, printer, scanner, and barcode reader hardware is available.

Here is one example workflow that you can modify to fit your needs:

Simulations and quiz

Supplemental information

The OCLC Support site connects you to our highly skilled support staff and valuable self-serve resources. These include extensive documentation for OCLC’s products and services, helpful troubleshooting instructions, and other materials to answer your questions.

Additional questions? Contact OCLC Support in your region.

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We look forward to seeing you in the next class!