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Set up third-party Circulation integration

Currently this integration is available for libraries using Tipasa and a third-party ILS.

Libraries using Tipasa can improve their ILL and circulation workflows through integration with third-party integrated library systems (ILS) via a NCIP (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol) server. This integration minimizes manual steps and improves workflows.

  • Cost considerations: While OCLC offers the ability to set up this integration at no cost to your library, some ILS vendors may charge fees for the NCIP server. Libraries should consult with their ILS vendor to understand any associated costs.
         Note: Tipasa libraries with OCLC’s WorldShare Management Services (WMS) don’t need an NCIP server and can set up circulation integration at no additional cost.
  • Supported systems: Currently, this NCIP integration is available for libraries using Tipasa and the following ILSs:
  • Automate tasks with circulation integration: With this Tipasa – circulation integration, the need to manually make updates in the circulation system will be eliminated. As a result, these key tasks will be automated:
    • Create Temporary Items and Holds­­
    • Charge Patron ILL Fees (for WMS or Alma)
    • Place holds on requested items (Symphony and Horizon)
    • Check out items that your library is lending
    • Check in items at the end of the loan period
  • Requirements for setting up the integration. This page provides details about how to set up Tipasa and third-party circulation integration. Before beginning, note that:
    1. All steps must be completed for the integration to work properly.
    2. All NCIP integration between Tipasa and third-party circulation systems goes in the direction of Tipasa sending messages to your circulation system.
    3. Before you turn on third-party circulation integration in OCLC’s Service Configuration, contact your ILS vendor to get the NCIP integration set up in circulation. This may require you to work with your library’s circulation staff as well.

Summary and checklist of steps

Erledigt Configuration action Ort Description
  Policy considerations and setup Your circulation system Prior to enabling integration in Service Configuration for Tipasa, make sure the configuration is complete in your circulation system.
  Edit your patron request forms Tipasa/OCLC Service Configuration Add a Patron ID to your patron request forms used for requesting books and “other” items.  This entry connects the request to the patron account and creates a hold request in your circulation system.
  Activate integration Tipasa/OCLC Service Configuration After you have completed the above steps, activate Tipasa and third-party circulation integration in Service Configuration.

Third-party configuration

Step 1: Policy considerations and setup

Before you configure Tipasa, contact your circulation system and review documentation to determine how to adjust your ILS policies.

  • Alma users: These changes will also include decisions about whether to send notifications to your patrons from Alma or Tipasa for events like item available for pickup and about to be due/overdue items. These notifications should come from one system or the other and not both. If you decide to send these notifications from Alma, be sure to disable them for automated sending in Tipasa.

For assistance with Tipasa notifications to your patrons, see Notifications.

Notifications sent from you as the lending library to the borrowing library should always be handled through Tipasa once you have the integration enabled. This is because items you lend to other libraries will no longer be checked out to individual library accounts in your circulation system. Instead, they will be moved to a new location when checked out for Interlibrary Loan. For assistance configuring these notifications for Tipasa, see Send notifications to borrowing libraries.

Step 2: Edit your patron request form

You must have your patron request workforms for Book and Other requests configured with a required Patron ID field. The Patron ID comes from the Interlibrary Loan Identifier (illId) field from the patron record. This value needs to be one that can be used by your circulation system to lookup the patron. If you have such a value in your patron records in the illId field, configure your request forms to make the Patron ID field required but not editable. This will allow the value of the illId to automatically populate the request forms when patrons log in.

If you currently do not have a value in the Interlibrary Loan Identifier (illId) field of your patron records or if the value you do have cannot be used by your circulation system to look up the patron, contact OCLC Support for assistance.

If you do not already have this field configured on your patron request workforms, complete the steps below.  For additional information about editing the Patron Request Form, see Configure your patron request form.

  1. Click WorldShare ILL > Patron Request Workforms in the left navigation.
  2. Ensure that you have a Patron ID field in your form. You can change the name of this field to Patron Barcode or other library-specific terminology to direct the patron to enter this information, if needed.
  3. Select the required check box for the Patron ID field to require patrons to enter this information when placing a request. If no Patron ID or an invalid Patron ID is entered, the integration process will not work. If your patron records have an Interlibrary Loan identifier (illId) in them already that can be used to do a patron lookup in your circulation system, we suggest you make this field required but not editable. This will allow the existing value to automatically populate the field on the request form while not allowing the patron to enter information that may be incorrect.
  4. Click Save.

Step 3: Activate Tipasa integration with your third-party system

 Caution: Activating features on this page is the final step. Integration will be active based on the configured settings after this page is saved. After you have completed Steps 1 and 2, activate Circulation Integration.