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OCLC Support

Additional Charges

Learn how staff can enter and edit additional charges to be applied to a request and record charges for material supplied by external suppliers in Relais ILL.

When the Additional Charges option is selected, staff may enter additional surcharges for the end-user placing the request for the material being supplied. The Additional Charges option also allows for updating the request with any surcharges that may be applied by a supplier if the material is not being sourced from your local collection. 


Use the Surcharges section to charge a patron an additional fee or use the Supplier charges section to enter surcharges applied by a supplier where the material is not being sourced from your local collection.

Options include:

  • Base charge
  • Copyright charge
  • Delivery charge

Surcharges can be plus or minus as defined by the +/- toggle associated with each surcharge.

Charges entered within fields in the left column are associated with those charges to be applied to the requester. Charges entered within the fields in the right column represent charges that the supplier of the material has identified.

Click Submit to apply the surcharges. 

These surcharges are written to the database and will be stored until the request is purged out of the system. Surcharges are automatically added to the invoice and are applied at the time the document or material is delivered. 

The history of the request will reflect updates to the surcharge information. 

 Note: The Surcharges and Supplier charges display is dependent on the staff member accessing the screen. If staff are in a consortial environment, they may have access to the supplier charges only.