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About pickslips

Find out how pickslips are used and distributed in Relais ILL.


Pickslips are used by staff to retrieve requested items. They include the Relais request number both in eye-readable format and as a barcode.

Pickslips can be distributed by either:

  • printing them at the appropriate location at the supplying library or branch, or
  • emailing a PDF version of an individual request or a batch of requests to a pre-determined email address or addresses.

(Added in V2014) At the time the pickslips are printed or emailed it is also possible to print or email a summary sheet.  The summary sheet can be used to confirm that all pickslips have been printed. The summary can be either a list of request numbers or a list of request numbers along with corresponding bar codes.  The configuration of the summary sheet is managed by the Print Request application. 

Printing and emailing are managed by the Print Request and Email Request applications, respectively.  Pickslips can be printed or emailed based on a pre-determined schedule or can be triggered by staff on demand (or both).  

Each instance of Print Request or Email Request can be configured to use one of the different options noted below:

Options for printing pickslips

Print a paper copy of the pickslips at a designated printer (Print Request).

For customers using the Hosted Service:

  • Printing is initiated on a predefined schedule. This requires direct access to the appropriate printer from the Hosted Service
  • Printing is initiated on a schedule and/or on demand from a local workstation. This requires the installation of a Windows client on the local workstation. 

Options for emailing pickslips

  1. Email a PDF of each request in a separate message, to a predefined email address or addresses (Print Request).

    For customers using the Hosted Service:
    • Emails are initiated on a predefined schedule from the Hosted Service.
    • Emails are initiated on a predefined schedule and/or on demand from a local workstation. This requires the installation of a Windows client on the local workstation.
  2. Email a PDF of a batch requests to a predefined email address or addresses (Email Request).

    For customers using the Hosted Service:
    • Emails are initiated on a predefined schedule from the Hosted Service
    • Emails are initiated on a predefined schedule and/or on demand from a local workstation. This requires the installation of a Windows client on the local workstation.

 Caution: If Email Request terminates unexpectedly, when the application is restarted the requests processed prior to the application failing are sent in one email, and the remaining requests in the queue are sent in a second email.

Multiple instances

Multiple instances of "Print Request" and "Email Request" can be configured, for example for printing at or emailing to different branches. Each instance of "Print Request" and "Email Request" can be configured to use one of the different options noted above. For example, pickslips for items to be supplied from the Main library may use option 1a), printing from a local workstation. Requests to be filled from the Science Library may be configured to use option 2b).


If barcodes are not appearing on your pickslips ensure the barcode font is installed on the workstation from which they are being printed.  

  1. Download the Barcode Font.
  2. Extract barcode39.zip to your Desktop.
  3. Install the font by right-clicking on Barcd39.ttf and choosing install.