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OCLC Support

Recall a loan

Learn how to recall a loan in Relais ILL.

When you want to recall a loan, update the request in Loan Tracking.

  1. Open the request.
  2. If recalling more than one document, check the Retain Loan Code box.
  3. Select Recalled from the Loan Code drop-down box.
  4. Click Update. A message is displayed: "The status of the selected items has been updated to 'Recalled'.
  5. Click OK.
    Loan Tracking window
  • The loan tracking record for this request/document is updated and the loan is considered recalled.
  • The information as recorded in the audit record:
    Audit record example
  • Once the update is done, the recall notice is sent to the patron via Loan Notices or the requesting library via ISO ILL or via Loan Notices as appropriate.