Where do the fields that are showing up in the Notification templates point to?
Applies to
- ILLiad
There are different fields in the Notification Templates. Here are the different types of fields and where they are pulling information. The first part of the field is telling you what table is being used and the second part is the field. So <#User.FirstName> is pulling from the Users table the Firstname field. This is the User's First Name.
- Users - Users or UsersAll table. This comes from the User information associated in the Transaction. The Transaction has a Username in it and that links to the Users table.
- Transaction - Transaction Table. This pulls from the Transaction you open up when you click on the Transaction Number.
- LenderAddress - Lender Addresses table. This comes from the Transaction and the Lender Address.
- LocalInfo - This is pulling from the Customization Manager under the Contact Information, Contacts, Local Info table. If you are a single server, it is pointing to ILL for Borrowing and Lending for Lending information. if you are a shared server, it is pointing to your NVTGC.
The email templates are stored in the Customization Manager under the Notifications tab.