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OCLC Support

What should we update if our Web Server IP is going to change?

  • The IP address of your ILLiad Web Server is going to change
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

There are updates in the Customization Manager, ILL Policies, and Constant Data Records that need to be updated.

Customization Manager

  1.  Open the Customization Manager.
  2. Search in the search bar for your current IP address. (e.g.
  3. Open the Customization Manager and in the Search box search for the current IP address.
  4. Update the different entries that have the old IP address with the new IP address.
  5. Restart all the ILLiad Services

ILL Policies Directory

  1. Log on to the ILL Policies Directory 
  2. Click the Contacts tab.
  3. Edit the ILLiad entry and update the URL to your new server IP address.

Constant Data

  1.  Go to OCLC Service Configuration and log in.
  2. Click the WorldShare ILL.
  3. Click on Borrower Data.
  4.  In the Electronic Delivery Section, make sure Electronic Delivery Service Choice 1: has the correct information with the new IP address in it.
  5.  Go to the bottom of the page and save the change.  

After this, restart all Clients. If problems persist, contact OCLC Support.

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