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OCLC Support

The ILLiad PDF Viewer Addon is not pointing to the PDF folder, how do I fix this issue?

  • You are using the ILLiad PDF Viewer Addon and it is not pointing to the PDF folder on the Web Server.  You need to fix it
Applies to
  • ILLiad

To update the PDF Viewer Addon, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ILLiad Client and click on System and then Manage Addons.
  2. Click on the PDF viewer Addon.
  3. There is a setting for the PDF Location.  Update that setting to the correct location for the PDF folder.  By default, this would be https://your.server.edu/ILLiad/PDF/. The program will then put in the TransactionNumber.pdf at the end, so be sure there is a / after PDF in the URL. 
  4. Save your change.

You do not have to close the ILLiad Client for this change to be used in ILLiad.

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