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OCLC Support

My patrons are getting a message about being Locked out about too many login attempts, how can I fix this?

  • Your patrons are getting a message about too many login attempts and they are locked out and you need to fix this issue
Applies to
  • ILLiad

In ILLiad 9.1, the capability to temporarily block a web user after a configurable number of failed login attempts was added.  Here is an explanation of what the Locked out feature is and how to unlock an account. 

  1. Please see the documentation on Temporarily Block Web Users for Failed Login Attempts feature is.
  2. If you want to disable this feature, the best way is to set the UsingUserLockout customization key to No.
  3. After you update the key, you will want to restart Internet Information Services (IIS).
  4. If you want to unlock the patron record, you need to go to the user record and on the top right, you can click on the padlock and Unlock the account and Save the change.
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