I need to know the number of requests that a patron submitted by using the request form and enter the information manually and all other requests in ILLiad
- You want the total number of requests that a patron manually put in the requests versus the rest of the requests which came in through OpenURL
Applies to
- ILLiad
Here is how you can find out the number of requests that came in through OpenURL and then the rest of the requests will be manually submitted by the patron:
- Whenever a request was submitted by OpenURL, it will fill in the CitedIn field. The fields were auto-populated by ILLiad.
- Any request that the patron filled in the form manually would not have a CitedIn field filled in.
- So you can do a Custom Search and for the number of requests that the Patron submitted, the CitedIn field would be blank. You change the operand to "is blank."
[Transactions.CitedIn] is blank.
4. For the number of requests that were populated, the CitedIn field would be not blank. You change your operand to "is not blank."
[Transactions.CitedIn] is not blank.