I'm getting an error when I try to print in ILLiad, why is this?
I'm getting an error when I try to print in ILLiad, why is this?
Applies to
- ILLiad
There are a couple of reasons why an error can occur in Printing. First, make sure the specific print template that is getting the error is pointing to the correct data source, which is an Excel .xlxs file. A list of the Excel files associated with specific print templates can be found at ILLiad Default Print Templates
To point it correctly in Microsoft Word:
1. Open up the document that is causing the error message outside of ILLiad.
2. Set the mail merge to the data source by selecting Mailings>Select Recipients>Documents>ILLiad>Print. This will bring up the .xlxs files.Find the proper one with your document at ILLiad Default Print Templates.
3. If the above does not work, save any .doc templates as .docx files. You may also need to update the Key to a .docx in the Customization Manager.
4. You should also make sure that Microsoft Word and Excel are not currently open and then try printing again. Sometimes when Word or Excel is open, you have the same document still in memory and ILLiad will not allow you to merge a document that is currently open.
5. When an error message that says that it is trying to write to a Data file but cannot because it is used by another process shows, that usually means that the Print template Word Document is open already. The word document is using a mail merge and it is accessing the file already. Make sure that the Word Document is not already open by going to the Task Manager and make sure that Microsoft Word is not running. Another possibility is that the Data source is on a shared drive and that someone else is accessing it from Microsoft Word. Check out the first option and then if the Data source is on a shared drive, make sure no one else is accessing it.