How do I set up a Z39.50 connection to Alma from ILLiad?
- You want to set up a Z39.50 connection to Alma with ILLiad so that when you are in the ILLiad Client, you can do a Z39.50 query to Alma.
Applies to
- ILLiad
To set up the Z39.50 connection to Alma, you must do this in the Customization Manager following these steps.
- Open up the ILLiad Customization Manager.
- Beside the Customization tab, click on the Z39.50 tab.
- Click on the New drop-down and choose "Other."
We will need the Database Name (something like XYZ_INST), Server Address, and port number from the Database Provider.
To complete the "searching" and "result mapping" section on the Z39.50 form. Refer to Connecting ILLiad and Koha Databases Using Z39.50.
- I have a screenshot of an example of how the settings should be set up. Ensure you do not add spaces because spaces count in ILLiad and will cause your connection to fail. You will need to update the Server name and possibly the Database name.