WorldShare Record Manager Special Release Notes for WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels, December 2023
Release Date: December 22, 2023
This special release of the WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels functionality provides several new features and enhancements that will help you manage more complex workflows across various applications:
- In WorldShare Record Manager and WorldShare Circulation:
- The ability to set WorldCat holdings audience levels, allowing WMS libraries to control who can see if they have specific titles or copies of an item in their collection. By assigning a specific level to a holding, you can suppress the holding from the general public. You can specify at the title or copy level which of your holdings are displayed to:
- Library staff
- Library staff and library patrons
- Everyone within a library's instance of WorldCat Discovery
- All WorldCat libraries
- The ability to set WorldCat holdings audience levels, allowing WMS libraries to control who can see if they have specific titles or copies of an item in their collection. By assigning a specific level to a holding, you can suppress the holding from the general public. You can specify at the title or copy level which of your holdings are displayed to:
- In WorldShare Collection Manager
- Control Holding Audience Level at the Institution Level
- Control Holding Audience Level at the Collection Level
- Option to control Holding Audience Level for Data Sync Collections (OCLC staff only)
- In WorldShare Acquisitions:
- Support for different audience levels when receiving and ordering
- Support for audience levels when receiving and binding serial issues
- In WorldCat Discovery:
- Consider the audience level in combination with the user's role/permissions when displaying search results
- Enable IP authentication ranges to show suppressed holdings
- Enable a sign-in prompt for a more personalized experience
Recommended actions
WMS libraries can specify WorldCat holdings audience levels to work in WorldShare Record Manager, WorldShare Collection Manager, WorldShare Acquisitions, and WorldShare Circulation. WorldCat holdings audience levels cannot be selected in WorldCat Discovery, but do impact the way that some end-user information displays. Various workflows support audience levels in each application and will be documented on their respective help pages.
WorldCat holdings audience level functionality is also described below for the above-mentioned applications. Please review these for a full picture of the new functionality across WorldShare applications.
Administrative actions
These items require immediate action or decisions.
Action |
A new tab for WorldCat holdings audience levels will be present under Institution Settings after December 22 2023. You can define how your institution uses the WorldCat holdings audience level functionality by enabling up to four possible audience levels in Institution Settings (see description below). A user with the Cataloging Admin role can view and edit Institution Settings in Record Manager. Discuss and identify where holdings audience levels may benefit your library. If the ability to set audience levels is not a workflow that fits your library, it can be disabled by reaching out to customer support. Start small with one location and different holding audience levels for a given item. Understand how it will appear in Record Manager, Circulation, Acquisitions and WorldCat Discovery interface. Disabling WorldCat holdings audience levels: If you want to have audience level functionality disabled but have already assigned audience levels to bibliographic and local holdings records, please make sure you revert these changes and set the audience level back to "All Users" before you ask for the feature to be disabled, otherwise these records will no longer display as held by your library. Institutions with branches: Note: |
Follow-up actions
In an effort to keep your staff informed of new features and changes, you may also want to consider these items.
Action |
Please review these release notes and decide how your institution will use audience level functionality.
WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels and how to enable them
WorldCat holdings audience levels allow WMS libraries to control who can see if they have specific titles or copies of an item in their collection. By assigning a specific level to a holding, you can suppress the holding from the general public.
Audience levels can be managed in multiple WMS applications where bibliographic holdings and Local Holdings Records (LHRs) are managed including Acquisitions, Circulation, Collection Manager, and Record Manager. Detailed information can be found on our Help pages as well as in these release notes.
You can specify who your holdings are displayed to at the title or copy level. When your holdings are described by LHRs, the most public LHR will determine who can see if your library holds the related title. The audience levels include:
Audience level | Description |
My Library Staff | Display to library staff in the WorldShare user interface and when authenticated as staff in WorldCat Discovery. |
My Authenticated Users | Display to library staff and users who have logged in with their WorldCat Discovery credentials or are recognized by their IP address (IP ranges are set up in the Service Config for Discovery). |
My Library Users | Display to everyone within your institution's instance of WorldCat Discovery. |
All Users | Display to everyone using WorldCat. |
Note: If your library participates in a circulation group, please note that library staff at all libraries will continue to be able to view your entire collection. For example, an LHR set to My Library Staff will appear to all library staff working in Circulation. This ensures that items on loan, in transit between locations, or requested by patrons are always visible to library staff as they assist patrons.
Institution Settings
Institution Settings is a new option in the Record Manager panel. Opening Institution Settings will allow you to determine which audience levels staff can assign to their collections and what appears in the relevant dropdown lists. Institution Settings also determine your preferred default audience level.
You must have the Cataloging Admin role assigned to your account in order to view and edit Institution Settings in WorldShare Record Manager. Only audience levels that are enabled in the Institution Settings will show up on the pages where they can be assigned or modified.
New features and enhancements in WorldShare Record Manager
To use WorldCat holding audience levels across WMS applications, they must first be enabled in Record Manager's Institution Settings. See WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels and how to enable them.
New Search Scopes
New search scopes have been added to the Scope dropdown lists for bibliographic records and local holding records. These scopes appear depending on the audience levels that your institution has selected in Institution Settings and what you have enabled in your User Preferences.
As a WorldShare Record Manager user (Library Staff) you are able to see all items in your collection, regardless of the audience levels assigned to it.
Example of additional audience level options in the Scope dropdown under the "Bibliographic Records" data type:
Result lists
Information about the assigned audience level has been added to all result lists and allows you to see the audience level for individual titles or local holding records.
Example: Display of Holding Audience Levels for a bibliographic result list
Example: Display of Holding Audience Levels for an LHR result list
View audience levels
In addition to the results lists, there are multiple other locations where you will be able to view the audience level of a bibliographic record or local holdings record.
Record type | Ort | View audience levels |
Bibliographic records | MARC 21 editor | In the MARC 21 header |
Text View editor | In the Text View header | |
Local holdings records | MARC 21 editor | In the MARC 21 header |
Text View editor | In the Text View header | |
LHR record work lists | In the LHR Audience Level column of a work list item | |
Copies screen on a bibliographic record | In the Holding Audience Level column of a copy |
Create new records and assign audience levels
When creating bibliographic records or LHRs in the MARC21 or Text View editor you will now see additional options to assign the audience level of the record.
Example: When adding a new bibliographic record, the Save dropdown menu now has the option to Add Record and Set Holding Audience Level. This option adds the record to WorldCat and sets the selected holding audience level.
Only audience levels that are enabled in the Institution Settings display in the dropdown.
Edit records and change audience levels
When editing bibliographic records or LHRs in the MARC21 or Text View editor you will now see additional options to adjust the audience level of the record. Only audience levels that are enabled in the Institution Settings display in the dropdown.
Note: An audience level can only be changed for a bibliographic record if no LHRs are linked to that bibliographic record!
User Preferences
In addition to the above-mentioned Institution Settings that determine which audience levels your institution is using, you can also set your individual preferences for audience levels in User Preferences.
Your preferences for audience levels can be set in:
- Searching - Basic: select and sort the search scopes for searching bibliographic records and LHRs.
- Searching - Advanced: select and sort the search scopes for searching bibliographic records.
- Working with Records: leave the Default Holding Audience Level for bibliographic records and LHRs as-is to use the default institution setting OR choose to override it with different audience level.
Example: Default LHR Audience Level
Record Work Lists
You can set or change Holding Audience Levels using scripts for both bibliographic records and LHRs.
For bibliographic record work lists the option to Set WorldCat Holdings has been renamed to "Set Holding Audience Level to" and allows you to choose an audience level. Only audience levels that are enabled in the Institution Settings display in the dropdown.
For LHR record work lists two new scripts have been added to the list of base scripts:
- Update Audience Level: updates the audience level of the selected LHRs
- Update Audience Level Match Barcode: updates the audience level of the selected LHRs that have a matching barcode.
Only audience levels that are enabled in the Institution Settings display in the dropdown.
New features and enhancements in WorldShare Circulation
To use WorldCat holding audience levels across WMS applications, they must first be enabled in Record Manager's Institution Settings. See WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels and how to enable them.
New search scopes for Discover Items
New search scopes have been added to the Scope dropdown lists for bibliographic records and local holding records. These scopes appear depending on the audience levels that your institution has selected in WorldShare Record Manager Institution Settings and what you have enabled in your User Preferences. See WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels and how to enable them.
As a library staff user, you are able to see all items in your collection, regardless of the audience levels assigned to it. See Circulation account roles for details.
Example of additional audience level options in the Scope dropdown under the "Bibliographic Records" data type:
Example of additional audience level options in the Scope dropdown under the "Bibliographic Records" data type in Discover Items:
Result lists
Information about the assigned audience level has been added to all result lists and allows you to see the audience level for individual titles or local holding records.
The following is an example of condensed bibliographic search results limited to holdings at the My Library Staff level:
View audience levels
When managing your LHRs in Circulation, you now see additional options to view the audience level of your LHRs.
You may view the audience levels for specific copies from the Copies screen. For monographs, the new Audience Level column has been added to the copies table:
For serials and multi-part holdings, the Audience Level displayed in the Copies accordion applies to all items cataloged on that LHR:
When managing LHRs via the text editor, you can now see additional options to adjust the audience level of the record. Only audience levels that are enabled in your library's WorldShare Record Manager Institution Settings display in the dropdown (see above).
By default, existing local holdings records will be set to the All Users level. You will need the appropriate role to adjust an LHR's audience level:
Serials Management
When receiving issues, you can view the Audience Level.
When receiving issues, the Audience Level displays on the Receive Issues screen:
WMS APIs & web services
To support key library staff and patron workflows, the WMS Circulation API, WMS NCIP Service (all profiles), and the WMS SIP2 Service will allow you to manage all of your items, regardless of audience level.
At this time, the WMS Availability and Collection Management APIs will provide item information only for holdings set to the All Users level.
New features and enhancements in WorldShare Collection Manager
To use WorldCat holding audience levels across WMS applications, they must first be enabled in Record Manager's Institution Settings. See WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels and how to enable them.
Control Holding Audience Level at the Institution Level
Libraries will be able to set the Holding Audience Level at the Institution Level for WorldCat knowledge base collections and Cataloging Partner Collections.
When navigating to WorldShare Collection Manager > Institution Settings > WorldCat Holdings, you will see a list of options for setting the audience level at the institution level for WorldCat knowledge base collections and Cataloging Partner Collections. The individual options for audience level will depend on what has been enabled in Record Manager's Institution Settings. Please note that although Record Manager and Collection Manager both have an Institution Settings tab, WorldCat holdings audience levels can only be enabled from the Institution Settings in Record Manager.
The following options are available, depending on which audience levels you have enabled:
- All Users
- My Libraries Users
- My Authenticated Users
- My Library Staff
All Users will be the default.
Control Holding Audience Level at the Collection Level
Libraries will be able to set the Audience Level at the Institution Level for WorldCat knowledge base collections and Cataloging Partner Collections at the Collection Level
When navigating to WorldShare Collection Manager > Institution Settings > WorldCat Holdings and MARC records, you will see a list of options for setting the audience level at the collection level for WorldCat knowledge base collections and Cataloging Partner Collections. The individual options for audience level will depend on what has been enabled in Record Manager's Institution Settings. Please note that although Record Manager and Collection Manager both have an Institution Settings tab, WorldCat holdings audience levels can only be enabled from the Institution Settings in Record Manager.
The following options are available, depending on which audience levels you have enabled:
- All Users
- My Libraries Users
- My Authenticated Users
- My Library Staff
The Library's Institution Level Holding Audience Level Setting will be the default.
Option to Control Holding Audience Level for Data Sync Collections
Libraries are able to set the Holdings Audience Level for Data Sync Collections.
Please reach out to OCLC Support to request this option for any of your library's Data Sync Collections.
New features and enhancements in WorldShare Acquisitions
To use WorldCat holding audience levels across WMS applications, they must first be enabled in Record Manager's Institution Settings. See WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels and how to enable them.
Support for different audience levels when receiving and ordering
You can assign different audience levels to items ordered using Acquisitions. This allows you to create on-order items and receive items using different audience levels, which in turn allows you to only show items to certain users. Previously, items or Local Holding Records created by Acquisitions have always displayed to all users. Now, you can display certain items only to certain user groups, providing more flexibility. For a general description of audience levels, please see WorldCat holdings audience levels.
To use different audience levels when ordering and receiving:
- You will need to configure the different audience levels for your institution in Record Manager.
- Go to Metadata > Institution Settings.
- Enable the audience levels for your institution that you want to use by checking the boxes under "Display for LHRs".
- Go to Metadata > Institution Settings.
- The audience levels are defined as below:
- All Users: all users and services can see this holding.
- My Library Users: all users visiting my instance of WorldCat Discovery can see this holding.
- My Authenticated Users: all users who have proven they're affiliated with my institution can see this holding.
- My Library Staff: only authenticated users of my institution with staff privileges can see this holding.
- Once the audience levels are configured, go back to Acquisitions and open a monograph order item. (Orders > Order Items > Search for item > Click on the title of an item.)
- Note: Only items with the Processing Type of Monograph have an audience level setting. This is because Acquisitions only creates Local Holding Records (LHRs) for monograph order items.
- The Audience Level dropdown displays in the General tab to the right of Display in WorldCat and just below Processing Type.
- Select "Show item when ordered" for Display in WorldCat. (This is not required to use audience levels but is important if you want to create on-order LHRs with this audience level.)
- Select an audience level for the order item.
- Save the order item.
- Place the order.
- The on-order LHRs created for the item upon placing the order will be created with the audience level chosen in step 5. You can check this by either:
- Opening the Copies screen for that bibliographic record and viewing the audience level of the LHR.
- Searching for the item ordered in Discovery and checking if you can see the item based on your user account status.
- If you update the audience level on the order item before receiving, the audience level of the on-order LHRs will be updated as well.
- To receive copies of the item, go to Receive and Invoice, select Action: Receive, click View items in the left-hand menu, and search for the item in question.
- In the top right of the table, click on the gear icon to enable the Audience Level column in the receiving search results.
- The Audience Level column will display to the right of Order Number. This allows you to see the audience level before receiving the item.
- Receive the item by entering a barcode and call number for the item and pressing enter.
- The received item will be created with the Audience Level selected for the order item at the time of receiving.
- You can still go back to the Order Item and change the Audience Level of the order item, but you will receive a warning that this change will not affect received copies (LHRs) of the item. The audience level of these items must be changed in either Record Manager or Discover Items.
Support for audience levels when receiving and binding serial issues
You can also view the audience level of a Local Holding Record (LHR) when you are receiving and binding serial issues. This allows you to see the audience level of the LHR to which you are receiving issues or on which you are binding issues. This is helpful to know, so that you do not receive issues on LHRs that are private unless you intend to do so. Previously, audience levels were not supported for LHRs, so this data was not available when receiving or binding serial issues. Now, you can view this information when receiving or binding serial issues.
To view the audience level when receiving issues:
- Search for a serial title in Discover Items in Acquisitions.
- Click on the title.
- Go to Issues > Receive Issues tab.
- Click on receive next to the issue you want to receive.
- In the resulting dialog, the Audience Level will display to the right of Call Number.
To view the audience level when binding serial issues:
- Search for a serial title that has more than 20 copies/LHRs in Discover Items in Acquisitions.
- Click on the title.
- Go to Issues > Issues to Bind.
- Select issues and click Add to Binding Unit.
- In the Binding Unit dialog, under Permanent Location for Bound Volume > Local Holding Record. If the number of LHRs for the record is greater than 20, there will be a Select Local Holding Record button there.
- Click this button.
- The Audience Level will display in the table of LHRs.
New features and enhancements in WorldCat Discovery
Suppress holdings to staff or local library
WorldCat Discovery will now consider the WorldCat holding audience level in combination with the user’s role/permission when displaying search results. By assigning a WorldCat holdings audience level, WMS libraries can control who can see if they own specific titles or copies of an item in their collection.
A WorldCat holding audience level can be set in the following WorldShare applications: Record Manager, Acquisitions, Circulation and Collection Manager. WorldCat holding audience levels cannot be managed in WorldCat Discovery. Detailed information can be found on our Help pages as well as in each application's release notes.
See below for details about how an audience level affects the results display within WorldCat Discovery:
Audience Level | Impact to WorldCat Discovery display |
My Library Staff | Only signed-in users with staff permissions can view this holding at my instance of WorldCat Discovery. |
My Authenticated Users | Users who have signed in or are recognized by IP Address can view this holding at my instance of WorldCat Discovery (IP ranges can be enabled in in OCLC Service Configuration). |
My Library Users | Any non-authenticated user can view this holding at my instance of WorldCat Discovery. |
All Users (default audience level) | All non-authenticated users can view this holding on and my instance of WorldCat Discovery. |
- This enhancement does not support suppression of the bibliographic record itself.
- Central Index resources are out of scope as audience levels will only apply to WorldCat records. A to Z list is also out of scope.
The Holdings Audience Level label is included for authenticated Staff users of WorldCat Discovery on the search results and item details pages.
Search results display for a signed-in staff user when holding is set to My Authenticated Users:
Search results display for a signed-in user when holding is set to My Authenticated Users:
Search results display for an unauthenticated user when holding is set to My Authenticated Users:
Enable IP authenticated ranges to show suppressed holdings
When the IP range is enabled, non-authenticated users within the designated IP range will be able to access holdings set to My Authenticated Users without signing in to WorldCat Discovery. You can enable the IP range by navigating to Service Configuration > WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Display Settings > WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels Access.
You can manage your IP addresses in OCLC Service Configuration: WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > IP Addresses.
Service Configuration display:
Enable a sign-in prompt for a more personalized experience
When the sign-in prompt is enabled, a modal will display to promote “Sign in for the full experience". Users who are signed into WorldCat Discovery will have a more personalized session and immediate access to recently released features (automatically add most recent searches to My Account upon sign-in) and future functionality that will require authentication.
Additionally, when audience levels are set to My Authenticated Users AND the user is outside of the IP range OR the IP range is not enabled, sign-in is required to view holdings set at this level.
Service Configuration display:
WorldCat Discovery display:
Support website(s)
Support information for related products can be found at: