Export preferences

Discover how to set preferences for general, international, TCP/IP, and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) export in WorldShare Record Manager.


Before you can export a record, you must set up your export preferences. After preferences have been set, all export lists you create will be formatted accordingly. Your existing lists will not change if you update your user preferences, or if users with different preferences add to them. This applies to all lists, including Shared Lists and My Lists.

  1. In the left navigation, click User Preferences.
  2. From the User Preferences screen, click Exporting - Bibliographic Records. The Exporting - Bibliographic Records accordion opens with four available tabs: General (default), International, TCP/IP, and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).  


Set preferences for general export

Exporting - Bibliographic Records accordion: General tab - Image
General tab
  1. For Format, select a format for your export records from the drop-down list.
    • MARC 21 with MARC-8
    • MARC 21 with UTF-8 Unicode (default)
    • MARCXML with UTF-8 Unicode
    • MARC 21 with MARC-8 and LHR
    • MARC 21 with UTF-8 Unicode and LHR
    • MARCXML with UTF-8 Unicode and LHR
    • Dublin Core Simple with UTF-8 Unicode
    • Dublin Core Qualified with UTF-8 Unicode
    • OCLC Dublin Core Simple with UTF-8 Unicode
    • OCLC Dublin Core Qualified with UTF-8 Unicode
    • MODS with UTF-8 Unicode
  2. In the Exclude Bibliographic Data area, you can:
    • Exclude an entire field - In the Exclude Matching Field(s) area:
      1. Select the field to exclude from the Tag drop-down list.
      2. Select the indicator(s) the field contains from the Ind 1 and Ind 2 drop-down lists.
    • Remove a field that contains specific subfield(s) - In the Exclude Matching Field(s) area:
      1. Select the field to exclude from the Tag drop-down list.
      2. Select the indicator(s) the field contains from the Ind 1 and Ind 2 drop-down lists.
      3. Select or enter the subfield(s) the field contains from the Subfield(s) drop-down list. This list contains an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for list-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field.
    • Exclude specific subfield(s) from a field - In the Exclude Subfield(s) in Matching Field(s) area:
      1. Select the field that contains the subfields you want to exclude from the Tag drop-down list.
      2. Select the indicator(s) the field contains from the Ind 1 and Ind 2 drop-down lists.
      3. Select or enter the subfield(s) you want to exclude from the Subfield(s) drop-down list. This list contains an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for list-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field.

    • Fields are excluded before the subfields.
    • Add additional tags by clicking the Add (Add button) button.
    • Remove tags by clicking the Remove (Remove button) button.
    • You can add up to 100 field exclusions for both whole field exclusions and subfield within a field exclusions.
  3. Click Save.

Set preferences for international export

Exporting - Bibliographic Records accordion: International tab - Image
International tab
  1. Click the International tab.
  2. For Non-Latin Content Exported, select how Latin and Non-Latin content will appear in exported records from the drop-down list.
    • All data with Latin script in 880 fields
    • All data with other scripts in 880 fields
    • Latin script only
    • Other scripts only
  3. For Diacritic Character Usage, select whether you want Decomposed or Precomposed.
  4. For Warning, select Warn before exporting bibliographic records that include unlinked non-Latin script fields if you want the system to generate an error message before you export MARC 21 bibliographic records that include unlinked non-Latin script fields.

Set preferences for TCP/IP export

 Note: Institutions with a firewall must configure it to recognize and accept data from the following IP address to export records directly from OCLC into an ILS:

Exporting - Bibliographic Records accordion: TCP/IP tab - Image
TCP/IP tab
  1. Click the TCP/IP tab.
  2. For TCP/IP connection options, enter:
    1. Host Name- Enter the TCP/IP name (e.g., lib.domain.edu) or the numeric TCP/IP address of the host computer that runs your local system.
    2. Port Number- Enter the port number that will be used to receive the exported records
    3. Authentication- Select an authentication method from the drop-down list.
      • None
      • Login ID - Enter the ID and password to access your local system. Select Mask Password if you do not want the password to be visible.
      • User ID- Enter the ID to access your local system.
      • Select Mask ID if you do not want the ID to be visible.
  3. For Connection Delay, select the wait time, in minutes, that occurs between each record sent in a batch from the drop-down list. The default wait time is 0.25 minutes.
  4. For Connection Attempts, select the maximum number of attempts to retry connecting to the local system if the first connection attempt fails from the drop-down list. The default maximum number is 0.
  5. For Gateway Export Response Messaging, click Use Messaging to enable messaging.
    1. If enabled, select the amount of time, in seconds, that messaging is displayed from the Messaging Timeout drop-down list. The default amount of time until timeout is 5 seconds.
  6. Click Save.

Set preferences for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) export

Exporting - Bibliographic Records accordion: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) tab - Image
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) tab
  1. For Name Headings Identity Services, select which name headings identity services to include with exported records.
    • GND Authorities
    • LC/NACO Authority File
  2. For Subject Headings Identity Services, select which subject headings identity services to include with exported records.
    • GND Authorities
    • LC Subject Authority File
    • MeSH Authorities