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OCLC Support

Create a cataloging partner collection


Follow the instructions to create a cataloging partner collection in Collection Manager.

Configure institution settings

If you haven't already, Configure institution settings for cataloging partner collections.

Gather your account information

Gather your account information including your account number(s) as defined by your provider. You will need to enter a collection ID for each collection you create under an account number. The account number and collection ID you use to create your collection must match what your provider sends to OCLC in your manifest.

When you customize your record profile in Collection Manager, you will have options for mapping data values to your records. Note that much of the data is supplied by your material provider. Providers differ in what library-specific data they send. Please contact your provider if you have questions about what they send OCLC on your behalf. See the data values available in Collection Manager.

See the list of Material providers for cataloging partner collections.

Create a collection

Navigate to Create a Collection

  1. Navigate to Collection Manager Create a Collection.
  2. Select Cataloging partner collection.

Complete the collection-level fields

Note that when you create a cataloging partner collection, the account number is that defined by your provider and the collection ID must match what your provider sends OCLC in your manifest. Coordinate with your provider as needed. Please remember to SAVE. If your session times out, you could lose your work.

Complete the required collection-level fields:

  1. In the Properties accordion, complete:
    1. Collection Name (required)
    2. Provider (required)
    3. Account Number (required; defined by your material provider)
    4. Collection ID (required; coordinate with your material provider)

Complete the remaining collection-level accordions:

  1. WorldCat Holdings
  2. MARC Records
  3. Labels
  4. Dewey Call Numbers

 For a complete list and details about cataloging partner collection-level settings, see Cataloging partner collection-level settings.

Search for cataloging partner collections

Search for cataloging partner collections that you have already created:

  1. Navigate to the search box in Collection Manager.
  2. Select Collection as the Data Type and My Selected Collections as the Scope.
  3. Click Search. The search will return all of the collections your library has selected or created.
  4. Select Cataloging Partner Collections from the Filter by drop-down list.