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Tags 500-599

Find the indicators, subfield codes, repeatability, and definitions for bibliographic record tags 500-599.

Ind = Indicator  |  SFC = Subfield code  |  R = Repeatable  |  NR = Nonrepeatable  |  Blank = Blank


Tag 500

Tag 500
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
500       General Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a General Note (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 501

Tag 501
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
501       "With" Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a With note (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 502

Tag 502
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
502       Dissertation Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Dissertation note (NR)
    ‡b Degree type (NR)
      Degree for which author was candidate
    ‡c Name of granting institution (NR)
    ‡d Year degree granted (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous information (R)
      Data that is not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield
    ‡o Dissertation identifier (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 503 (obsolete)

Tag 503 (obsolete)
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
503 obsolete      

Bibliographic History Note (R)

 Note: Field obsolete

Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Bibliographic history note (NR)

Tag 504

Tag 504
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
504       Bibliography, Etc. Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Bibliography, etc. note (NR)
    ‡b Number of references (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 505

Tag 505
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
505       Formatted Contents Note (R)
0     Contents
1     Incomplete contents
2     Partial contents
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Basic
  0   Enhanced
    ‡a Formatted contents note (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous information (R)
    ‡r Statement of responsibility (R)
    ‡t Title (R)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 506

Tag 506
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
506       Restrictions on Access Note (R)
Blank     Undefined
0     No restrictions
1     Restrictions apply
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Terms governing access (NR)
    ‡b Jurisdiction (R)
    ‡c Physical access provisions (R)
    ‡d Authorized users (R)
    ‡e Authorization (R)
    ‡f Standardized terminology for access restriction (R)
    ‡g Availability date (R)
    ‡q Supplying Agency (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 507

Tag 507
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
507       Scale Note for Graphic Material (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Representative fraction of scale note (NR)
    ‡b Remainder of scale note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 508

Tag 508
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
508       Creation/Production Credits Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Creation/production credits note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 510

Tag 510
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
510       Citation/Reference Note (R)

Coverage unknown

 Note: Invalid first value obsolete

1     Coverage complete
2     Coverage is selective
3     Location is source not given
4     Location is source given
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Name of source (NR)
    ‡b Coverage of source (NR)
    ‡c Location within source (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 511

Tag 511
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
511       Participant or Performer Note (R)
Blank     No information provided
0     No display constant provided
1     Cast
2     Presenter
3     Narrator
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Participant or performer note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 513

Tag 513
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
513       Type of Report and Period Covered Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Type of report (NR)
    ‡b Period covered (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 514

Tag 514
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
514       Date Quality Note (NR)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Attribute accuracy report (NR)
    ‡b Attribute accuracy value (R)
    ‡c Attribute accuracy explanation (R)
    ‡d Logical consistency report (NR)
    ‡e Completeness report (NR)
    ‡f Horizontal position accuracy report (NR)
    ‡g Horizontal position accuracy value (R)
    ‡h Horizontal position accuracy explanation (R)
    ‡i Vertical position accuracy report (NR)
    ‡j Vertical position accuracy value (R)
    ‡k Vertical position accuracy explanation (R)
    ‡m Cloud cover (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡z Display note (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 515

Tag 515
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
515       Numbering Peculiarities Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Numbering peculiarities note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 516

Tag 516
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
516       Type of Computer File or Data Note (R)
Blank     Type of file
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Type of computer file or data note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 518

Tag 518
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
518       Date/Time and Place of an Event Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Date/time and place of an event note (NR)
    ‡d Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡o Other event information (R)
    ‡p Place of event (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 520

Tag 520
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
520       Summary, Etc. Note (R)
Blank     Summary
0     Subject
1     Review
2     Scope and content
3     Abstract
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Summary, etc. (NR)
    ‡b Expansion of summary note (NR)
    ‡c Assigning source (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 521

Tag 521
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
521       Target Audience Note (R)
Blank     Audience
0     Reading grade level
1     Interest age level
2     Interest grade level
3     Special audience characteristics
4     Motivation/interest level
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Target audience note (R)
    ‡b Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 522

Tag 522
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
522       Geographic Coverage Note (R)
Blank     Geographic coverage
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Geographic coverage note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 523 (obsolete)

Tag 523 (obsolete)
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
523 obsolete      

Time Period of Content Note (NR)

 Note: Field obsolete

Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Chronological coverage note (NR)
    ‡b Dates of data collection note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Tag 524

Tag 524
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
524       Preferred Citation of Described Materials Note (R)
Blank     Cite as
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Preferred citation of described materials note (NR)
    ‡2 Source of schema used (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 525

Tag 525
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
525       Supplement Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Supplement note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 526

Tag 526
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
526       Study Program Information Note (R)
0     Reading program
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Program name (NR)
    ‡b Interest level (NR)
    ‡c Reading level (NR)
    ‡d Title point value (NR)
    ‡i Display text (NR)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 530

Tag 530
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
530       Additional Physical Form Available Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Additional physical form available note (NR)
    ‡b Availability source (NR)
    ‡c Availability conditions (NR)
    ‡d Order number (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 532

Tag 532
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
532       Accessibility Note (R)
0     Accessibility technical details
1     Accessibility features
2     Accessibility deficiencies
8     No display constant generated
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Summary of accessibility (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 533

Tag 533
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
533       Reproduction Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Type of reproduction (NR)
    ‡b Place of reproduction (R)
    ‡c Agency responsible for reproduction (R)
    ‡d Date of reproduction (NR)
    ‡e Physical description of reproduction (NR)
    ‡f Series statement of reproduction (R)
    ‡m Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced (R)
    ‡n Notes about reproduction (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Fixed-length data elements of reproduction (NR)

  • Subfield ‡7 contains 15 character positions that pertain to the reproduction
    • /0 Type of date/Publication status
    • /1-4 Date 1/Beginning date of publication
    • /5-8 Date 2/Ending date of publication
    • /9-11 Place of publication, production, or execution
    • /12 Frequency
    • /13 Regularity
    • /14 Form of item
  • The coded data elements correspond to those in the 008 field
  • Although not input directly online, field 533 subfield ‡7 is created based on coding of field 539 whenever the record is output
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 534

Tag 534
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
534       Original Version Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Main entry of original (NR)
    ‡b Edition statement of original (NR)
    ‡c Publication, distribution, etc. of original (NR)
    ‡e Physical description, etc. of original (NR)
    ‡f Series statement of original (NR)
    ‡k Key title of original (R)
    ‡l Location of original (NR)
    ‡m Material-specified details (NR)
    ‡n Note about original (R)
    ‡o Other resource identifier (R)
    ‡p Introductory phrase (NR)
    ‡t Title statement of original (NR)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (R)
    ‡z International Standard Book Number (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 535

Tag 535
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
535       Location of Originals/Duplicates Note (R)


 Note: Value obsolete

1     Holder of originals
2     Holder of duplicates

Holder of oral tapes

 Note: Value obsolete

  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Custodian (NR)
    ‡b Postal address (R)
    ‡c Country (R)
    ‡d Telecommunications address (R)
    ‡g Repository location code (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 536

Tag 536
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
536       Funding Information Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Text of note (NR)
    ‡b Contract number (R)
    ‡c Grant number (R)
    ‡d Undifferentiated number (R)
    ‡e Program element number (R)
    ‡f Project number (R)
    ‡g Task number (R)
    ‡h Work unit number (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 537 (obsolete)

Tag 537 (obsolete)
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
537 obsolete      

Source of Data Note (NR)

 Note: Field obsolete

Blank     No information provided
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Source of data (NR)

Tag 538

Tag 538
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
538       System Details Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a System details note (NR)
    ‡i Display text (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 539

Tag 539
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition

Fixed-Length Data Elements of Reproduction Note (R)

  • OCLC defined
  • Although formerly output as field 539, this field is currently appended to field 533 as subfield ‡7
  • See fields 533 subfield ‡7 for details

Tag 540

Tag 540
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
540       Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Terms governing use and reproduction (NR)
    ‡b Jurisdiction (NR)
    ‡c Authorization (NR)
    ‡d Authorized users (NR)
    ‡f Use and reproduction rights (R)
    ‡g Availability date (R)
    ‡q Supplying agency (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 541

Tag 541
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
541       Immediate Source of Acquisition Note (R)
Blank     No information provided
0     Private
1     Not private
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Source of acquisition (NR)
    ‡b Address (NR)
    ‡c Method of acquisition (NR)
    ‡d Date of acquisition (NR)
    ‡e Accession number (NR)
    ‡f Owner (NR)
    ‡h Purchase price (NR)
    ‡n Extent (R)
    ‡o Type of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 542

Tag 542
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
542       Information Relating to Copyright Status (R)
Blank     No information provided
0     Private
1     Not private
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Personal creator (NR)
    ‡b Personal creator death date (NR)
    ‡c Corporate creator (NR)
    ‡d Copyright holder (R)
    ‡e Copyright holder contact information (R)
    ‡f Copyright statement (R)
    ‡g Copyright date (NR)
    ‡h Copyright renewal date (R)
    ‡i Publication date (NR)
    ‡j Creation date (NR)
    ‡k Publisher (R)
    ‡l Copyright status (NR)
    ‡m Publication status (NR)
    ‡n Note (R)
    ‡o Research date (NR)
    ‡p Country of publication or creation (R)
    ‡q Supplying agency (NR)
    ‡r Jurisdiction of copyright assessment (NR)
    ‡s Source of information (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 544

Tag 544
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
544       Location of Other Archival Materials Note (R)
Blank     No information provided
0     Associated materials
1     Related materials
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Custodian (R)
    ‡b Address (R)
    ‡c Country (R)
    ‡d Title (R)
    ‡e Provenance (R)
    ‡n Note (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 545

Tag 545
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
545       Biographical or Historical Note (R)
Blank     Undefined
0     Biographical sketch
1     Administrative history
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Biographical or historical data (NR)
    ‡b Expansion (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 546

Tag 546
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
546       Language Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Language note (NR)
    ‡b Information code or alphabet (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 547

Tag 547
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
547       Former Title Complexity Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Former title complexity note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 550

Tag 550
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
550       Issuing Body Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Issuing body note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 551 (obsolete)

Tag 551 (obsolete)
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
551 obsolete      

Entity and Attribute Information Note (R)

 Note: Field obsolete

Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Entity type label (NR)
    ‡b Entity type Definition and source (NR)
    ‡c Attribute level (NR)
    ‡d Attribute Definition and source (NR)
    ‡e Enumerated domain value (R)
    ‡f Enumerated domain value Definition and source (R)
    ‡g Range domain minimum and maximum (NR)
    ‡h Codeset name and source (NR)
    ‡i Unrepresentable domain (NR)
    ‡j Attribute units of measurement and resolution (NR)
    ‡k Beginning date and ending date of attribute values (NR)
    ‡l Attribute value accuracy (NR)
    ‡m Attribute value accuracy explanation (NR)
    ‡n Attribute measurement frequency (NR)
    ‡o Entity and attribute overview (R)
    ‡p Entity and attribute detail citation (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Tag 552

Tag 552
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
552       Entity and Attribute Information Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Entity label type (NR)
    ‡b Entity type Definition and source (NR)
    ‡c Attribute level (NR)
    ‡d Attribute Definition and source (NR)
    ‡e Enumerated domain value (R)
    ‡f Enumerated domain value Definition and source (R)
    ‡g Range domain minimum and maximum (NR)
    ‡h Codeset name and source (NR)
    ‡i Unrepresentable domain (NR)
    ‡j Attribute units of measurement and resolution (NR)
    ‡k Beginning date and ending date of attribute values (NR)
    ‡l Attribute value accuracy (NR)
    ‡m Attribute value accuracy explanation (NR)
    ‡n Attribute measurement frequency (NR)
    ‡o Entity and attribute overview (R)
    ‡p Entity and attribute detail citation (R)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡z Display note (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 555

Tag 555
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
555       Cumulative Index/Finding Aids Note (R)
Blank     Indexes
0     Finding aids
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Cumulative index/finding aids note (NR)
    ‡b Availability source (R)
    ‡c Degree of control (NR)
    ‡d Bibliographic references (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 556

Tag 556
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
556       Information About Documentation Note (R)
Blank     Documentation
8     No display constant generated
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Information about documentation note (NR)
    ‡z International Standard Book Number (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 561

Tag 561
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
561       Ownership and Custodial History (R)
Blank     No information provided
0     Private
1     Not private
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a History (NR)

Time of collation (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 562

Tag 562
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
562       Copy and Version Identification Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Identifying markings (R)
    ‡b Copy identification (R)
    ‡c Version identification (R)
    ‡d Presentation format (R)
    ‡e Number of copies (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 563

Tag 563
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
563       Binding Information (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Binding note (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 565

Tag 565
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
565       Case File Characteristics Note (R)
Blank     File size
0     Case file characteristics
8     No display constant generated
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Number of cases/variables (NR)
    ‡b Names of variables (R)
    ‡c Unit of analysis (R)
    ‡d Universe of data (R)
    ‡e Filing scheme or codes (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 567

Tag 567
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
567       Methodology Note (R)
Blank     Methodology
8     No display constant generated
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Methodology note (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 580

Tag 580
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
580       Linking Entry Complexity Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Linking entry complexity note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 581

Tag 581
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
581       Publications About Described Materials Note (R)
Blank     Publications
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Publications about described materials note (NR)
    ‡z International Standard Book Number (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 582 (obsolete)

Tag 582 (obsolete)
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
582 obsolete      

Related Computer Files Notes (R)

 Note: Field obsolete

Blank     No information provided
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Related computer files note (NR)

Tag 583

Tag 583
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
583       Action Note (R)
Blank     No information provided
0     Private
1     Not private
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Action (NR)
    ‡b Action identification (R)
    ‡c Time/date of action (R)
    ‡d Action interval (R)
    ‡e Contingency for action (R)
    ‡f Authorization (R)
    ‡h Jurisdiction (R)
    ‡i Method of action (R)
    ‡j Site of action (R)
    ‡k Action agent (R)
    ‡l Status (R)
    ‡n Extent (R)
    ‡o Type of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 584

Tag 584
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
584       Accumulation and Frequency of Use Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Accumulation (R)
    ‡b Frequency of use (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 585

Tag 585
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
585       Exhibitions Note (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Exhibitions note (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 586

Tag 586
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
586       Awards Note (R)
Blank     Awards
8     No display constant provided
  Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Awards note (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 588

Tag 588
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition
588       Source of Description (R)
Blank Blank   Undefined
0     Source of description
1     Latest issue consulted
    ‡a Source of description note (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 590

Tag 590
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition

Local Note (R)

  • OCLC defined
Blank Blank   Undefined
    ‡a Local note (NR)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 599

Tag 599
Tag Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definition

Differentiable Local Note (R)

  • OCLC defined
Blank, 0-9     Locally defined
  Blank, 0-9   Locally defined
    ‡a-z Differentiable local note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)